Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1132: Ready

There is a reason for Wu Qingbo to mention the flight bag at this time, because orbital airborne also has a cost problem.

The method of orbital airborne is nothing more than landing craft and airborne pods.

The lowest cost is undoubtedly the field landing, that is, the landing craft finds an airport or a sufficiently flat ground to land; the second is parachuting, that is, the landing craft flies to the target to parachute; the third is to fly off the landing craft with a flight bag; the highest cost is non-airborne The cabin is none other than that.

Judging from the situation explained by Ye Han, the possibility of parachuting this time is the highest, but the problem of parachuting is that the direction is not easy to control, and it takes time to assemble the troops, which not only affects the combat efficiency, but also sacrifices a lot of personnel.

The landing speed is fast and accurate, but the cost of a flight bag is as high as a luxury private car, and it is the battle that determines the fate of the race like Ganymede.

Wu Qingbo didn't know whether the above set a cost cap for this mission, so he had to ask clearly.

Ye Han also tended to fly down, nodded and said, "I will fight with the above, is there any problem?"

"I have a question." Bian Ge said.

Ye Han nodded: "Speak."

Bian Ge said, "How much support can the navy give us?"

"The aircraft carrier battle group Luzhou is heading south and is expected to arrive off the coast of Marida in two days." Ye Han drew on the water outside the port of Marida, "As long as the fleet has it, it can be called."

"I'm fine."

"Who still has questions?" Ye Han looked around the audience but no one spoke, "Okay, I'll say a few more words, the superior didn't give us a time limit for the task, but the more this is the case, the more we have to race against time, and prepare more when we go back. , I'll be waiting for you at the airport!"

"Yes!" Everyone stood up at the same time.

Ye Han turned around to leave, but suddenly turned around: "By the way, Luo Qi, all those who have entered the fusion cabin are temporarily transferred to the guard company, and the others will cooperate."


At the end of the meeting, Ye Han immediately rushed to the equipment room, put on the armor belt and equipped with all the equipment. While rushing to the station, he contacted Beiyuezhou and found Huo Qiang's office directly.

After briefly explaining the situation, Huo Qiang immediately instructed: "I only ask if the task is completed, no matter how you complete the task."

"Thank you, Chief!" He quickly thanked him, but immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

Huo Qiang sighed helplessly: "What else do you want to do, tell me."

Ye Han laughed dryly: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

"It's useless to talk to me, and don't say I'm hanging up again."

"Don't say no, Chief, that's the case, we don't have the flight bag Beiyuezhou, I would like to ask you to contact Qiongzhou."

Huo Qiang was startled, but he immediately understood what Ye Han meant: "Okay, wait for the letter."

Ye Han was overjoyed: "Thank you, Chief!"

People are old and ghosts are old and slippery, Ye Han doesn't need to say it at all, Huo Qiang understands what he means.

Simply put, there are two types of flight bags for power armor. One is the i-type suitable for Ganymede, the moon and all vacuum environments. It looks like a slightly larger backpack.

This kind of flight bag airborne division has several warehouses piled up in the camp, and there is still a lot of inventory in Beiyuezhou.

The other is the Type II with a pair of wings, which is suitable for the atmosphere. This model is not available in Beiyuezhou at all. Ye Han remembers that the Qiongzhou base has some reserves.

It is impossible for the Airborne First Division to return to Qiongzhou. The only way to obtain the flight bag is to use the airship to send the flight bag into space and dock with the landing craft before the operation starts. It's time to use it, can't wait at all.

Ye Han couldn't afford to toss with his small arms and calves. His only way was to hug the commander Huo Qiang's big thick legs.

A few minutes later, Ye Han rushed to the station.

The interior of Nanyuezhou, like Beiyuezhou, is composed of huge underground spaces. In order to ensure the strength of support, the distance between them is not close.

Each space is a district of Nanyuezhou. In order to solve the traffic problem between the districts, the engineering department has dug a large number of passages between the districts, laid two-way tracks in the passages, and used various types of rail cars as buses.

The smallest rail car can only accommodate two people, and the largest is no less than a train.

The airborne division station has a tunnel that leads directly to the airport. The station station has several trains of rail cars. As long as the soldiers board the subway with all the equipment, they can reach the airport in a few minutes.

Walking onto the platform, Ye Han saw Luo Qi's fully armed guard company at a glance: "Is everyone here?"

"The secondment hasn't arrived yet."

Ye Han walked to the first rail car: "No hurry, wait until the airport."

A few minutes later, several battalions arrived one after another and boarded the railcar in order.

Ye Han was quite satisfied with the speed of each department. With an order, several rail cars set off in sequence and stopped at the airport station in less than five minutes.

Before Ye Han got off the bus, he saw Wei Chengfei and a group of officers waiting on the platform. Before the rail car stopped, Ye Han jumped out of the car.

Without waiting for Ye Han to speak, Wei Chengfei said first, "Are you all ready?"

" Ye Han said, "How are you doing here? "

"The landing craft are all ready, are the three bases of bullets enough?"

"It should be enough. It can be replenished from the Navy at that time."

"Don't be careless, the navy may not be reliable, what if there is a delay?" Wei Chengfei said, "I came from the navy, and the sea has always turned his face when he says it is."

Ye Han nodded: "Then bring a little more, how about the five bases?"

"Seven, I should be able to hold it."

"Okay, then seven." Ye Han gritted his teeth, "Is there any airdrop capsules for me?"

The airdrop pod is filled with supplies, which is not the same as the airdrop pod.

"Yes, I'll put it on the boat for you later... Do you need to put all the ammunition in the airdrop cabin?"

"No need." Ye Han shook his head, "Leave three bases in the boat, and put the rest in an airdrop cabin. It's more convenient... and supplies for three more days."

"Okay, no problem." Wei Chengfei turned around and explained a few words, and a group of officers dispersed immediately and began to add airdrop capsules to the landing craft.

The airdrop cabin is hung on the landing craft, just like hanging a few oversized bombs, giving people a particularly bloated and clumsy feeling.

Ye Han glanced back, the airborne division had basically boarded the landing craft: "Old Wei, I will withdraw first, and the rest of the tail will trouble you."

"Don't worry, take care."

Ye Han nodded heavily, turned around and jumped to the No. 1 landing craft.

Twelve minutes later, all the airdrop cabins were attached, and thirty-one landing craft slid onto the electromagnetic track one after another... A landing craft can only hold one platoon. not enough.

A few minutes later, Nanyuezhou Airport sent 31 landing craft to the moon one by one at a rate of one every half minute.

At ten o'clock in the morning on December 26, 2030, the airborne formation flew away from the moon.

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