Armor Frenzy

Chapter 820: fire preparation

The Marine Corps was ready for the airborne, but Yushan didn't move at all. Instead, the other warships accelerated and approached Io Zero. The soldiers in the landing craft were not surprised at all, sitting quietly in their seats and waiting. .

Landing is not something that can be decided by smack on the head, the fleet must complete the necessary preparations before the troops leave.

Under the leadership of the Nanzhou, all the warships except Yushan moved forward slowly, slowly approaching Io Zero, and released the carrier aircraft from a safe distance.

The fighter plane was suspended near the battleship, ready to bomb the planet. Then Ling Yu gave an order, the battleship and the fighter plane fired at the same time, lasers and artillery shells pierced the void, penetrated the atmosphere and fell to the surface of Io Zero.

The fleet first killed all the firepower points near the ice hole, and then the firepower radiated around the ice hole as the center, removing all the firepower points in sight.

There are many fire points on the surface of Io, some can be seen at a glance, some are hidden under the ice, but it doesn’t matter, the expeditionary force and the international fleet have been recording Io’s situation in previous battles, and they have already touched the fire on the surface of the planet. After a seven-seven-eight-eight, the Third Fleet only needs to call the names one by one according to the information.

Moreover, the front of Io was already scorched, and all the remaining firepower was on the back of Io, saving the fleet a lot of trouble.

There are also some suspected targets that look like firepower points.

The fleet's actions were exceptionally smooth, and the firepower on the ground did not resist at all. This phenomenon caught Ling Yu's attention. Thinking of the whereabouts of the alien fleet, he couldn't help but say: "There is not even a building on the ground, and the enemy must be hiding underground. Well, we're not going to solve the problem at all."

"Abandon the ground on your own initiative? Haha, the aliens are quite generous!" Wang Tianyu said in a bad tone, "Commander, what do you say?"

"I don't know either." Ling Yu shook his head.

If the aliens really gave up the ground, it would be fine. On the other hand, if they deliberately retreated into the ground to attract humans, wouldn't the airborne be the intention of the aliens?

Although there is no clear evidence at present, but from various indications, the alien's nest must be located deep in the stratum of Io, otherwise the alien fleet cannot hide from the jet of the star engine... The more he thought about it, the more alien he felt. Stars can counterattack the surface at any time.

Ling Yu's speculation did have some truth, but if Ye Han was here, he would definitely tell him that alien battleships are not that simple, and at least there is no problem with being a part-time submarine.

Also, alien warships are likely to grow on underwater vines. This thing has been amphibious since the day it was born. The fleet must not only pay attention to the ground, but also pay attention to the underwater!

"Report!" Duan Jingwen's voice interrupted Ling Yu's thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Ling Yu asked angrily.

"Commander, look here!" Duan Jingwen pointed at the screen and said.

On the screen is the magnified Io Zero Icefield, where there is a charred trace, which is obviously caused by the shell, but the point is not that a large piece of ice has collapsed nearby!

The picture is not very clear, but it can be seen that there is an ice hole on the edge of the collapsed ice surface. The arched ice hole has a regular shape and is definitely not formed naturally.

Ling Yu immediately understood what Duan Jingwen meant: "This is... an alien's lair? Do they like to drill holes that much?" Drilling into an ice cave, is it possible that all aliens have entered the cosmic age or are cave dwellers?

"Maybe it's safer underground." Wang Tianyu remembered the car bug, that thing is a good player at punching holes, which shows the preferences of aliens.

Ling Yu nodded, feeling that Wang Tianyu's speculation made some sense.

Although aliens have entered the space age, the way to fly across interstellar space is not to drive warships, but to control planets!

Ling Yu has also attended training courses and supplemented his astronomical knowledge. Otherwise, he would not be the commander of the Third Fleet. He could imagine the difficulties that Io Zero encountered when crossing the interstellar space-away from the stars, the temperature gradually dropped, even the air All solidified on the surface of the planet, not to mention the long time it takes to fly through interstellar space.

Before Io arrived in the solar system, it might have been flying in the cold interstellar space for hundreds or even thousands of years!

Think about it, how sturdy ground buildings must be to withstand the constant erosion of time during a long journey? Besides, interstellar space is not really empty, and it may hit something one day.

Therefore, it is the safest way to move everyone underground and use the thick crust as a shield, and this method is the most economical and practical, and it is also in line with the technical level of aliens.

If there is not even this level, I am afraid that the aliens will all die before they reach the solar system.

Wang Tianyu said again: "Commander, do you need to send a few people over there..."

Ling Yu didn't answer and asked, "Are there many similar situations?"

"Not much. There are three places that have collapsed now, but I think these holes in the ground are probably the traffic trenches of aliens. As long as it is a firepower point, there is this thing underneath... Why don't you try to stare at a firepower point?"

"Try it!" Ling Yu said.

Wang Tianyu immediately conveyed the order, Duan Jingwen personally selected a firepower point, and the Nanzhou specially set aside a naval gun to do this, and fired more than 20 shells in a At least half of them were accurately hit. The firepower was high, but it didn't mean to collapse at all.

Wang Tianyu frowned: "In another place, choose the firepower on the icefield!"

The crust is relatively firm, and the icy crust is much more brittle than the crust.

Duan Jingwen executed it immediately, changing to a firepower point near the ice hole that had been destroyed by the fleet.

This time, the effect was quickly seen. Before ten shells were fired, the collapse had already occurred, but the collapse was not serious, the section was relatively hidden, and the passage opening could not be seen.

Wang Tianyu turned his attention to Ling Yu: "Commander?"

"Inform Ye Han about the holes and let him send someone over to take a look... Also, the mission of the Marine Corps is planetary engines, so just look at those holes, there's no need to take risks."

Wang Tianyu said: "Understood, I will tell him personally."

The communication was quickly connected, and Wang Tianyu explained the situation again, emphasizing safety, and then interrupted the communication.

Liu Bin, who was on the sidelines, couldn't help but ask, "Boss, what does this mean?"

"It means literally." Ye Han said without hesitation.

He doesn't care what Wang Tianyu implies, in short, it's all right in the literal sense.

"Then I'll take someone there." Liu Bin took the initiative to ask Ying.

"No." Ye Han shook his head, "You take someone to find the engine, and I'll take someone to check the ice cave."

Liu Bin grinned and didn't insist any longer: "That's okay, I've left a psychological shadow, and now I feel terrified when I hear about drilling a hole!"

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