Armor Frenzy

Chapter 895: initiative (2)

Fortunately, Li Shili is not that kind of person.

Think about it, although the Northern Capital is famous for its many officials, how many are the real high officials? At the level of Li Shili, it is already an existence that Ye Han must look up to. No matter where he goes, no one dares to look down upon him without saying a word.

At this level, even if it is pretending, you have to put on a posture that the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach. No matter how deep or connotative it is, it will not be superficial to the point of showing authority by means of seizing power.

What are you kidding? Have you read too many third-rate novels? It is the normal state of small people to draw fists at each other and add angry words. The joy and anger are indistinguishable, and thundering in the silent place is the way a senior official should behave.

At this time, Zeng Rui's position was close to dusk. After a while, the signal transmission point crossed the dusk line, and the signal point was gradually shrouded in darkness. After a while, the signal point moved to the edge of the fleet's line of sight due to Io's rotation. .

The aliens probably knew about this situation, and finally stopped the light signal. The group of aliens started to clean up the mess together and seemed to plan to leave.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han suddenly came up with an idea - that gem worm can finally be freed.

However, Ye Han was too happy. Although the signal point where Zeng Rui was located was withdrawn, another signal point outside the dusk line was activated in time, and persevered in sending light signals to space.

Ye Han was very surprised, what was the situation? Isn't that Zeng Rui just now, or that there is more than one prisoner held by the aliens?

He quickly zoomed in on the second signal point, only to see a group of aliens squatting in the grass and fiddling with gem bugs. It may be that the aliens had a heavier hand, and the gem bug fixed on the ground struggled so hard that two of its legs were torn off. .

An alien probably had a bad temper. He stepped on the gem worm in disgust, ripped off the remaining legs of the worm, and then tied the gem worm tightly to the ground, signaling his companion to continue poking the gem worm. brain.

The alien in charge of poking the worm stabbed the gem worm's head with a ruthless finger, almost opening a hole in the worm's head.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as it has nothing to do with the captives, it doesn't matter what the aliens like to do.

At the same time, he was also a little curious in his heart. Is there a signal point No. 3 after this wave goes around?

It really made Ye Han guess right. After the No. 2 signal point was out of sight of the fleet, another signal point was activated, and the aliens stopped emitting light signals until the land was replaced by the ocean.

Ye Han secretly thought it was funny, are the aliens really in such a hurry?

Two days later, the fleet finally arrived near Io, and began to fly around Io. To be cautious, the fleet did not get too close, but opened a sufficient safety distance.

When the fleet arrived, it was facing the ocean of Io, and after flying around Io for a short time, the two warships flew over the land and began to look for the signal point where Zeng Rui was.

Before the spacecraft flew over the land, a signal point appeared in the line of sight, but there were only aliens here, and Zeng Rui was not found. Ye Han immediately retracted his gaze in disgust, turning a blind eye to the increasingly urgent light signal, and continued. Fly forward around Io Zero.

In this way, until the spacecraft reached signal point No. 1, Ye Han finally found Zeng Rui's figure, and he immediately ordered the spacecraft to change its orbit, jumping from the low orbit to the synchronous orbit of Io Zero.

At the same time as the spacecraft changes orbit, a supply module is launched near the signal point.

The supply cabin is a cylindrical piece of equipment with a diameter of one meter and a length of three meters. The interior of this thing is hollow, and it is the equipment for the fleet to drop supplies to the surface of the planet. Whether it is ammunition supplies or spare parts for medicine, as long as it can be put into the supply cabin, it can be dropped from space. on the ground.

It was the first time Ye Han used this thing. Before the spacecraft moved to the synchronous orbit, the supply cabin first fell to the signal point.

The supply cabin that turned into a line of fire descended from the sky with a whistling. Zeng Rui and the alien at the signal point were startled at the same time, and immediately rushed to the landing point. One alien thought that Zeng Rui was too slow, and simply flew to Zeng Rui. Above his head, he pulled Zeng Rui up by his arm, and after only a short while, he flew over the landing point.

Ye Han saw all the aliens fall through the optical lens, hesitating around the supply cabin, no one dared to move forward, only Zeng Rui came out of the crowd, but was dragged back by the aliens.

The two sides seemed to have a dispute. After a stalemate for a while, the aliens backed down. Zeng Rui walked slowly to the supply cabin, stared blankly for a while, and then opened the supply cabin with skilled movements.

The hatch was opened, and there was nothing in the cabin except a set of communication equipment that had not been unpacked. Zeng Rui took out the equipment, unpacked it and assembled it quickly. After a while, a set of satellite communication equipment appeared in front of the aliens.

Several aliens whispered, and they didn't understand what this thing was for.

As soon as Zeng Rui turned his head, he suddenly grabbed the gem worm that the alien was holding in his hand, and poked a finger between the gem worm's and made a deep finger hole.

There was an uproar from the aliens, but the leading aliens quickly stopped the movement of their companions.

The gem worm struggled for a while before dying. Zeng Rui put the corpse upright on the ground, and put the screen attached to the communication device on the gem worm's back, and fixed it carefully. Only then did he turn on the device switch and hold the The earphones took a few steps back, barely snapping the earphones on the already deformed head.

Yushan immediately received a weak communication signal. After the signal was analyzed, it turned into a picture on the main screen. A super ugly face that belonged only to aliens appeared in the middle of the screen.

Before waiting for the person on the screen to speak, Ye Han said firstly: "Io Weiling, this is the battleship Yushan, a subordinate of the Beiyuezhou Fleet. The Beidu negotiation team was invited to arrive on this ship. I am the commander Ye Han."

The ugly face on the screen suddenly trembled violently, but it was quickly brought under control, and then an extremely inaudible voice appeared in the bridge: "Yushan, I am Zeng Rui, a marine medic of the Huwan, a subordinate of the expeditionary army. I, I finally waited for you..."

Ugly face reported his family, but Ye Han would never believe his identity so easily, he suddenly shouted: "Zeng Rui!"

The unpredictable roar interrupted Zeng Rui's words and awakened the memory deep in Zeng Rui's heart. He instinctively stood upright and used all his strength to shout, "Here!"

Ye Han and Li Shili looked at each other, the former nodded slightly: "It should be fine." Those who are not Chinese soldiers will never have such an instinctive reaction.

Li Shili said in a low voice, "You speak first and I speak first?"

"Let me go first." Ye Han said, "Didn't you say let the aliens hang out first? If you speak first, wouldn't the negotiation begin?"

Li Shili chuckled: "Then you come first, but it's up to me when you take over."

"no problem!"

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