Armor Frenzy

Chapter 206: man in car

Through the blazing flames, Ye Han and the others clearly saw that the burning house was full of new grains that had not had time to thresh, bundles of grains were either charred black or red, and a wave of heat was coming.

The raging flames devoured the corpses in an instant, and the limbs of several corpses suddenly twisted and danced in the blazing fire, causing the three of them to take a step back in unison.

A corpse suddenly sat up, twitching like a puppet involuntarily. Half of its head was knocked off by the bullet, sometimes rushing forward and sometimes backward, looking like an electrocuted snake.

Hu Ya swallowed his saliva in horror: "Ye Pai... bombed, bombed the corpse!"

The veteran glared at Huya with contempt: "What are you afraid of, this is a fire, not a corpse bombing, you are not a recruit, why are you still superstitious?"

Hu Ya looked at Ye Han suspiciously, Ye Han nodded: "The veteran is right."

"How is that possible?" Hu Ya still refused to believe it.

Ye Han explained: "After a person dies, the nerve cells are still alive, and when they are stimulated by the outside world, there will be a stress response, which is almost the same as an instinctive response."

Hu Ya was still a little skeptical, but seeing what Ye Han said was serious, he finally believed it a little in his heart.

I believe Gui Xin, seeing the tumultuous corpse, Hu Ya still felt a chill in his heart: "Ye Pai, let's go quickly!"

"Look at what you can do!" The old soldier laughed and cursed with hatred.

Hu Ya laughed dryly, his guilty eyes wandering around.

Ye Han's eyes swept across the sky-high fire, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "Let's go." After saying that, he turned and walked towards the armored vehicle.

He is not a real policeman, and he has no extra energy or ability to find out what conflict between Zhao Hongwei and these people just based on clues.

Hu Ya took a few steps ahead of Ye Han, and jumped into the armored vehicle first. He didn't want to stay for a second in this hellish place.

The veteran followed Ye Han and said softly, "Ye Pai, do we need to look for it? What if there are still people in the village?"

Ye Han thought about it and said, "No, what should come out, we can come out without looking for it, and we can't find what we don't want to come out."

With a full set of military uniforms and an armored vehicle, those with long eyes can tell the identities of the three of them. If there are still people in the village who refuse to come out, they are probably Zhao Hongwei's accomplices.

The erosion of the high temperature has damaged the nerves of the corpse. The tumultuous corpse finally calmed down. The armored vehicle parked not far away started the engine and went straight through the village.

At the other end of the village, Ye Han and others found a silver-gray sedan with four doors wide open and seven or eight bullet holes in the body.

"Stop, I'll go down and have a look." Ye Han suddenly said.

"What are you looking at?" the old soldier asked.

"I think this car might belong to that guy." Ye Han said, picked up his rifle, and jumped out of the car.

There was no one in the silver-gray sedan, there was nothing on the front seat, and a shriveled backpack was thrown on the back seat.

Ye Han casually lifted the Beibao outside the car, opened the zipper of the backpack, reached out to touch it, and took out a dirty camouflage shirt from the bag, with two thin bars representing the senior soldiers stuck to the collar.

Ye Han's expression changed, and he turned his backpack upside down and shook it vigorously. Another pair of trousers fell out of the bag, along with a few compressed biscuits and two magazines full of bullets.

He put away the magazine first, then picked up the shirt and touched it carefully. His fingertips touched a square the size of a bank card. Ye Han took it out and saw that it was the army's green soldier's card.

Opening the soldier's card, Zhao Hongwei's photo was pasted on the card.

Ye Han dropped the soldier's card and scratched his hair angrily.

"Ye Pai, what are you looking for?"

"Soldier certificate, that kid is not only a murderer, but also a deserter." Ye Han said coldly.

"Damn it!" The old soldier was angry, "I'll smear our soldiers!"

Ye Han stuffed the soldier's card into his pocket, threw the clothes back into the car, and turned to the armored vehicle.

At this moment, the veteran suddenly shouted: "Ye Pai, the car is moving!"

"What?" Ye Han suddenly turned around and stared at the car with wide eyes.

Ye Han waited patiently for a while, but the car remained motionless. He was puzzled: "Veteran, did you read it wrong?"

"Absolutely not!" The veteran replied affirmatively, he simply lifted the roof and jumped out of the car, standing beside Ye Han and watching the car together.

Ye Han looked left and right, his eyes slowly fell on the trunk of the car, he first loaded the rifle with bullets, and then carefully approached the car, holding the trunk lever and lifting it up.

There was a soft click, the trunk lid of the car was slowly lifted, and an inaudible whimper got into Ye Han's ear.

Ye Han cautiously turned around and saw that in the trunk there was a soldier whose hands, feet and mouth were bound with tape.

When the soldier saw Ye Han's uniform, his eyes immediately shot out a ray of hope.

Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief, lowered the muzzle, stretched out his hand and ripped off the tape on the soldier's mouth: "Name, number!"

The soldier in the trunk replied feebly, "Liu Erzhu, the Sergeant of Bai Nanying!"

"Bai Nanying? Why are people stuck in a traffic jam?" the veteran asked strangely.

Liu Erzhu showed a wry smile: "Squad Can you solve me first and then ask?"

The veteran looked at Ye Han, and when he saw Ye Han nodded, he stretched out his hand to pull the tape on Liu Erzhu's body.

He never thought that the strength of the tape was far beyond his imagination. He couldn't pull it apart when he pulled it left and right. The veteran pulled out his knife in a fit of anger, and cut the tape with a single swipe. of hands and feet.

Liu Erzhu wanted to get up, but he tried twice but failed. The veteran couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"My hands are numb and my feet are numb. I won't obey orders." Liu Erzhu said miserably.

"I'm really afraid of you." The old soldier picked up Liu Erzhu and let him sit in the trunk slowly.

As Liu Erzhu moved his blood-barrier arm, he pleaded embarrassingly, "Headmaster, squad leader, do you have anything to eat?"

Ye Han took out a compressed biscuit from his trouser pocket, tore the package and handed it over.

As if he had obtained a treasure, Liu Erzhu held the compressed biscuit in his hand that had only recovered a little, took a big bite, and threw off his cheeks and chewed it, as if he was not eating compressed biscuit, but a full feast of sea cucumber, abalone, and abalone.

The compressed biscuits were dry and hard. When biting, they clenched their teeth, and when they swallowed, their mouths dried out. People with bad teeth tasted like desperately trying to eat. This kid bit off a large piece in one bite.

Liu Erzhu's reincarnation of a starving ghost made Ye Han sigh, turning back and shouting at the armored vehicle, "Huya, water!"

"Okay!" Huya lifted the top cover and threw a bottle of mineral water at the veteran.

The old soldier couldn't react in time and didn't catch the bottle of water. He made a thumbs-down gesture at Huya, picked up the mineral water, twisted the lid and handed it to Liu Welcome to reading, the latest and fastest , The most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users please go to read.

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