Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1102: Level 3 Defense System

After reading the information, everyone stared at each other for a while, and they all had the feeling of a sun and a dog. There are hundreds of thousands of lasers at every turn. Is this still the moon?

Although the consumption of building a laser array is not comparable to that of a battleship, the power of the laser array exceeds that of all active battleships.

And in order to facilitate maintenance, how simple is Beiyuezhou? All lasers are the simplest in structure, and even the control equipment below is much more precise than the laser... After all, the control equipment is the most critical of the laser artillery array. The basics.

Think about it, if the control equipment is not precise enough, how can more than 700,000 lasers be aimed at targets tens of thousands of kilometers away at the same time? How can so many lasers fire at the same time, and finally hit a target point together?

Coordination issues alone can be a pain in the ass.

Another disadvantage of this thing is that it must be fixed on the ground. If it can be installed on a battleship... Well, it doesn't need to be installed on a non-battleship. A salvo from a few more battleships can achieve the same effect.

But in the current situation, it is hard to say when Beiyuezhou will be able to save so many battleships.

Ye Han noticed that the construction of the No. 1 Array was started shortly after the departure of the assault fleet. It seems that at that time, the military began to plan ahead and prepare for the aliens to hit the earth.

He suddenly woke up: "You say, is there such a super cannon on earth?"

"Should have?" Xiao Yuan said cautiously.

Don't look at him being the most talkative, but here he has the lowest military rank, so he is very low-key today.

Unexpectedly, Ye Han, who asked the question, suddenly shook his head: "I hope so too, but the possibility is too small."

"Why?" Xiao Yuan was puzzled.

"Because of the vacuum." Ye Han said, "The surface of the moon is vacuum, there is no wind, no rain and no fog, so the laser can stay there all the time; the earth is different, and the laser will definitely go wrong after a long time. Even if there is, it can't be like the moon. With such a direct position on the top, I think it is more likely to disperse the gun positions and focus fire, as long as there are enough gun positions to fire at the same time, the power will definitely not be worse than these arrays on the moon."

"That's great!" Everyone suddenly had some hope in their hearts, looking forward to the laser air defense net being able to block the aliens.

Ye Han said: "I can't wait and see, let's go back first, Lao Qi, let us know in time if there is any situation, and let us know if you have anything to help."

"Don't worry." Qi Haifeng agreed immediately.

They said what to do, but the alien fleet over there is flying to the earth, who doesn't feel like a big rock in their hearts?

There is one up and down the whole ship, and as long as the consciousness is still awake, one cannot help worrying about the fate of the earth.

Everyone spent a long day in a painful depression. The next day was not good, and everyone rushed to the bridge involuntarily.

Ye Han was a little earlier than the scheduled time, but when the bridge door opened, he was stunned to find that everyone else was already waiting in the bridge.

He slowly floated into the bridge and waved at everyone: "Lao Qi, how is the situation?"

"Just after the synchronous orbit, it is decelerating." Qi Haifeng said.

Ye Han casually found a spot: "What is the reaction of the earth?"

"Nothing special, the rail gun array should be ready." Qi Haifeng said, "Aliens are quite shrewd, and they play the game of dividing troops."

"Separate troops? Try it out." Ye Han turned to look at the screen.

More than 200 enemy ships have been divided into several groups, approaching the earth from different directions, the farthest is still near the synchronous orbit, and the nearest is close to the laser satellite.

The laser satellites have long been ready, and a series of photovoltaic panels like wings spread out. The angles and directions are surprisingly consistent, extremely neat, and they look imposing.

"Definitely." Qi Haifeng said.

Ye Han suddenly discovered that alien spaceships are haunting all directions of the earth, but there is no enemy ship in the direction of the moon, so he can't help pointing to the screen and said, "Does this make super cannons afraid?"

The distance between Earth and Moon is 380,000 kilometers, and the planned range of the No. 3 laser cannon array is only 180,000 kilometers. There is no need for aliens to hide that far.

Qi Haifeng smiled and said, "I'm afraid, but it has nothing to do with the moon."

Ye Han glared angrily: "Stop selling off, hurry up."

Qi Haifeng repeatedly agreed, pointed at the screen and said, "Beijing Yuezhou not only developed a super cannon, but also developed a three-level defense system."

"What?" Ye Han straightened his ears.

"Three-level defense system." Qi Haifeng repeated, "To put it simply, three space stations equipped with super cannons were built between the earth and the moon, the cannons on the moon were used to protect the first-level space station, and then the first-level space station was used to protect it. The second-level space station, the one at the bottom covers the earth. The aliens wanted to go this way, but they got shot and retreated."

The top-down three-level firepower system immediately appeared in Ye Han's can't help but be a little stunned: "Why don't you install this technology on a battleship?"

"You can ask me about it." Qi Haifeng said, "I only have so much information."

Long Jianguo said: "Maybe there is some defect."

Ye Han was slightly startled, and nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, the alien warship finally flew to the vicinity of the satellite cannon array. The hatch on the ship opened wide, and the ice-white alien warship floated out like a butterfly through a flower, and then swarmed towards the satellite light cannon.

As soon as the aircraft group entered the range, the satellite light cannons fired automatically, and lasers flew out of the gun barrels, and they simply destroyed the enemy aircraft one by one.

Not to be outdone, the alien swarm kept firing bug bombs at the satellite.

The straight-line distance between the two sides was less than 100 kilometers. After a while, the insect bombs flew over this distance. Satellites are not as good as drones. They don't know how to avoid them. They are either crushed by insect bombs on the spot, or they are splashed with acid by acid bombs, and even more are destroyed by light bombs.

Some bug bombs failed to hit their targets, and continued to fly towards the earth beyond the satellite light cannons, burning up in the atmosphere after a while.

Insect bombs are too small to break through the atmosphere at all.

The satellite defense line was too fragile, and everyone watched helplessly as the defense line went from being to nothing, and was beaten to pieces by a group of alien fighters, and everyone was suffocated.

Bian Ge was angry and hated: "Who came up with the bad idea?" With the time and materials to build a satellite, wouldn't it be good to build something else?

No one continued, and Bian Ge wanted to say more. Suddenly, bright spots appeared on the surface of the earth. In the blink of an eye, countless beams of light rushed from the ground into space, instantly penetrating the alien warships in the air.

The alien swarm that had just won the victory immediately turned into headless flies, and the ground immediately filled with another wave of artillery fire, sweeping away all the alien fighters.

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