Armor Frenzy

Chapter 949: tasteless

Ye Han nodded thoughtfully: "I probably understand, you mean this thing is like putting a fire control system in my head, it doesn't matter if it breaks or gets out of control, it's great just leave it alone, right?"

Dr. Wu nodded again and again: "Yes, that's what I mean, the chip is completely under your control, you can choose whether to turn it on or off, and the chip cells are not electronic components, this thing has low energy consumption but high computing speed, it does not exist Problems such as overclocking or overheating. Even if hackers invade, at most, the chip cells will be damaged, and it will not take long to grow back on its own, and even repairs are saved.”

Dr. Wu just said it simply. In fact, the laboratory has put a lot of effort into the safety of biochips.

The functions of the first-generation biochips are very limited, and they are completely different from real computers. The calculation speed is not as exaggerated in theory, and it is not a computer installed in the brain.

In addition, its operating system is relatively primitive, but the built-in program of the biochip is specially written by the military, which is completely incompatible with common systems, and it is not so simple to invade.

Another, the military only uses the biochip as a fire control system, and the application is very single, so the external data that needs to be input into the chip has only a small amount of environmental information.

Based on this, the laboratory artificially narrows the input speed of the biochip. Anyone who wants to invade the biochip must endure the extremely slow input speed. As a result, the chip will first detect abnormal data before the invasion is successful.

One more thing, the military wanted to make the input end of the chip into a wireless mode, so that a soft radio can be loaded in the biochip, and the actual wireless communication between individual soldiers. However, considering the potential risks brought about by this approach, the military decisively canceled the wireless mode of the biochip and changed the data exchange to contact. The method achieves physical connection with the biochip.

Dr. Wu is very aware of these inside stories, but there is no need to explain it to Ye Han so clearly, anyway, let Ye Han know that the chip is safe.

Of course, no matter how thoughtful the protection is, it cannot be 100% safe, so the initial positioning of the biochip is to assist, under no circumstances can it take over even the slightest brain function.

Ye Han didn't know the stories behind them, but he was still stunned by the power of the biochip, but he felt wrong when he touched the back of his head: "Hey, isn't it? The armor has a fire control system, and I put such a thing in my head. , isn't that taking off your pants and farting?"

"That's different," said Dr. Wu. "The equipment on the armor not only consumes electricity, but also takes up space. After canceling it, it will not only improve the battery life, but also add a lot of armor, or replace it with other equipment. In short, there are many benefits."

Ye Han's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of vigilance, thinking how did this surnamed Wu know so much? But after thinking about it carefully, I am relieved. After all, I am an expert involved in the research of biochips. If I don’t understand the situation of armor, how can I use biochips to make up for the weakness of power armor?

Moreover, the fire control equipment of the power armor is indeed very energy-intensive. According to his understanding, turning off the auxiliary system can save up to 40% of electricity, which can extend the use time of the armor by nearly double without modifying the armor. The upcoming mission to Jupiter is indeed very beneficial, and it is not surprising that Beidu has rushed to bring the biochip to the forefront.

So he pretended to be nonchalant: "According to you, this thing has an operating system?"

"Of course, there is not only an operating system, but also supporting biochemical equipment." Dr. Wu said.

Ye Han immediately became interested: "What function does it have?"

"It's mainly fire control and data analysis, which can appropriately enhance vision, hearing, smell and touch."

Ye Han is very happy, super vision and super hearing, cow!

Super sense of smell... Well, this has to be cautious, otherwise it will turn into a humanoid police dog in minutes.

Super tactile... This seems to be useless, they are all wearing armor, so they can't be used at all.

He was very discouraged when he thought about it like this. These functions sounded awesome. The problem is that the armor already has them. Adding a body, that is, monitoring the whole body is also useful.

Ye Han said sarcastically: "The biochips have come out, but you haven't done research on strengthening the skin?"

"No." Dr. Wu answered in the affirmative.

"Why don't you do research on strengthening your skin?"

"Haha, you think too much." Dr. Wu said, "If you want to be invulnerable, you have to grow a shell like an alien."

"Let's forget it." Ye Han shook his head and suddenly sighed, "What am I now? Transforming people? Biochemical people? Or strengthening people?"

Dr. Wu twitched the corners of his mouth and said calmly, "No, you are just an ordinary person with a biochip and the biochip doesn't have to follow you forever, if you retire in the future, you can Uninstall all military-related programs, and you can live a normal life like a normal person."

"Is that okay?" Ye Han was surprised.

Dr. Wu continued: "If you are captured, you can format the system, and the chip will lose all functions at that time, and it will be a brain reinforcement system."

Ye Han couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This function seems to be against the sky, but it is also useless. If there is a real danger of being captured, he would rather commit suicide than fall into the hands of aliens: "How does this thing work?"

Dr. Wu talked for so long, and finally got to the point: "This must be learned slowly. The basic method is to concentrate on the sensory chip, which is similar to using a brain wave device..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Han had already concentrated all his attention. It seemed that a switch was turned on instantly in his mind, and his eyes flickered, and then the familiar tactical interface appeared in front of him.

Ye Han was startled and touched the air twice, but naturally he couldn't touch anything.

When he turned his eyes, the tactical interface also followed. In a hurry, Ye Han grabbed Dr. Wu's collar: "What's going on, what's in my eyes?"

Before the operation, he only signed the form for implanting biochips, and there was no eyeball modification on the form.

"Don't worry, there's nothing in your eyes!" Dr. Wu quickly explained.

"Then why did I see the tactical interface?" Ye Han refused to let go, and the others rushed over to dissuade him, but he was shoved aside with a roar.

"I can explain this!" Dr. Wu quickly reassured.

This was killed in a sea of ​​blood and corpses. If you really think about it, they can't beat Ye Han alone when they are tied together.

Ye Han's tone turned cold: "I'm listening."

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