Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1109: Scattered login

Ye Han and his friends were all dumbfounded. Bian Ge's eyes were wide open, and his tone was extremely incredible: "What's going on? Are aliens stupid or what?"

"Is it to block missiles?" Long Jianguo said.

Asteroids certainly can't stop missiles, but meteorites are different. No matter how the missile is guided, it is impossible to bypass the meteorite rain that covers the sky, so alien warships hiding behind are safe. .

"Not necessarily." Qi Haifeng said, "There is no reason for aliens to do this, unless they didn't intend to destroy the earth from the beginning."

Ye Han said: "They must have planned it long ago..."

The falling speed of the meteorite rain is extremely fast, and the speed of the missile is not slow.

The position of the asteroid when it entered the atmosphere was about the western part of the Indian Ocean. In such a short time, it had reached the sky over the Mediterranean Sea, and parts of the small half of North Africa and southern Europe were all shrouded in meteorite rain.

Looking at the burning speed of those meteorites, they can definitely fall to the ground, and they still have a lot of power.

Seeing that the missile group was about to collide with the meteorite rain, the enemy ships hiding behind the meteorite rain suddenly slowed down, and at the same time released a large number of alien fighters.

An astonishing scene appeared. The alien fighter was quite normal when it flew away from the battleship. After a certain distance, two pairs of giant membrane wings suddenly protruded from the back of the aircraft, and everyone almost didn't bulge out their eyes.

What made everyone even more stunned was still behind. As soon as the two pairs of wings were stretched out, they were burned by the high temperature of intense friction. The alien fighter immediately lost control and rolled down, just like a meteorite.

This scene was really unexpected, Qi Haifeng pursed his lips: "Don't they understand what aerodynamic shape is?"

"I probably don't understand." Ye Han said, "Aliens fly by wings, just like insects, what kind of aerodynamic shape do they want?"

"This is true, what can I say?" Qi Haifeng was depressed and couldn't laugh at all, but this scene was really relieved.

Damn aliens, they all fell to the ground and died.

"No need to say anything, the aliens have wings." Ye Han said depressedly.

As expected, two servants suddenly jumped out of the tumbling alien fighter. As soon as they came out, they spread their wings on their backs and nimbly flew away from the fighter.

But the luck of the two of them ended here. A laser passed through the gap between the meteorites and just fell on the two servants. The two servants vaporized on the spot, leaving no scum.

The missile group finally hit the meteorite group, and a group of intense rays of light instantly covered the sun, followed by a mushroom cloud slowly rising, and the strong shock wave blew away all the nearby meteorites.

The enemy ship following the meteorite rain almost crashed into the mushroom cloud head-on, and was blown by the shock wave and turned a few somersaults before narrowly avoiding the mushroom cloud.

The rest of the alien warships scattered like frightened rabbits, and quickly distanced themselves from the meteor shower.

However, this was only the beginning. Then the missiles drilled into the meteorite shower one after another, and the mushroom clouds were connected one by one, forming an aerial forest composed of mushroom clouds in mid-air.

The messy shock waves are intertwined with you and me. The alien warships are like small boats in a 12th-level storm, going up, down, left and right, almost out of control.

The alien warships were controlled, some rising and some sinking, trying their best to avoid the mushroom cloud in the sky, but the nuclear explosions were too dense. First, a nuclear bomb exploded near the alien warship, instantly destroying the warship, and then a warship was destroyed. The shock wave blew crookedly, and half of the hull was buried in the mushroom cloud.

But in the blink of an eye, the high temperature melted half of the battleship, and the ice-white hull was charred black.

The alien warship was completely out of control, pulling black smoke and planting it on the ground. Immediately, countless aliens rushed out in a swarm, flapping their wings and desperately fleeing.

After all the missiles exploded, most of the meteorites in the sky disappeared, but not a few alien warships were lost.

The height of the first missile explosion was about 27 kilometers, and when the last missile exploded, the height had dropped to 12 kilometers.

Not many enemy ships were killed by the first batch of missiles, and the ground immediately launched a second wave of missiles.

The aliens responded very quickly, and immediately released the fighters on the ship.

This time, the alien fighter did not fall again, fluttering its wings and flying, spreading out in all directions at a very fast speed.

"What do you mean? Why do I think they seem to be running for their lives?" Bian Ge said in surprise.

"I see it too." Ye Han agreed.

"No?" Long Jianguo expressed doubts.

As he spoke, the missile flew into the sky and hit the alien warships one after another. After a while, they wiped out half of the warships in the air.

But everyone knows that the aliens on these battleships have flown away, and what they have knocked down is just an empty shell.

There were not many aliens who occupied Africa and South America at the, but they brought a lot of trouble to human beings. If these aliens also landed on the earth, it may not be a big storm.

The air defense network did its best to intercept the scattered alien fighters, but there were too many alien fighters. Some of them hid behind meteorites, some dived at full speed, and some quickly flew flat to attract air defense firepower. As a result, many alien fighters successfully escaped air defense. The strangulation of the net.

They landed over vast areas of North Africa and southern Europe, and no one knows how many aliens have landed.

The Donghai was extremely depressed, and the battleship was destroyed, but everyone couldn't be happy.

Alien technology does not rely on instruments or equipment. As long as there are bugs and seeds, anything can be created. It is definitely not a good thing for so many aliens to fall on the ground.

Ye Han sighed faintly: "Fortunate in misfortune, it has not fallen to our boundaries."

"It's all nonsense wherever it falls. It used to fall into Africa and South America, so why don't we take care of it?"

"It's also..." Ye Han's eyes were deep, "I don't think there is a big problem in southern Europe, and aliens can't escape when they land. The key is North Africa, which is so vast and sparsely populated, you won't be able to catch it if you move slowly."

"Look, they're moving again!" Xiao Yuan pointed at the screen and yelled.

When everyone saw it, it turned out that the alien fleet that had been staying behind had moved, and they were slowly moving forward, as if they were about to overwhelm the entire army.

However, after a while, these warships deviate from the direction, and they are not going to the earth at all.

But everyone couldn't relax the breath in their hearts, and instead became even more depressed.

It seems a good thing that the main force of the alien fleet is not close to the earth, but think about it carefully, do you want to get close, or is there no need to get close?

This is because I don't want to lose the initiative, and I want to keep the main force in outer space!

Thinking of this, everyone's faces changed.

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