Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1068: counter charge

As soon as the battle started, those short aliens went into battle. From the footage of the mechanical spider, a short alien raised his arm, and a beam much thicker than silk swept across the passage... If Said that mercerized is sewing thread, this light is wool.

The first few Italians couldn't avoid being cut off by the light. Their bodies were broken in two and fell to the ground. The blood and internal organs flowed out of the body. The soldiers struggled painfully in the boiling blood for a long time before they died.

The morale of the Italians took a big hit, and there was a commotion in the team, but they still resolutely carried out the order to attack, and were swept away by a second beam of light.

The brigadier general's eyes were all red. At this time, the sniper arranged by Ye Han seized an opportunity and killed the short man who had just fired.

Then there was another shot, and the other dwarf was also killed by the sniper.

The remaining short aliens hid behind the servants like frightened rabbits, and the front of the enemy was all replaced by servants.

But everyone knows that these short guys are just hiding, not giving up the fight.

As expected, these short men attacked frequently, and the confrontation between the two sides was almost intensified. Although the Chinese snipers opened fire again and again, a platoon invested by the Italians was still rapidly consumed, and more than half of them were killed and injured in less than half a minute. The Italian army persisted, and its defeat was only a matter of time.

The Italian army's charge was not the kind of stooping down and running fast on the ground on the earth, but jumping around in the hole like parkour, jumping to the wall and then falling to the ground, trying to avoid the enemy's fire as much as possible.

This kind of charge method simply can't send too many people, and once there are too many people, there will be no evasion effect.

But the density of the enemy's firepower was obviously much faster than the Italians' reaction speed.

The brigadier general wanted to withdraw the remaining people, but the battle between the two sides was so tight that the troops could not be withdrawn at all.

This result not only shocked the brigadier general, but also shocked Ye Han.

The width of the passage is limited, and the troops on both sides are very limited. Because the aliens are tall and strong, the troops invested in the front are not as good as humans.

In the past, when encountering such a situation, humans were more dominant, but this time the advantage was in the hands of the enemy.

Ye Han had a vague premonition, and regardless of what the Italians thought, he ordered without hesitation: "Luo Qi, Ouyang, I don't care what method you use, the fastest!"


When the brigadier general on the other side heard Ye Han's words, he also said a few words to his subordinates, but it was a pity that he was speaking in Italian. Qi Yue heard it, but he couldn't understand it at all.

The passage is narrow, and the only way to quickly defeat the enemy is a strong attack. Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping were still organizing troops, but the brigadier general found Ye Han and said a few words to Qi Yue.

Qi Yue translated: "Senior, he said that he saw our troops preparing to fight, and he just wanted to say one word, this battle must be fought by the Italian army, and the honor of the soldiers must be recovered from wherever they are lost."

Ye Han frowned: "We don't have any extra time!"

The brigadier general was silent for a moment, then turned around and left after saying a word.

Ye Han understands what he said, and I know what he said.

At this time, the second batch of Italian troops had already lost one third of the casualties. It seemed that they realized that human beings were not as strong as they thought. The aliens suddenly rushed out of the bunker and launched a counter-charge against the Italian army!

Since they entered the underground, both humans and aliens have mainly focused on positional defense. No one could have imagined that the first counter-charge was actually launched by aliens.

Seeing this scene, the brigadier general trembled, suddenly picked up his rifle and waved his hand, and personally led the Italian army to launch a storm-like impact on the enemy.

Another counterattack? Ye Han was almost dizzy, and roared sharply on the radio: "Cover cover, top me up!" He shouted and rushed up with a gun.

At this time, Ye Han had no way to turn the situation around. His only thought was to suppress the enemy and beat him to death, smashed to death, and beat him until he would never be able to turn over.

"Master—" Qi Yue roared and chased after Ye Han.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the order, but the soldiers immediately saw the figure of Ye Han rushing towards the enemy, and everyone went crazy immediately. There was no need for an order at all, and the soldiers chased after him.

Luo Qi grabbed a Demoman who was rushing forward, and shouted loudly: "The Demoman, give me cover, cover—"

The Demoman who heard the order immediately stopped, and each found a suitable position to fire at the enemy.

The grenade launcher is curved firepower, but in the ghost place of Ganymede, the trajectory of curved firepower will also become flat and straight. According to the previous method of use, it is impossible to hit the enemy at all.

But it doesn’t matter, the servants are more than three meters tall, which is a lot taller than humans. As long as they shoot over the heads of their own troops, they can directly hit the enemy like direct So dozens of 35 Millimeter grenades passed the charging troops, anti-personnel bombs, high-explosive bombs, steel balls... All kinds of ammunition took turns to go into battle, regardless of the power, anyway, the charging enemy was covered by grenades over and over again.

Ouyang Ping stopped the charging sniper, and without Ouyang Ping saying more, everyone knew what to do.

However, there was no suitable position for sniping in the passage. The snipers simply pulled their comrades around to build a human ladder, climbed up and shot at the enemy.

Although the number of aliens was small, they did not flinch in the slightest, and still charged towards the human beings, but all the short aliens stayed behind, and they calmly raised their arms and fired at the charging crowd.

The line of light swept across, cutting off the charging servants, and cut off the charging humans. They fired again and again like this, regardless of the lives of the servants. The Italian army also suffered heavy casualties because of the indiscriminate firing of short men.

The battlefield was a mess, and only the humans at the front knew what the aliens had done. The situation was immediately transmitted to the back via radio, and the brigadier general who followed the main charge immediately realized that the situation was wrong, and just turned around and ran into Ye Han head-on.

He grabbed Ye Han, and while speaking loudly, he rolled his right hand into a tube and placed it in front of his eyes, and at the same time pointed and pointed forward with his left hand.

This gesture means sniper.

Qi Yue quickly translated: "He said a little alien!"

Ye Han immediately understood, and immediately shouted on the radio: "Sniper, kill the short one!"

"I can't see where the target is!"

"I can't see it either!"

Ye Han immediately roared: "The Demoman, the firepower is extended!"

"No, the tunnel is too low..." a voice shouted.

"Then hit the top of the tunnel with a delay!" Another voice shouted loudly.

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