Armor Frenzy

Chapter 925: Ladder, Ladder!

Another major breakthrough project is viruses. The progress made in virus research also benefits from breakthroughs in genetic analysis technology. The most direct role of genetic technology is that humans can analyze the gene function of viruses and find the cause of human infection. There are Targeted treatment.

These things may seem like nothing to say, and it seems to be no different from traditional gene therapy, but the previous therapy targets the virus itself, and the new therapy targets the human immune system!

In other words, genetic technology can improve the human immune system so that viruses cannot infect human beings. In this way, no matter how scared the virus is, it can no longer threaten human beings, even the most terrifying four-level virus is no exception.

The vision anticipates that this achievement could be applied to space fleets, space marines and crews landing on other planets to prevent them from being infected by alien microbes.

In addition to the experimental results achieved by humans on their own, there is also an in-depth cooperation at the biotechnological level between humans and resistance groups.

This cooperation was also first proposed by human beings, and the purpose is to create a super-strong fiber with unprecedented strength!

The resistance organization didn't know why humans wanted this thing, and couldn't think of a reason to refuse, so they simply agreed, and then the two sides carried out a series of efficient and in-depth cooperation.

Beidu's plan is to obtain super-strong materials through spider silk, especially the spider silk of giant spiders.

To this end, Beidu also specially sent a batch of spiders to Io Zero, hoping that the resistance organization will produce results as soon as possible.

However, after the research of the resistance organization, it is believed that the strength of spider silk is limited, and there is little room for improvement.

Beidu again pinned its hopes on the alien giant insects, but none of the giant insects controlled by the resistance organization could spin silk, and this plan died again.

At this stage, the resistance organization believes that this plan can no longer be realized, and suggests that Beidu suspend this plan, but how can Beidu give up? The structure of carbon nanotubes is directly given to the resistance tissue.

Like the alien aristocracy, the resistance organizations are serious players, and they don't even know that there is another thing in the world called carbon nanotubes!

For this reason, Beidu had to do some popular science to the aliens. Starting from the atomic structure, it took a while for the aliens to understand what carbon nanotubes are.

It is definitely a good idea to let organisms directly produce carbon nanotubes, but how to produce them is a difficult problem. The resistance organization has tried many times without success. Beidu is desperate. An expert in the experimental center suddenly proposed a suggestion, why must animals be allowed Secreted carbon nanotubes? Can't let the plant grow directly?

This suggestion made Beidu wake up like a dream, and immediately informed the resistance organization of the suggestion.

The resistance organization immediately organized the experiment. This time, it only took more than half a month to achieve success on an alien plant, and the strength exceeded the requirements of the northern capital.

The news was sent back to Earth, and immediately caused an 18-magnitude earthquake in the upper levels of Beidu. A series of instructions were sent from Zhongnanhai, and all related departments were fully operational.

However, Beidu didn't want to use alien plants. On the one hand, they continued to negotiate and tried every means to exchange technology from the resistance organization;

After paying some price in Beidu, the resistance organization agreed to two conditions, but the technology is very complicated. After the experimental center got the video, it studied day and night for more than a week, but it was still at a loss.

The transformation of the resistance organization was quite smooth, and the three plants were changed without much trouble.

The resistance organization was easy to change, but Beidu took a lot of effort to recover it, and a landing ship was specially dispatched to solve the problem.

Ye Han very, very, very much wanted to go back to Earth with the landing ship, but he hesitated and hesitated, and in the end he didn't say anything.

At this time, it is early 2029, and the child has turned one year old. Ye Han has not met the child once, so he can only explain the slander in the video.

After sending off the rocket carrying carbon nano-plants, Beidu conducted a series of consultations with the resistance organization. Soon after, the resistance organization began to cultivate carbon nano-plants on a large area on Io, and stimulated the growth of such plants through biological means. In just half a month, these plants have grown high-strength carbon fiber, and they are growing at an astonishing rate every day.

Ye Han's daily task has one more task, which is to measure the strength of carbon fiber on time. Once the strength is found to be insufficient, he must immediately notify the northern capital and the resistance organization.

At the same time, Beidu began to design an orbital elevator. The initial plan is to use carbon nanofibers as the main body, the outer layer is covered with high-strength lightweight armor, and the inner layer is equipped with high-strength guard plates to form a "patio ~ from the ground to the outer space synchronous orbit. And in order to improve efficiency, it must be two parallel tracks, and the equipment going between the ground and the space station is an elevator cabin with its own power.

However, the first draft was only the first draft, and there were a lot of unreasonable designs. The design institute subsequently made drastic revisions to the first draft.

The first improvement is to delete the all-connected patio, and only keep more than 100 kilometers from the ground to the outside of the atmosphere. After exiting the atmosphere, a transfer platform, which can also be called a space dock, is added at an appropriate location.

The elevator from the ground can only reach the platform, whether it is materials or personnel, it must be transferred to the spacecraft through the platform, and then continue to the destination.

This design is difficult to understand at first glance, but it is actually a practical need - the height of the geosynchronous orbit is about 36,000 kilometers above sea level, that is to say, this is the length of the orbital elevator.

With carbon nanofibers, it is not difficult to make a cable with a length of 36,000 kilometers and sufficient strength. The problem is that the elevator needs to travel 36,000 kilometers to reach the space station in synchronous orbit from the ground. A thousand kilometers is equivalent to revolving around the earth once!

The kind of space elevator in science fiction movies that runs all the way to synchronous orbit is not realistic at all, that is, it does not conform to economic laws, nor does it conform to practical rules, it is a proper subjective imagination.

Moreover, the strength of carbon nanofibers is also limited, and the number of elevator cabins running on the cable must be limited, which greatly limits the transportation efficiency of rail elevators.

The low-orbit terminal plan can reduce the elevator transportation distance from 36,000 kilometers to 120 kilometers, and this 120 kilometers is from the surface to the space, that is, the most difficult section of the whole journey. You can use a transport ship to solve the transportation problem, there is no need to stick to the cable and not come down.

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