Armor Frenzy

Chapter 927: Resource priority

Ouyang jumped up flatly, as if he was bitten by something: "Yes, how do you send the cable up? With a rocket?"

Ye Han has a black line on his face: "What the fuck, play while playing, what's wrong with your rocket maker!"

"If only my family could make rockets!" Ouyang Ping smiled.

The amount of rockets used on Earth in recent years is simply an astronomical figure, but all industries that are closely related to aerospace have developed by leaps and bounds.

It is a pity that a country now implements a wartime economy, otherwise it will not develop by leaps and bounds, but will be full.

Ye Han picked up the folder and was about to throw it away, and Ouyang Ping quickly begged for mercy: "Don't throw it, don't throw it away, then what, why don't you use a rocket?"

"I don't know either." Ye Han put down the folder, "I really can't think of any other way besides the rocket.

"How many rockets are that?" Ouyang Ping was shocked.

"You still know?" Ye Han said angrily.

Ouyang Ping pretended not to hear: "It's definitely not realistic to ship it from the earth. It's such a waste... Or, just make a batch here?"

"It's even more impossible." Ye Han immediately shook his head, "Are you a Chinese cabbage?"

Rockets are one of the top products in the human industrial system. If you want to build a rocket in Io Zero, you must first come up with a complete industrial system. That thing can’t be done in a day or two. Maybe it’s better than sending rockets directly from Beiyuezhou. It's hard to come here.

"Yes." Ouyang Ping was also depressed, "What should we do? We can't wait for aliens to learn to drive spaceships and build elevators, right?"

Ye Han blinked and suddenly sat up straight: "You really reminded me, how about building a rail elevator here first?"

"Not so good!" Ouyang Ping shook his head violently without even thinking about it, "There isn't a spectrum on the other side of the earth, so build it here first? Is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Ye Han suddenly became excited, "You think, this is not just a cable, but in the future, aliens will have to be sent to the sky. Is it possible to use a rocket without an orbital elevator?"

"Then it has to be built on earth first, and then reincarnated?" Ouyang Ping still couldn't help himself.

"Crap, don't think about it. If you don't build it here, where will the raw materials come from?"

"Didn't you send it back, plant it yourself!" Ouyang Ping said as a matter of course.

Ye Han said: "Is it better than the aliens? I know what you think, do you need to be so careful, even if it is built, we will take care of it, and we must not give it to aliens, when the time comes, aliens If we dare to stab, we'll blow up the elevator and make them cry."

Ouyang Ping looked disgusted: "Aliens can't cry at all, okay?"

"Fuck off, give me some seriousness!" Ye Han glared angrily, wishing to wear two holes on Ouyang Ping with his eyes.

"I'm serious!" Ouyang Ping quickly put on an appearance of sitting upright.

Ye Han glared at Ouyang Ping fiercely: "Bum bum, what to do, don't bother me here."

Ouyang Ping laughed, jumped up and ran away.

Ye Han was the only one left in the room. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the idea in his heart was good. He simply turned on the computer, tapped the keyboard, and after a while, he typed out an official report.

But after the report was released, he began to hesitate again, whether it was appropriate to submit such a report.

After much thought, he finally made up his mind to encrypt the document and send it back to Earth.

After clicking send, Ye Han suddenly seemed to be missing something. He was a little worried and a little uneasy. He didn't know what the final result of this report would be.

Huo Qiang in the Qiongzhou base happened to be in the office and received the report immediately. After reading it, the old man smacked his mouth and thought for a while before turning on the computer and recording a short video to send back to Ye Han.

Ye Han was thinking wildly and suddenly received a reply from Huo Qiang. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and subconsciously complained: "So soon?"

Quickly click on the video, and Huo Qiang's old face appeared on the screen: "Ye Han, I received your report, the suggestion is not bad, but don't be too happy. Let me tell you, this method is not yours. The one that came up has not only been discussed by the North, but even raised by the aliens, and now it is not a question of how to build it, but a question of when!"

Huo Qiang took a breath and continued: "The current conflict is whether to build for the earth first or for the aliens first, and Beidu is also quite contradictory. I don't want to create for the aliens first, and I have been thinking about the resources in the hands of the aliens. Now There is no result yet, but there is Qiongzhou launch site on the earth side, the need for orbital elevators is not so urgent, and Io Zero's synchronous orbit is short, and the engineering difficulty is lower than that of the earth, so I think it is possible to build Io Zero first. Gao...that's all, don't spread the word until there is no result."

After talking about the end of the Ye Han's restless heart has calmed down, and he tapped under the video frame, and the video was instantly and completely destroyed by the system.

Now Ye Han has a bottom line. After waiting patiently for a few days, Beidu has made a formal decision, and the decision is similar to what Huo Qiang expected.

Later, through the joint delegation, Beidu contacted the resistance organization as soon as possible to discuss the construction of the rail elevator. Just half a day later, Ye Han received an official order from Beidu, ordering the advance base to assist the resistance organization in building the rail. Preliminary preparations for the elevator!

Along with the order, there is also a detailed design drawing, site selection requirements and so on.

This matter is too important, Ye Han dare not hand it over to others, and is ready to come forward in person to contact the aliens.

The resistance organization attached great importance to the rail elevator project, and before Ye Han set off, they brought a group of people to the door.

Without saying a word, Ye Han immediately stopped a large-screen cultural propaganda, and transferred the map of the equator of Io, and asked the resistance organization to choose a position on the equator.

Without saying a word, the representative of the resistance organization stretched out his finger and chose a position away from the advancing base.

Ye Han rejected this place without hesitation and asked the other party to re-election.

Just kidding, is it okay to be that far from the forward base? Who is it built?

He simply opened up and explained to the aliens that the advance base would be a part of the orbital elevator ground station. In the future, the orbital elevator would be built and the equipment of the advance base would need to be controlled.

Ye Han is not talking nonsense, the ground station does need to move to the base, but it does not need to be relocated, it can be done through satellite remote control, but it is deliberately serious. To find a suitable location, where the rail elevator is built, humans can directly choose a place.

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