Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1156: Guaranteed to complete the task

Bian Ge's face changed when he saw who was in the camera, he quickly turned the camera on Ye Han, and reached out to take off the armor that he took off piece by piece.

He still didn't know what Ye Han wanted to do.

Ye Han only wore a one-piece suit. He walked a few steps away from the armor. Standing on the deck, he moved his limbs and jumped a few times. Then he punched vigorously and then squatted again. It was a push-up, and after tossing for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, sweating profusely.

He walked up to Bian Ge and said, "Sir, have you seen it?"

Of course Huo Qiang saw it, but he still said worriedly, "You can't do it alone, what about others?"

Bian Ge hurriedly told Ye Han this sentence, not a single word was wrong.

Ye Han said without thinking: "Bian Ge, call Luo Qi and the others over, don't call it bad."

"Okay." Bian Ge agreed, and immediately called the person out through the radio.

Taking advantage of the time to call people, Ye Han stood inside the unwrapped armor, and without using Bian Ge's help at all, he put the armor on himself one by one.

Bian Ge's eyeballs almost didn't fall out. Is this special power armor? This thing can only be put on by one person in theory. In fact, someone has to help. This is the first time he has seen someone wear a full set of armor without any tools.

As soon as Ye Han put on the armor, the nine people headed by Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping rushed to the bow. Ye Han turned around and said, "Take off, take off the armor for me!"

Several people looked at each other in dismay, not understanding what Ye Han was crazy about.

But an order is an order. Luo Qi was the first to take off his armor, and the others followed, and soon they all took off their armor.

"Activities." Ye Han said, "You can do anything, pick what you are best at."

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and then did as Ye Han wanted. Luo Qi picked up the parts of the power armor and began to lift weights up and down; Ouyang Ping jumped lightly and stood on the railing at the bow to play with his heartbeat; Ma Hongwei found an open space to run back and forth... It was true that everyone showed their best side.

Ye Han walked up to Luo Qi: "Are you tired?"

"Not tired."

"What does it feel like not to wear armor?"

"It's a little heavy, just get used to it."

Ye Han nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Ouyang Ping: "How do you feel?"

"Easy, very easy!" Ouyang Ping gave a different answer, "It's a little empty, but it doesn't affect the action."

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that your kid is here to make trouble, right?

After walking a few steps, he stopped Ma Hongwei and asked the same question. Ma Hongwei took a few breaths and returned to normal: "The armor is worn too much, so it's good to take it off for activities."

Ye Han smiled. Looking at other people, the situation was similar, so he said in the communication: "Sir, what do you think?"

Huo Qiang said, "A total of ten people with you?"


"You can think about it, this time's action is not an ordinary danger. Your opponents are not only pirates, but also ubiquitous bugs."

"Think about it." Ye Han said without hesitation.

"Then get ready. The information will be sent to you in a while. If you need anything, ask me directly. If you can't find me, contact Qiao Wei." Huo Qiang said.

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

Ye Han shook his fist excitedly, turned around and said loudly, "Assemble!"

The nine people immediately lined up in front of Ye Han. Ye Han lowered his voice and said, "Comrades, the superiors have a very dangerous task for us. Does anyone want to quit?"

No one spoke.

Ye Han added: "Don't worry, the mission is indeed risky, so I need volunteers."

Still no one spoke, Ye Han took a deep breath: "We can't wear armor, nor can we bring standard equipment, understand? It's too late to quit now."

Still no one speaks... Just kidding, shrinking back at this time, wanting to be fingered on the spine for the rest of your life?

Ye Han's eyes swept across the queue, and every soldier's eyes were firm. He finally nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, now put on the armor, go back and wait for the order, disband!"

The team dispersed, Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping came to Ye Han together, they looked at each other, Luo Qi smiled and said, "Master, what mission are we taking?"

Ye Han glared at the two of them: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, what should you two do!"

The two looked at each other and turned to leave reluctantly... If they could say it, Ye Han would definitely not hide it from the two of them. Since he refused to say a word, the importance of the mission is self-evident.

The two of them left with a look of thought, and Bian Ge came over and asked worriedly, "You really don't have standard equipment?"

Ye Han asked back: "Have you ever seen pirates use military-standard equipment? One or two are not a problem. They all have armored rifles. It's better to put on the armor directly."

"It doesn't matter, right? Even the power armor is sold, how many guns are there?"

"Have you ever sold these places?" Ye Han asked back, "This is Laomei's site, all American equipment is used. If we want to get it, we have to get Yankee equipment."

"No, don't care who's Can I do it without armor?" Bian Ge raised a new question.

Armored rifles are no joke. The recoil of this thing is much higher than that of ordinary rifles. Appropriate means must be used to reduce the recoil, otherwise it will not be possible to shoot at all.

"Single shot shouldn't be a problem... Forget it, let's bring a few more machine guns. That kid Luo Qi is strong enough to carry a machine gun." Ye Han said.

If the bug doesn't move, it's already a group. It's no different from courting death if it only makes a single move.

Bian Ge laughed: "You really make the most of everything... In fact, you can carry it yourself."

"Can consider it."

"You said you're fat and you're still panting... why don't you put on your breastplate?" Bian Ge suggested cautiously.

Ye Han immediately shook his head: "No, we can't leave such obvious flaws."

"What are you afraid of, the above is just an excuse, that is, let the foreigners find out, why do they dare to say anything?"

"It's not like that." Ye Han said, "How to negotiate with the outside world is a matter of top priority. Since we have taken this task, we shouldn't leave such obvious flaws. It's a matter of attitude! Besides, put on your breastplate. That is, to disperse and disperse the recoil force, it can't be fired in a row, it's better to carry an extra box of bullets."

"Oh, it's also... Why don't you wait and see, wait until the target is set, and see what the pirates have to say." Bian Ge said.

Those countries were not destroyed by insects from the very beginning. It took several years from the outbreak of the insect disaster to the collapse of the country. During that time, they sought international assistance. Although there is no power armor, the exoskeleton can always find a few set.

Not to mention light weapons. Pirates can't have armored rifles, but there is absolutely no shortage of large-caliber machine guns. Otherwise, they can't deal with bugs. How can they stand on the island?

Ye Han nodded: "Let's prepare first, I will contact the fleet to see if they are suitable."

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