Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1091: learning war in war

The signal received by the Donghai was too chaotic, Qi Haifeng hesitated for a moment, and decisively blocked some communication frequencies, leaving only the command frequency band and the communication frequency of the front-line combat troops.

Just at this time, a military communication satellite came out from behind the earth, and the sound echoing in the bridge suddenly became much refreshing.

Qi Haifeng separated the command frequency band and hung it on the speaker, then pulled the communication of the front-line troops to the screen, and tapped one of the audio tracks with his flexible fingertips.

A voice echoed in the bridge: "530, 530, move closer to me!"

Qi Haifeng moved his finger and clicked another track: "363, 363, keep the formation."

"851, 851, keep up with..."

Various voices echoed one by one with Qi Haifeng's jumping fingertips, and a mellow voice jumped into everyone's ears: "727, are you afraid?"

Qi Haifeng's fingers stagnated, and the fingers that were about to fall stopped in the air.

A young voice said, "Don't be afraid."

A mellow voice chuckled: "A lie."

The young 727 immediately panicked: "Who is afraid!"

"I'm afraid," said the mellow voice. "I've never been afraid during training. I thought I wasn't afraid, but I...I really..."

"What do you mean by telling me this? Do you want to be a deserter?"

"No, I just want to talk to someone... Don't worry, even if it's for the sake of my family, I can hold on, deserter? It wasn't before, it's not now, and it won't be in the future..."

"726, in fact, I also..."

Qi Haifeng wanted to continue listening, but another louder voice suddenly resounded through the bridge: "Every unit pays attention, the distance is 5,500, prepare to launch long-range missiles..."

A frightened voice suddenly sounded: "The enemy plane fires, the enemy plane launches missiles!"

"All units are ready to intercept—"

A cold air rushed up to the top of Ye Han's spine: "Missiles? Aliens have?" He suddenly remembered the prisoners who fell into the hands of the aliens. What did they reveal to the aliens? After a while, will it be possible to build a nuclear bomb?

Qi Haifeng shook his head with a sullen face: "It's not the missile you thought."

"what is that?"

"It's a bug, a bug that can fly in a vacuum."

Ye Han's expression froze immediately: "Use bugs as missiles?"

Bian Ge was confused: "Isn't that a bug bomb?"

"And there's more than one." Qi Haifeng said, "One is fast and has a very hard head. It can hit anything hard, and even a warship can knock out a pit; Like the alien, it has a belly and strong acid, and it flies slower but more nimble; there is another one that is neither fast nor nimble, but this thing can shine as finely as a light worm. "

Ye Han's heart froze when he heard half of it, and when he heard it, his heart almost froze.

Isn't this the study of war in war? It's an extraterrestrial version!

Bian Ge's cheeks twitched violently: "What's the point of not letting people live?" He still felt quite hopeful, but after listening to Qi Haifeng's words, he suddenly felt that the interceptor fleet could kill more than 400 enemy ships. Miracle.

Qi Haifeng said again: "I only heard about this after leaving Jupiter. I asked Nanzhou, and so far no aliens have been found to have missiles there."

"You mean, the alien fleet brought all the bug bombs and left nothing?"

Qi Haifeng nodded: "It should be, there may be, but it has been useless."

During the bombing of Ganymede, there was nothing unusual about the alien warships that exchanged fire with the assault fleet, but just a few days later, the alien fleets that exchanged fire with the interceptor fleet used a lot of bug bombs.

"No, it's not possible, it must be." Ye Han said, "At that time Ganymede was still the base camp of aliens, and it was impossible for the alien fleet to take all the female insects away."

"Isn't it?" Qi Haifeng straightened up in shock, "We have destroyed so many giant ships, and we haven't seen a single bug bomb... With so many alien nobles dead, how can they hold back?"

"I would rather give up the giant ship than expose the bug bomb. Are aliens so secretive?" Bian Ge didn't want to believe it was true.

"It may have been for confidentiality in the beginning, but then there should be no chance... Don't talk about it," Ye Han looked at Qi Haifeng, "Let's go, why did you stop?"

Qi Haifeng moved his finger, and a voice appeared: "Five thousand kilometers, all units, free fire!"

Bian Ge was stunned: "Why didn't you intercept the bug bomb? Is it too far away?"

Qi Haifeng nodded: "The interceptor missile's range is not enough." Five thousand kilometers is the longest range of a long-range missile. Which round gets the interceptor missile to speak?

"What's the range of the interceptor missile?"

"Depending on the situation, the interceptor missiles are small in size, and they all rely on quantity to win. The range is from 500 to 50... In addition, there are radar early warning and laser anti-missile."

"What?" Bian Ge didn't hear clearly.

"It is to use radar to detect insect bombs, and then use the matching laser cannon to kill the insect Qi Haifeng said, "It is very useful to deal with acid insects and light insects, and the effect of hitting insects is average. a bit. "

"This is good!" Bian Ge praised.

Qi Haifeng smiled bitterly: "What's the matter, this thing is modified from the close-range artillery, the power is too high, the point on the fighter is not enough, and it takes a long time to shoot a cannon. I heard that Beiyuezhou built several ships with reactors. The anti-missile gunboats, I don't know the effect."

"Why don't you use a chemical laser?" Long Jianguo asked.

"The raw materials are too troublesome, it is better to use electricity."

Ye Han suddenly interjected: "Old Qi, what else do alien planes have besides missiles? Shimmer?" He understands air combat better than the rest of the audience. Think about it, his own fighter jets use cannons and their own shimmers. The enemy plane's just a nightmare, okay?

Qi Haifeng shook his head: "They don't have machine guns, and they rely on bug bombs for air combat. Their fighter jets aren't that big either, but they carry a lot of bug bombs."

Ye Han rubbed his brows: "Why do I lose confidence the more I listen?"

Qi Haifeng said, "I'm less confident than you guys..."

"All units, prepare for medium-range missiles—" The voice from the earth interrupted Qi Haifeng, he refreshed the screen in front of him, and immediately saw many new audio tracks.

With a flick of his finger, he clicked on a track: "I hit it, the long-range missile hits the first shot..."

Point your finger again: "Lock on the enemy plane, the radar locks on the enemy plane - Missile No. 4, launch... Missile No. 5, launch..."

"Disperse, the enemy disperses... Squadrons 1 and 2 are on the left, and squadrons 3 and 4 are on the left, and the others come with me..."

"Fire when it's locked, don't wait for the order..."

"It's getting closer." Ye Han murmured to himself, and the scene of thousands of his own fighter planes spreading out while advancing, and they were about to encounter the enemy, appeared in his mind.

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