Armor Frenzy

Chapter 896: negotiation purpose

Ye Han's eyes turned to the screen, and his expression immediately became extremely solemn. First, he raised his right hand and gave a military salute.

Seeing Ye Han salute, Zeng Rui immediately raised his right arm.

After the ceremony, Ye Han said solemnly: "Zeng Rui, I am also a marine of the First Fleet. I watched the Shuwan fall with my own eyes, but I didn't expect you to be alive."

Zeng Rui was silent for a moment, and then replied in a loud voice, "I didn't expect that I would be able to live to this day."

Not far behind him, an alien listening attentively translated Zeng Rui's words into an alien language in a low voice. Zeng Rui didn't have to look back to know what the aliens were doing, but in the bridge on the other side of the screen, no one paid attention to this detail.

Ye Han continued: "I really want to shake hands with you and welcome you back to the team, but your current situation is too special, we can't bring you back for the time being, I hope you can understand."

"I... I understand." Zeng Rui's tone was lost, his eyes were extremely complicated.

He deceived himself countless times and fantasized about returning to the human world, but he knew very well that it was impossible to return to the human world with this appearance. Even if he reluctantly went back, he would only be rejected by everyone in the end.

At this moment, Zeng Rui felt more strongly than ever that he was a monster, a monster! not human!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ye Han said, "It's really inappropriate to go back in your current situation."

"I understand!" Zeng Rui packed up his depressed mood, concealed his disappointment, and showed a bitter smile... His expression was so ugly to humans that Ye Han's brows couldn't help but lift slightly. .

Ye Han tried hard to control the muscles on his face, not letting his expression reveal his inner thoughts, and asked solemnly: "Zeng Rui, do you still think you are a soldier of the Republic?"

Zeng Rui's voice was low: "I always thought I was, but today I really don't know, I don't know..."

"No, you know, you just feel that the army you have been loyal to has betrayed you, right?" Ye Han said, the more he panicked, "I don't know if you need sympathy, but I am very sympathetic to your experience, if there is Maybe, I'm very willing to take you back now..."

"Isn't it?" Zeng Rui asked coldly.

He knew he couldn't go back, but he knew it was one thing, but hearing it from Ye Han was a completely different feeling.

Li Shili coughed suddenly: "I'll answer this question."

"Who are you?" Zeng Rui asked cautiously.

Li Shili smiled slightly: "I am Li Shili, the plenipotentiary negotiator of Beidu, can I speak?"

"Yes, of course." Zeng Rui was lost for a moment, but he recovered immediately, but his slightly trembling body revealed his inner excitement.

It's finally here, he finally waited for this day!

Li Shili observed Zeng Rui calmly, but Zeng Rui could no longer see the shadow of human beings, and could not judge Zeng Rui's psychological state through observation, he could only give up the observation and said slowly: "Zeng Rui, I am the plenipotentiary representative of the negotiation. , whether you believe it or not, the first brother personally confessed before departure that in any case, the issue of prisoners must be included in the negotiation content, since the aliens can change you into this appearance, they will definitely be able to change you back!"

His tone was full of irreversible determination, as hard as a piece of iron, a piece of steel, and anyone could hear the uncompromising in his words.

Zeng Rui nodded: "Whether it's true or not, this is heartwarming to hear, thank you."

He was not the kind of real person with only one intestine, and after so many changes, even if he was careless, he has become sensitive and suspicious now. He didn't believe that Li Shili would fight aliens for a few captives. Talk about collapse.

Li Shili's expression was a little stiff, and Ye Han turned his head to look at him, guessing how true and false these words were.

Li Shili's expression control is perfect: "I can't guarantee anything, and I guarantee that you won't believe it. I can only say that I will do my best and try my best to save you all."

Zeng Rui finally began to believe in Li Shili. If Li Shili patted his chest and said that he was foolproof, he would not believe Li Shili's nonsense if he killed Zeng Rui.

However, if there is no guarantee for such a paragraph, it has won some trust from Zeng Rui.

If you want to take the captives back from the hands of the aliens, do you really think you can achieve your goal with a little bit of lip service?

Zeng Rui sighed and said, "Even if the aliens are willing to let me go back, I can't go back, they don't have that ability."

Li Shili was startled: "What do you mean?"

"It literally means." Zeng Rui pointed behind him, "They don't understand biochemical technology, and they don't have the ability to change me back."

"How is that possible?" Li Shili's eyes widened, like a toad that had just been stepped on.

"Nothing is impossible, if they didn't promise to find a way to change me How could I help them contact Earth?" Zeng Rui's voice was extremely difficult to hear, but everyone could clearly hear it in his tone. A lot of helplessness.

Li Shili was extremely puzzled: "Didn't you say they don't have that ability? Isn't that contradicting itself?"

"It's a long story." Zeng Rui scratched the top of his head, as if he didn't know where to start, "Let's put it this way, whether I can change it back has something to do with the content of the negotiation."

"And this?" Li Shili was even more confused, nodding his fingers and urging, "Tell me what's going on."

Zeng Rui looked back and said in a very surprised tone: "They want to cooperate with us and deal with aliens together."

"What's the matter?" Li Shili didn't stare out his eyes. Is this too scary?

"What, what?" Ye Han also couldn't believe his ears, "I heard it right, the aliens want to cooperate with us and fight against the aliens together?"

He knew that there was a resistance organization among the aliens, but they should not come and cooperate with humans if they wanted to overthrow the existing ruling class.

Cooperating with humans, aren't these aliens just foreigners?

To use an inappropriate analogy, what is the difference between what the aliens are doing now and those traitors who turned to the devils to overthrow the government before the founding of the People's Republic of China?

"That's right!" Zeng Rui nodded affirmatively, "This is their only purpose."

Li Shili rubbed his temples vigorously: "No, the more I listen, the more confused I am, do they want to cooperate with us, or with all mankind? Cooperating with outsiders to fight against their own race, why does the more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong? "After speaking, he looked to Ye Han for support, and unsurprisingly saw doubt in Ye Han's eyes.

"This, it's a long story, I won't be able to explain it for a while," Zeng Rui said.

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