Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1148: recapture southern europe

The Assault Fleet immediately ran at full speed and chased the fleeing alien fleet.

The soldiers who received the order roared, and were gearing up to beat the underdogs.

Because the strength of the alien fleet exceeds that of the assault fleet, the Northern Capital strictly ordered Gao Kai not to engage with the enemy during this time, and the fleet was unbearably aggrieved from top to bottom. Now, it's a sneak attack like a joke, and it blows up. There are more than forty enemy ships, and there are less than ten remaining. How can such a good opportunity be missed?

However, not all the warships participated in the pursuit. Gao Kai only took away the main ship, and all the assault ships stayed behind to clean up the nuclear bombs that missed the target.

According to satellite monitoring data, less than one-third of the nuclear bombs hit enemy ships, and the remaining nuclear bombs are still orbiting the earth in their original orbits.

Ordinary space junk left in orbit is a great safety hazard, let alone a nuclear bomb with amazing power?

If you don't take the time to clear the nuclear bomb, you may hit something when you turn around.

Cleaning up nuclear bombs is not that simple either. The raiding fleet is on a retrograde trajectory, and it is not so easy to switch from a retrograde trajectory to a forward trajectory. It is not a matter of changing directions, but must slow down and then accelerate.

Even if it is a nuclear engine, it is not so easy to complete such an adjustment, and once the relative speed of the battleship is lower than the first cosmic speed, it will be pulled by the gravity of the earth. If the speed cannot be raised in time, the battleship may even be caught Earth's gravity pulls into the atmosphere.

Gao Kai is not a novice. He has long considered this problem, and he did not bring the assault ship at all, but stayed on the antegrade track all the time.

After receiving the order, the assault ship immediately changed its orbit to low orbit, and at the same time released the engineering boat on the ship.

These engineering boats are actually a modification of the Swift. They advance along the edge of the nuclear bomb's orbit. After assisting with the speed of the nuclear bomb, they approach the nuclear bomb, grab the nuclear bomb with a mechanical arm, and put them into the cargo compartment.

This is probably the first time in human history that a nuclear bomb was fired in a recovery battle, setting a precedent for the recovery of a nuclear bomb.

Not only nuclear bombs were left in orbit, but also a large number of wreckage of alien warships.

The alien warship was torn apart by the nuclear bomb, and countless fragments of various sizes floated in the outer space, and were gradually captured by the earth's gravity at a slow speed. Sooner or later, they would fall into the atmosphere one day.

The fast ones are still running along the retrograde track. Those large pieces of debris are easy to deal with, and they can be cleaned up no matter what. The trouble is that the scattered debris, not to mention the number, is still widely distributed. As time goes on, These debris will spread more and more widely, directly threatening all prograde satellites in orbit.

Therefore, we must rush to solve the debris before they are spread out in a large area, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

The fleet was also well prepared on this issue, first by launching a special batch of missiles into the wreckage orbit.

The warhead of this thing is loaded with a special solution. After the warhead is opened, the solution immediately expands thousands of times, and the volume expands thousands of times in a blink of an eye, turning into clusters of "clouds" suspended in orbit.

This thing is a special kind of aerogel, and some people call this thing solid smoke. The earliest use was to collect comet debris.

Comet fragments are smaller than sand grains, but six times faster than bullets. In order to capture these tiny particles, aerogel was invented. This thing is like a baseball glove, which can catch all kinds of fragments flying at high speed. Substances suitable for cleaning up space junk.

Aerogel can be used for small fragments, but not for large pieces of alien warship wreckage.

In order to clean up the wreckage of the enemy ship, Beiyuezhou has prepared a batch of unmanned engineering boats. These engineering boats are also a modification of the Swift. They have been replaced with high-power thrusters. The task is to find large pieces of wreckage, attach them to the wreckage, and push them. away from the earth.

In order to prevent the resurgence of aliens in the wreckage, the military decided to throw the wreckage directly into Venus... There is no special reason for choosing Venus, it is just because Venus is in the right place.

There is also a view that the ability of aliens to adapt to the environment is far beyond human imagination. Even if aliens are thrown into Venus, they can develop special creatures that adapt to the environment of Venus, and even rely on Venus to restart and eventually make a comeback.

However, this view has been refuted by most people. Where is Venus? It is a barren land full of acid rain, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a forbidden area for organic matter.

Although the aliens are powerful, let's look at the targets they chose. Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto are all celestial bodies with water.

To put it badly, no matter how you look at it, Mars is more suitable for colonization than the satellites of Jupiter, but aliens have no idea of ​​colonizing Mars at all, why? Is it because Mars is dry and dehydrated?

Therefore, the possibility of aliens surviving on Venus is infinitely close to zero.

Aliens always keep an eye on the earth, is it not the water source on the earth?

No one wants aliens to land on the countries have also tried their best, but in the end they still failed to stop the aliens.

Now, the last alien fleet has been defeated by the raiding fleet, and the next task of mankind is to eliminate the aliens who landed as much as possible...

Anyone knows that aliens are hidden underground, and removing aliens is a long and arduous process.

And the question now is not how humans can remove the aliens, but the aliens are driving the swarm to attack humans!

However, this problem became less of a problem after the alien fleet was expelled.

Later that day, the raiding fleet chasing the alien fleet was divided into two, the destroyers with high endurance and strong combat effectiveness continued to pursue, and all the frigates returned.

The first task after the frigate returned was not to clean up the space junk, but to cut into a low-altitude orbit, suspended over Europe, and launched a large-scale air attack on the insect swarms that occupied southern Europe. will be devastated from outer space.

In just half an hour, half of the giant insects could no longer be seen in the whole of Europe, and even the ordinary giant insects that were not controlled by the aliens were cleaned by the fleet.

Of course, only a few bugs were wiped out by the fleet, and most of the bugs fled back underground after the air strikes began.

The people stranded in the occupied area were in a precarious situation, but when they woke up, all the bugs disappeared.

"It was like a dream, I couldn't even believe my eyes!" said one survivor.

When the news came out, the whole world was boiling. Overnight, most of the haze shrouded in Europe disappeared. The alien landing was no longer an inseparable shadow. Many people who fled the occupied area couldn't wait to pack their bags and prepare to return. home.

Governments of various countries strongly discouraged it, indicating that the swarm is still hidden underground, and there is still a risk of returning to the occupied area.

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