Armor Frenzy

Chapter 887: debate


The conference room was filled with smoke, and the participants were all frowning. One brother sat down at the end of the conference table, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and said, "I called everyone here today for the sake of Mei Wei. I mean, we must find a way to solve this trouble as soon as possible, or..." He took another breath and sprayed it from his nostrils. Two puffs of white smoke came out, "First strike to be strong, then strike to suffer, and when the aliens come, it will be too late."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, there is something to say, but no one wants to be the first bird.

Qiu Tian took a puff of cigarette: "Io Guard is indeed a very serious threat to us, but judging from the information we have so far, there is no sign of the aliens attacking yet, I think I can put Io Guard temporarily away, Prioritize solving the problems in Africa and South America, and then come back to deal with Io, so that there is not only a time buffer, but the fleet can be better prepared."

"Defending the enemy from the outside is indeed a good strategy, but we must first consider our strength before attacking. Taking the initiative to attack is equal to fighting on the road. Our fleet itself is weaker than the enemy, and then we give up our home field advantage... The possibility of defeating aliens is very high. Small."

The first brother's eyes are calm, but his tone is a little stern: "Is this your opinion?"

Qiu Tianning nodded: "It is said that offense is the best defense, but the enemy is strong and we are weak, and taking the initiative to attack is like a moth to a fire..."

"I'm against it!" Wu Shenglong suddenly interrupted, "Minister, we're not right, the aliens are silent now, but that doesn't mean they'll be silent in the future. If you say we're not strong enough, it's better to wait. Is it true that the celestial beings are also not strong enough to keep their troops on hold? The aliens have not been moving, so they must be holding back. It will be too late when they really move. We can't wait, even if we send a few less battleships to harass and contain them. Is it better than waiting for something?"

"Harassment? How to harass?" Qiu Tianning retorted, "Even an asteroid can't destroy the wooden guard zero, and the aliens don't need to guard the wooden guard zero at all, and we can't do anything about it. "

"What about waiting for the aliens to call? Can we hold on?"

Qiu Tianning sighed: "At least with home field advantage, with a military base on the moon, the fleet can last longer."

"Then what? Beiyuezhou, Space City and everything were destroyed by aliens?"

"At the very least, we did our best, and we did our best! If we send the fleet out as you said, the fleet will end up at Io Zero. When the aliens come, what will we do to resist? Fist or teeth?" Qiu Tianning Waving his arms vigorously, his passionate tone suddenly became extremely desolate, "At the very least, we can buy more time and send more groups of people to the dungeon."

Everyone present knew that if aliens called, the hibernators who were sent to the dungeon would never have the chance to recover, but whether they knew it was one thing, and whether they did it or not was another. , In many cases, even if you know it is useless, you have to persevere.

There was only a cigarette **** left in the cigarette between the first brother's fingers. He pressed the cigarette **** into the ashtray and twisted it: "Let's raise your hands to vote. I agree to raise your hand without moving."

Several arms were immediately raised in the conference room.

One brother counted, and a total of seven people agreed.

"Put down, raise your hand in favor of taking the initiative to attack." The first brother said again.

Several more arms were raised.

"Put it down," said the first brother, "seven votes in favor of defense and six in favor of offense, what do you guys mean by not raising your hands? Abstain or do you have other ideas?"

Huo Qiang, who participated in the meeting by video, coughed lightly: "Everyone, I don't think it's a good idea to simply attack or defend. My opinion is to focus on the main defense, deploy a small number of troops to scout for harassment, and run if you can. , In a word, you can't let the aliens live too much, it would be better if they could occupy a few strongholds on Io."

The first brother was very surprised, he hesitated and said, "Do we have this ability?"

"So far... no!" Huo Qiang admitted frankly, "Whether we can occupy the stronghold, air power is the key, if we can't deal with the alien fleet, we can't talk about landing on Io, and the lessons of the Third Fleet cannot be forgotten."

Wu Shenglong pouted in dissatisfaction: "I thought you had a good idea!"

Huo Qiang ignored him at all: "I apply for a vote!"

"Agree to vote, please raise your hand if you agree with the harassment of small troops!" said the first brother.

An arm was immediately raised in the conference room, and the first brother counted his arms and said, "Put it down, eleven votes in favor...Old Qiu, why did you raise your hand?"

Qiu Tianning smiled and said, "I went inside the bull's horn before, but now I'm out."

Wu Shenglong pouted again, thinking that I had already thought of it, why did the surnamed Huo take the lead?

"You!" The first brother shook his That's the decision, Huo Qiang, your fleet must take the lead in defense or harassment. You have a heavy burden! "

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Huo Qiang smiled calmly.

"Okay, come up with the plan as soon as possible." The first brother said and looked at Qiu Tianning, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Qiu Tianning nodded, "The staff recommends the cancellation of the Marine Corps!"

The first brother was taken aback: "What reason?"

Qiu Tianning said: "That's right, everyone knows that space is dominated by warships and fighter planes. Judging from previous expeditions, the Marine Corps basically played no role, and even let the aliens capture a group of people. The Third Fleet was successful. We landed, but apart from that little information, it was almost a complete failure. Moreover, the equipment cost of the Marine Corps was high, and it was not very useful but a lot. According to the current situation we are facing, there is absolutely no need to retain the Marine Corps. Therefore, it is recommended to abolish the Marine Corps. Team, use the resources saved in the fleet or other aspects."

The first brother looked at the screen: "Huo Qiang, you are the head of the fleet, tell me your opinion."

Huo Qiang considered for a moment and said, "Judging from the situation of the expeditionary force, the Marine Corps really doesn't play a role. As for whether or not it's a hindrance, it's a matter of opinion... The Marine Corps is useless now, but I must remind that the Marine Corps is disbanded. It's easy, but it's not that easy to recover."

"Any other opinions?" Brother One asked, looking around for a week and said, "Vote if you don't, in favor of revoking the Marine Corps' raise!"

Several arms were raised in the conference room, but Qiu Tianning was not among those who agreed... He just brought his opinions to the meeting for discussion, which did not mean he agreed with the staff.

The first brother raised his hand just as he was about to say no, when the door of the conference room suddenly opened from the outside, and Liang Junsheng hurried in.

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