Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1191: whetstone

Qiongzhou base.

The shrill siren rang through the sky without warning, and the quiet training base boiled instantly.

The scattered soldiers were like rabbits hit by arrows, rushing towards the assembly point at a speed of 100 meters. In just a few minutes, all the troops of the First Airborne Division were assembled.

In order to replenish the personnel, the first division stayed at the Qiongzhou base during this period of time, and the whole division had a relatively quiet day. In addition to receiving new members, the daily work was to organize new and old members to conduct various trainings and sharpen the combat team.

Due to the influence of the plan to go south, the personnel replenishment of the first division has not yet been completed, and at least one-third of the personnel have not yet been in place.

It is said that at this juncture, it is impossible to arrange combat missions for a division, but nothing is absolute, and when the alarm sounds, anything can happen.

After the troop was assembled, Ye Han called all the officers above the battalion to the conference room, and the troop received equipment for the unit and prepared for departure.

In the conference room, Ye Han turned on the projector, and a map of Southeast Asia was projected on the wall. The officers in the conference room immediately understood the reason for the alarm.

All countries are troubled by aliens, and the northern capital is no exception. Although the northern capital has adopted an active offensive strategy and dragged the worms to the three islands in the South China Sea, the border of the Republic is not as peaceful as imagined.

The problem mainly comes from the southwest. Asan has always prided himself on being a military power, and was once known as the third military power in the world, but Asan's combat effectiveness is really weak. Even if he has nuclear weapons, he is not an opponent of aliens. The climate of the Indian peninsula is particularly suitable for the insects, and the insects were hit all the way to the foot of the Himalayas.

Although Asan finally blocked the swarm with the assistance of the space fleet, the swarm had already penetrated into Asan's territory and hid underground to wait for the opportunity.

The country of Asan itself has many problems, plus the country's weak strength, even if there are European gold and jade in front, they will not be able to learn the prison formation of southern Europe.

The result is that the insect swarms in southern Europe have been pressed underground by the European coalition forces, while the insect swarms in Asan have come out from time to time to loot, and the people have been killed and injured countless times.

In addition, the insect swarm chose the time when Ah San had no cover on his head to come out, and the quick retreat was also fast. Ah Sanjun was exhausted but did not eliminate many insects. He was played by the insect swarm all day long, which was simply a model of pig teammates.

If it weren't for the good of humanity as a whole, the Space Fleet wouldn't be helping at all.

In recent months, the insect swarms in Asan's territory have grown stronger and stronger. I don't know if it is boring to harm Asan all the time, but a group of giant insects have left Asan's territory and developed to Southeast Asia.

This batch of giant insects got into the primitive jungles of Southeast Asia, where the forests are dense and the natural environment is extremely harsh, but they are very suitable for the development of insect swarms. Even the most experienced mountain combat troops of human beings cannot fight giant insects in the primitive forests. .

Destroying virgin forests is easy, but after the loss of African virgin forests and South American virgin forests, most of the earth's forest resources will be destroyed, and if virgin forests continue to be destroyed, the global environment will undergo unpredictable drastic changes, and there will be no need for aliens to come. Fight, human beings will first become extinct because of the dramatic changes in the environment.

It is precisely because of the scruples of human beings on virgin forests that the eastward insect swarms passed through thousands of kilometers of virgin forests and successfully reached the northern part of Myanmar without much effort.

Although the main force of the northern capital is placed on the three islands in the South China Sea, this eastward swarm has not been missed.

The military strength of Myanmar is limited, and guarding the city and main communication lines is already the limit of the Myanmar army, and there is no excess force to expel the swarm.

If you continue to ignore it, the swarm will definitely cross the border and enter the southwest region. If you want to deal with the swarm at that time, the battlefield will be placed in the southwest region.

Based on the basic reason of keeping the enemy out, Beidu immediately launched emergency consultations with the Myanmar side. It only took ten minutes for the two sides to reach a series of military agreements.

Immediately after the meeting, the two sides issued a joint statement, probably the content of which was that Myanmar was unable to fight the eastward worm swarm, so it requested the support of the northern capital.

Based on a series of lofty ideals such as humanitarianism, Beidu decided to send a force to Myanmar to fight against the swarms of insects together with the Myanmar army.

In fact, Beidu used a batch of weapons and equipment and civilian materials to conduct a complete exchange of interests with Myanmar.

In order to avoid the trouble of sovereignty, Beidu used the name of the Volunteer Army again. In military history, this unit was called the Southeast Volunteer Army, also known as the Third Volunteer Army.

After this unit entered Myanmar, it immediately seized the strategic node, relying on the continuous supply of materials from the rear, and made preparations to block the swarm.

These are the situations that everyone already knows. Now that Ye Han has transferred the map of Southeast Asia, there must be something new.

Everyone is right at all, it is true that there is a problem with the troops entering Burma.

The time when the troops entered Burma was six days ago. Due to the hasty, the line of defense they faced was extremely long, and the troops entering Burma were not able to establish a complete line of defense in time. The two sides fought fiercely in the virgin forest.

So far, the battle has lasted for nearly 30 hours. A large number of giant insects have rushed the defense line of the troops entering Myanmar into pieces. The line of defense has been cut off by the insect swarm. Air strikes and air-dropped ammunition supplies continued to fight.

According to reliable information, the troops entering Myanmar failed to stop the swarm, but only delayed the advance of the swarm. If it continues to develop, the swarm will soon cross the border and enter the southwest region.

In order to prevent the entry of the insect swarm, the military decided to send additional troops to the southwest border and establish a new line of defense to block the insect swarm.

Since a large number of troops were deployed in the southward plan, the domestic mobile force was very limited, and the deployment of troops from various places was not so quick, so the superior ordered the first division to immediately set off for the southwest border.

Ye Han finally concluded that dealing with bugs is not difficult at all, much simpler than dealing with aliens, but no one can be careless and must take the upcoming action seriously.

Some people have suggested that the troops have not run in well, is it too early to carry out the task at this time?

But Ye Han believes that actual combat is the best running-in, and a fight with the enemy is much more effective than any training!

Insects have limited combat effectiveness, and they are just used as whetstones to train the troops. After this battle is over, the troops will be almost run-in.

The officers above the battalion of the first division unified their thinking, and immediately organized the troops to set off after the meeting... In order to send the first airborne division to the ground as soon as possible, the military mobilized more than 30 large transport planes, swallowed the entire first airborne division at one time, and returned it to the ground. In addition, a dissatisfied regiment of the Fourth Airborne Division was brought.

In this way, all the airborne troops of the Qiongzhou base flew to the southwest border of the motherland.

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