Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1133: 2 messages

December 27, 2030, 17:00 p.m. Beidu time.

The landing formation has been flying at full speed for a day and a half, and is about to reach the geosynchronous orbit. The long-lost earth is getting clearer and clearer.

Although the space for the landing craft is narrow, the soldiers could not restrain their expectations when they thought that they would be able to return to Earth in more than three hours. They all liked to float to the porthole, looking for the Earth with great interest—this place is still some distance from the Earth, the porthole The angle is wrong, and the whole boat can't see the earth anywhere except the cockpit.

Ye Han was closing his eyes and resting, when the cab suddenly turned over Beiyuezhou's communication, he quickly opened his eyes and chose to connect.

Huo Qiang appeared on the screen, and Ye Han hurriedly said hello: "Chief."

Huo Qiang said: "Ye Han, I have two news to tell you, one good and one bad, which one do you want to hear?"

"Listen first." Ye Han said.

He secretly guessed that the good news is that the problem with the flight bag has been solved.

Huo Qiang said: "The good news is that the Qiongzhou base is ready, and the spacecraft can be launched at any time. I don't care when it is launched and how it is docked. You can contact Qiongzhou directly."

"What about the bad news?"

"The alien fleet is coming soon."

Ye Han's mind was instantly frozen, and it wasn't until two seconds later that he understood what he heard: "No, Chief? Didn't the alien fleet block the assault fleet?"

"Where did you hear it?"

"No?" Ye Han was dumbfounded, "What happened to the assault fleet?"

He always took the news he heard from Bian Ge as official news, but he didn't expect it to be a gossip on the contrary.

"The assault fleet is fine." Huo Qiang said.

"How did the alien fleet escape?"

"How to get out of it? They flew to Earth half a month earlier, and the raiding fleet hadn't returned at that time." Huo Qiang said angrily.

Ye Han then remembered that there was still more than half a month's voyage between Io and the earth: "Didn't you say that the assault fleet went to Io?"

Huo Qiang said: "At that time, the alien fleet was still at Io, and the assault fleet had been following the alien fleet, and it came back."

Ye Han couldn't figure it out even more: "Why didn't you clean up the alien fleet?"

"What to clean up, it's as simple as touching your lips?" Huo Qiang glared angrily, "There is only so much left in the entire fleet, and then you can change it for me?"

Ye Han immediately collapsed. The reason for the fleet to avoid war was to preserve its strength?

At this time, he also recalled that the once powerful Beiyuezhou Fleet was now left with the few Miao Miao of the assault fleet. He really gave him the command of the fleet, and he was reluctant to let the fleet fight the aliens desperately.

As far as the current strength comparison between the enemy and us is concerned, it is a tragic victory even if it is a fight, and it is completely worth the loss.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the alien fleet will arrive in about four hours, and its location is just over the Pacific Ocean. I don't know whether they are going direct or retrograde. If they are retrograde, they will fly over Australia in five to six hours. ." Huo Qiang sighed, "Ye Han, you have to be mentally prepared!"

Ye Han clenched his teeth as he heard it: "Could they go retrograde?"

"Very likely." Huo Qiang said, "The moon is currently over the Indian Ocean. Unless the alien fleet wants to hit the third-level defense net, it can only go retrograde."

"When will the moon arrive in Australia?"

"You should ask when the third-level space station can see Australia." Huo Qiang corrected, "It's about 3:40 in the morning."

Ye Han did a simple calculation in his mind: "That is to say, in the worst case, the alien fleet can fly over Australia within an hour and a half after we airborne, and then we have to wait another four hours before we can get the third-level space station. cover, right?"

Huo Qiang nodded: "That's right."

Ye Han had a huge headache: "This is a big trouble!"

"It's not too small." Huo Qiang actually said such a sentence, "You think about it."

He didn't say what he was thinking about, but Ye Han understood that he was referring to the battle plan: "What else is there to consider, either delay the airborne time, or find a place to hide as soon as possible after landing..." He suddenly thought of those who housed equipment in the industrial area. dugout.

But it is useless to think about it. The air-raid shelter for the equipment must be large enough to house all the officers and soldiers of the Airborne Division, but does this help the mission?

No, not at all!

The purpose of the airborne is to catch the swarms and aliens by surprise. If they shrink into the air-raid shelter immediately after the airborne, it will lose the meaning of airborne combat.

And after shrinking the force, the aliens must command the swarm to counterattack wildly, and the possibility of blocking the troops in the air-raid shelter is very high.

At that time, it will not be so easy to get out of the dugout unless you call in naval fire support.

But what about after support? Each battalion acted separately and rushed to their respective goals... Ye Han felt a pain in the **** just thinking about it.

Even if all goes well, it will take several hours to complete the established tactical objectives, and the time when the moon shines on Australia is only twelve hours at most, and not all the time can be supported by the firepower of the space station.

The ideal situation is to complete the tactical goal immediately after the airborne, and the brothers immediately start transporting uranium ore, hundreds of thousands of tons of uranium ore, can it be transported in 12 hours?

Just kidding?

The more Ye Han thought about it, the bigger his head grew, but he felt that there was nowhere to go. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Chief, what's the current situation in Marida?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uranium Do they have any signs of moving the uranium mine?"

"No anomalies have been found so far."

Ye Han gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, the situation is too complicated, and I'm not saying it's good now, but I suggest abandoning the original plan."

"Continue." Huo Qiang encouraged.

"I think the suddenness of the airborne is very important. If the airborne is carried out according to the original plan, it will not be able to control Marida within the specified time. The airborne will become a slap in the face. Not only will it fail to achieve the combat purpose, but it will become a laughing stock." Ye Han briefly said his thoughts, "So I suggest to abandon the original plan, the formation will change direction now, cut directly into the retrograde orbit, enter the cover of Space Station No. , but more in line with mission needs.”

"And after that? How long to control Marida? How to get the uranium out?"

"I also thought about this issue before. It is best to let the fleet cover for a while."

"Covering is not a problem, but you know the current situation. The fleet cannot fight the enemy in a decisive battle. Once the alien fleet attacks, our fleet may withdraw at any time."

"I understand." Ye Han nodded, "The fleet must preserve its strength. Our only reliance is the No. 3 space station. The No. 3 space station must be suspended over Australia to ensure the safety of the overhead."

"Yes, that's what it means." Huo Qiang said, "What about after that?" (Carapace Mania mobile version read m.)

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