Armor Frenzy

Chapter 877: detonate

Judging from the current position of Phobos, Io will pass by Phobos after passing through Mars. The closest distance between the two sides is no more than 10,000 kilometers. If Phobos is detonated in advance, the fragments of Phobos will be destroyed. It is even possible to hit Io Zero from the front, making the impact the strongest.

Ling Yu immediately made a decision in his heart: "Order, the blasting of Phobos is canceled, and everyone is on standby; Phobos is waiting for the blasting order!"

"Yes!" Wang Tianyu agreed and immediately conveyed the order.

The staff of the fleet arranged near Deimos died immediately, and no one dared to stab at this time, even if they were not reconciled.

But to be honest, deep in the hearts of those on Deimos, they were all quietly relieved.

With Phobos, the opposite is true, and everyone instinctively tensed their nerves.

On the main screen of the Nanzhou bridge, Io Zero, who is a circle bigger than Mars, is approaching Mars step by step, and various data are leaking rapidly on the auxiliary screen on the side.

"Report, Io zero's gravity is interfering with Mars, and the position of Mars is slightly drifting away!"

Ling Yu was nervous: "Are you going to start?"

"It's started." Xu Moriang was awe-inspiring.

Ling Yu asked in a low voice, "Xugong, the speed of Iowei is so fast, and its mass is slightly larger than that of Mars. To what extent can Mars be used to reduce the speed?"

"I don't know either." Xu Moriang said, "speed, orbital altitude and timing of departure all have an impact."

Ling Yu nodded and continued to stare at the screen.

He has been worried that Io will send a fleet to **** when it is close to Mars, but the aliens have not done so at all, and not even an alien spacecraft can be seen near Io.

At this time, the distance between Io and Mars was very close, and Wang Tianyu suddenly exclaimed: "Mars, the speed of Mars is increasing, it is now 24.15 per second... 24.18... 24.22, and it continues to rise!"

"Monitor closely, how is the speed of Io Zero?"

"It's descending, the rate of descent is very small, it is now 82.22 kilometers per second!"

"How long will it take to get off Mars?"

"Between 240 and 270 seconds!"

"Continue to monitor and report any situation at any time!"


Ling Yu's eyes were fixed on the screen, and his heart became more and more uneasy.

From the decision to implement the Mars plan at the end of January last year to the arrival of Io Zero today, mankind has been preparing for this collision for a whole year, and the success of the collision determines the fate of the earth. Can not participate in this juncture still indifferent.

The countdown in the corner of the screen jumped steadily. At this time, Io happened to run to the other side of Mars, and the fleet and Io were on both sides of Mars. If the fleet retreated a certain distance, Io would be seen just behind Mars. , Mars is surrounded by a half circle of icy white like an annular solar eclipse.

Half of the other half is blocked by the shadow of Mars, and the other half is the night of Io at all.

The rare sight was fleeting. Io approached from the outside of the orbit of Mars. At the same time as the speed of Mars increased, its position obviously drifted out.

Io gradually flew in front of Mars, its gravitational force was acting on Mars, and the speed of Mars was getting higher and higher, but Io's speed was much higher than that of Mars. The current situation is like Io dragging Mars forward. , the speed of Mars is rising, and the speed of Io is gradually decreasing.

The orbital data of Io is also constantly being adjusted. The latest data shows that the closest distance between Io and Phobos is about 8,000 kilometers.

But it was not yet time to detonate Phobos, Ling Yu's two hands were tightly clenched into fists, and the forehead was covered in cold sweat.

More than just Ling Yu, one of the Fourth Fleet counts as one, and whoever knows what to do is not nervous?

"Thirty kilometers, the revolution speed of Mars exceeds 30 kilometers!" Wang Tianyu roared in disbelief.

"Shut up!" Ling Yu shouted sharply.

Wang Tianyu's sudden shout startled him, and he almost shouted the word detonation.

Now Io is still in front of Mars, and there are still dozens of seconds away from the optimal tipping point.

Half a minute later, Mu Weiling finally reached the best position, Ling Yu made a decisive decision, and suddenly let out a loud roar: "Detonate!"

Although it is possible to get a better chance by continuing to wait, but at this time, Mi Wei Ling may fly away from Mars at any time, and Ling Yu can no longer wait any longer.

With an order, a hill on Phobos suddenly collapsed and the ground cracked. Dazzling rays of light and countless dust burst out from the bottom of the mountain. The hill was separated from Phobos under the impetus of the explosive force, and the super engine placed on the mountainside suddenly penetrated. mountain.

The mountain and the super engine were tightly connected. After two laps, the super engine started, quickly stabilizing the posture of the mountain, and then full horsepower, pushing the hill weighing more than 100,000 tons towards Io Zero.

Behind the flying hill, several super engines ignited together, supporting Phobos to turn at an angle, and another hill aimed at Io Another explosion, the second hill ran towards the wood Wei zero.

In this way, Phobos quickly fired four ammunition, and the first hill flew close to Io at this time, and was blocking right in front of Io!

Io Zero is flying along an arc-shaped orbit, while the trajectory of the hill is a straight line. The super engine behind the hill tried its best to push the hill to draw an arc, getting closer and closer to Io Zero.

The hill marked No. 1 on the screen was getting closer and closer to Io Zero, and everyone's hearts were raised. Finally No. 1 hit the outside of Io Zero, ploughing a ditch hundreds of kilometers long on the surface of Io Zero. , along the way, the ice and snow scattered, although it caused a lot of damage to Io Wei, but it can't be compared with the power of a head-on collision.

Everyone sighed in unison, and their voices were unbelievably neat.

Before the impact, the driver of the super engine escaped through the escape system in time, and saw that the No. 1 mountain only hit the side of Io Zero. The driver regretted it. If he hadn't left and had been controlling the super engine, would he have been able to hit it? more accurate?

But now it's too late to regret it.

At this time, the second hill was approaching, but it slanted even more. It didn't even wipe it, and it passed directly outside the atmosphere of Io, without even half a gas flower.

There was another neat groan in the bridge.

The first two mountains floated past the outside of Io Guard. Ling Yu understood that this was because he was in a hurry. If it was a little later, one of the two consecutive hills would definitely hit the front of Io Guard. At this moment, He could only put his hope on the next few "ammunition".

Everyone's eyes fell on the third hill. From the star map, its position was very positive. As long as it continued to fly down according to the current orbit, it would be able to hit Io Zero head-on without error and complete the Mars plan. Target.

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