Armor Frenzy

Chapter 192: remedy

Long Jianguo sighed: "Deputy Mayor Liu, you should ask the above, I don't need to tell you, you also know how to contact the provincial command center. Also, stay behind Fuyun... Sentinel, ask Deputy Mayor Liu to let me open!"

The two sentries did not dare to neglect, they rushed over to support Vice Mayor Liu from left to right, and forcibly dragged him aside.

Long Jianguo waved his hand, and the sound of the engine suddenly rose, and the armored vehicle weighing more than ten tons suddenly jumped out the door, dragging the billowing smoke and dust onto the highway.

Rolling iron drove out of the camp gate and ran into the distance. Deputy Mayor Liu was blocked by two sentries and watched dozens of armored vehicles drive away.

He shouted at the police officers to stop them, but the police are also disciplined departments, and even if they deal a lot with the authorities, they are not stupid enough to jump out and block military vehicles.

This is a military convoy carrying out combat missions. Whoever dares to jump over to stop it, even if the soldier is killed on the spot, has no reason to reason.

What Vice Mayor Liu said is true, but his life is his own. If he can't even grasp such an obvious difference, he might just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Deputy Mayor Liu took out the phone again and dialed: "Hello, I'm Liu Shuchun, Long Jianguo has already set off with the troops, I couldn't stop him, and I even had a little conflict with him... There is only one company left in the army, About a dozen cars...According to yesterday's situation, it should be enough...Okay, I understand, I'll be back right away."

Hanging up the phone, Liu Shuchun let out a heavy breath and said with a sullen face, "Let's go!"

The man with glasses quickly followed, while the police team reluctantly got into the car.

After Liu Shuchun opened the car door, he suddenly turned around: "Gu Hong, get in my car."

The leading police officer was slightly startled, then nodded immediately.

A few cars drove away from the gate of the camp, and Liu Shuchun in the car looked worried: "Xiao Gu, today's matter is that I was too impulsive, fortunately there was no trouble, there is still room for recovery, I will explain to your people later, Apologize to everyone on my behalf."

"Yes, I'll do it in a while." Gu Hong quickly agreed.

Liu Shuchun nodded and stopped talking, leaning back in the chair and closing his eyes.

Gu Hong wisely closed his mouth.

Liu Shuchun was calm on the surface, but he was constantly calculating in his heart.

Although there is a monitor on the gate of the army, most of the monitoring things only have pictures and no sound, and 80% of the ones used by the army are no exception. That is to say, everything he does in front of the army gate only records the picture.

Since there is no voice, then why there is a conflict depends on what he says. After all, he is one of the most powerful people in Fuyun City, and he has always had a good relationship with the other people. If they disagree with the army, Coupled with the help of a few old friends, it may be possible to turn big things into small things!

Thinking of this, Liu Shuchun's uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

He didn't know yet, at this time, Long Jianguo had forgotten what happened just now, and was only thinking about how to complete the upcoming task.

The straight-line distance between Fuyun and Linyi is not very far. It is only 145 to 50 kilometers in full, and it is just over 200 kilometers at high speed. It only takes more than two hours for the troops to reach Linyi. Divide the troops into two groups, and within three hours at most, the two companies will be able to arrive at the mission area separately.

Long Jianguo knew very well that no matter if there was a shortage of people in the province, there would be no shortage of more than 200 people from these two companies; no matter how much equipment was lacking, there would be no shortage of these 20 or 30 armored vehicles. The reason is that his troops have rich experience in exterminating insects, and the above is the experience of the soldiers against giant insects!

This is probably a common problem of Chinese people. They always don't believe what is on paper. Only by calling people in front of them can they be considered as imparting experience. Otherwise, it seems that they cannot learn the essence.

Thinking of this, Long Jianguo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This time the task should be a lot easier.

Half an hour later, Long Jianguo received detailed information from Linyi. In addition to the insect plague situation in the two places, a report from the northern capital was attached.

According to the situation in the province, signs of giant cockroaches have been found in various places. According to the speculation of the Northern Capital, there are cockroaches hidden in the drainage systems of major cities to varying degrees.

The reason for this is the combined effect of puffed viruses, insecticides and cockroaches themselves. Moreover, cockroaches have a wide range of recipes. The domestic waste discharged into the sewers every day in the city can support a large number of giant cockroaches. However, the reproduction rate of cockroaches is extremely fast, and the population grows too fast, which will inevitably lead to a shortage of food. At this time, the cockroach group will develop to the ground.

The control of cockroaches must be done before the cockroaches develop to the ground. According to the advice of experts, all localities should learn from the experience of Jingjiang and burn the water in time.

While Long Jianguo was looking at the materials, Ye Han was not idle. He was sitting in the car, watching the news with his phone in his hand. So far, the communication on the mobile phone is still smooth.

Ye Han typed the word giant insect into the search engine, and 100 million links immediately popped up. After clicking on the news, the number of links dropped tenfold, but the number was still tens of millions.

The top news was just released half an hour ago. The content is very simple: Giant ants on many tropical islands are The local residents are panicking, and the death toll keeps rising.

Giant mosquito? Fortunately, this thing was under control as soon as it emerged.

Look at the next article: Army ants continue to ravage Africa. As of press time, they have occupied most of the regions except the northern deserts. At present, only the armies of several countries in southern Africa are still resisting organized resistance. It is reported that giant ants have stopped. The reason is not that southern African countries are able to fight well, but because of the poor natural environment in southern Africa and the lack of food...

Ye Han was inexplicable for a while. The last time I saw the news on the Internet, didn't it say that the whole of Africa was taken over by army ants? Why are there several countries that are still resisting when I look at it today?

He doesn't care much about things on the other side of the world, since army ants can't cross the sea anyway.

Continuing to read the news, Ye Han was very interested in the following headline: The southern part of the Korean Peninsula was attacked by giant centipedes, and seventy-six people were killed in three days.

There is also a picture below the title. The giant centipede on the picture is incomparably huge, just like a monster that has become a ghost in a movie and TV series, with two huge jaws like a machete, and a ferocious **** big mouth that is very clear.

Ye Han pouted, thinking that after eating more than 70 people in three days, Bai has such a big mouth!

Ye Han turned to the next page with a flick of his finger, and a piece of news came into Ye Han's eyes: The Japanese island was infested with dragonflies, and the attack on people intensified. More than 700 people have been killed in the attack and countless injured. All parts of the Japanese country have made every effort to hunt and kill dragonflies. As of the time of writing, the Japanese country has eliminated more than a thousand dragonflies and more than 200 other types of giant insects. Experts admit that the situation is not optimistic. .com~Welcome all book lovers to come and read. The latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all users, please go to read.

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