Armor Frenzy

Chapter 849: no way

Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes, how could the aliens have internal strife?

His first reaction was that the aliens had another conspiracy. The so-called infighting was 80% played for the captives, and the purpose was very simple, that is, to gain the captives' trust, and then obtain some information from the captives.

It's just Zhou Yu's bitter game against Huang Gai, the ancestors played the rest thousands of years ago!

But if you think about it carefully, it may not be so absolute. Although humans and aliens are hostile, no one can deny that aliens are intelligent civilizations. From this, it can be concluded that the average IQ of aliens is at least not low. to the average human level.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, where there is an idea, there is selfishness, and where there is selfishness, there is an open and secret struggle!

No matter how rich the aliens were in the beginning, the long interstellar travel must have consumed a lot of resources. Even if the aliens today are not so poor that they lack food and clothing, they are definitely not as good as before... So, why are the aliens? They can't have internal strife. Have they developed into a world of great harmony where all the sages and sages are indisputable?

No wonder!

If aliens can really reach such a high level, why would they invade the earth? Why don't they all commit suicide to become the whole earth?

But then again, no matter how fierce the infighting is, it is also an internal struggle within the race. When facing humans, it should also be consistent with the outside world. Could it be that the factional struggle of aliens has developed to the point of incompetence?

In other words, aliens don't care about human beings at all.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Ye Han's mind, but mankind's understanding of aliens was still pitiful, and his own understanding of aliens was even more limited, and it was impossible to find the most crucial clues from the limited information.

Closing his eyes for a moment to relax, Ye Han continued to look down and saw Huang Biao wrote in his diary: Now times have changed, I can recall the situation with a calm and objective gaze, but at that time, I was the only The feeling is chaos, chaos in the heart, chaos in front of the eyes, chaos in the voice, in short chaos into a mess.

Although we have lived in the dungeon for more than half a year, the aliens are all the same, and all the aliens we have seen are wearing armor, and we have no idea what they look like. Star.

Some aliens chase, some escape, and some stop in the middle, but in our eyes, all aliens are the same, except for the few aliens flying with us, what are the other aliens doing? It's not clear at all.

Often, a group of aliens jumped out in front, which startled us a lot. We didn't know it was an accomplice until they aimed their guns at the pursuers behind; or the two groups of aliens in front were fighting. We thought that those aliens with their backs to us were a gang, and they were making a way for us there. How could I think that they would turn back and shoot at us.

This kind of encounter happened several times along the way, and the specific process was chaotic all the way, and finally let us rush out of the underground passage.

But in the end, only Wang Zhifei and I were able to reach the ground.

What is even more frightening is that the ground is dark and cold, neither the sun nor Jupiter can be seen. There are only battleships flying around in the sky, and there is a light blue beam of light that shoots straight into the sky, and battleships dance around the beam of light.

I was both startled and scared. I didn’t know what was going on. It was only after a long time that I realized that it was Io who left Jupiter.

After leaving Jupiter, can Io Zero still be called Io Zero?

I never thought about this at the time, but now I really want to know what the aliens call Io.

Except for the two aliens who brought us out, no third alien came out. The two of them put us on the ground, said a word to both of us, and then turned their heads and flew back.

He said an equivalent.

The alien's pronunciation is very strange, and it is difficult for normal people to understand it. We have been listening to it a lot recently, and we can barely understand what he is saying.

This is also not normal. Those aliens who specialize in learning Chinese sound like foreigners. They are strange but they can understand them.

The aliens asked us to wait, but this place is just outside the passage, and the enemy could come out at any time, and we both felt that we should not stay here any longer.

But where can you go without waiting? Don't know when to wait.

After thinking about it, I felt discouraged, and I always wanted to escape, but now that I did, I didn't know where to run.

The aliens didn't make any noise at all. We didn't know what happened in the hole, let alone when the aliens wanted us to wait.

I remember that it was very cold at that time, and the place where my eyes could see was either ice or snow, and there was no longer a scene of insect trees everywhere, not even the shadows of insect trees.

Even if Io leaves Jupiter, is it difficult for the insect trees to be all frozen under the ice? Are they that easy to fall over?

My thoughts at that time were very I can't remember what I thought at that time. I waited for a few minutes, and a few aliens flew out of the passage. I was in a very tormented mood at the time. Who are these aliens?

Four aliens flew over together, and then they picked us up and flew farther and farther, I don't know how long it took or how far, and finally the aliens took us into a The ice cave seems to be a stronghold of aliens, and there are many aliens living in it.

The aliens in the cave have always been very friendly, they arranged room and board for us, and the food was no longer something like a dungeon, but something like an alien fish pulled out of the ice. The taste is indescribable. Well, the aliens don't know how to cook without seasonings, and they all eat raw. If I didn't know their details, I would have to regard them as primitive people.

Wang Zhifei and I especially wanted to eat some cooked food, and we even made a few gestures with aliens, but we couldn’t find fuel in or out of the ice cave. In the end, we had no choice. We both had to eat raw food.

These aliens seem to regard the two of us as companions, and do nothing to avoid us, but the two of us do not understand the alien language, and our vigilance has never been let down.

Not to mention that the food of aliens is unpalatable, it is not available every day, and they are all frozen so hard that a bite is full of ice balls, and it can be cold to the heart when swallowed.

It was a particularly difficult time, but it was much more free than when I was in the dungeon, which can be said to be the only gain.

Also, the aliens not only brought us out, but also brought some human things out of the dungeon for us. We both worried that it was a set made by aliens, and we never dared to touch those things. More, less can be used, the most useful is an unopened box of hibernin.

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