Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1138: need 1 point of help

The front door of the air-raid shelter is very large, and it can accommodate two trucks side by side, but the door is only half-open. Through the half-opened door, you can see the flashing gunfire in the depths of the passage, and the giant insects rushing like a tide. Mobile terminal

The soldiers in the cave were fighting and retreating. Ouyang Ping approached the cave entrance and gave careful command.

In order not to affect the troops' assault on the No. 2 air-raid shelter, he had already handed over the assault force to the first company commander.

At this time, the second platoon leader suddenly reported that the attacking intensity of the swarm had weakened, and most of the worms that had just rushed desperately disappeared, leaving only a small group of them lingering.

Ouyang Ping immediately became alert when things were abnormal, but why did the swarm withdraw?

Too much loss? It's impossible. The aliens don't care about the life and death of their servants. How can they care about a few bugs?


Just as the thought in his heart emerged, the sound of the gunfire suddenly weakened like a low tide, and then Ouyang Ping heard the shout of the first company commander: "Batch commander, the bugs are gone!"

"Retired?" Ouyang Ping thought about these two words, and he understood what it meant, "Where did you retreat?"

"do not know……"

"Report!" The second company commander's voice interjected into the communication, "Come back here!"

Ouyang Ping seemed to be poured on his head by a basin of ice water: "Can you withstand it?"

"no problem!"

Ouyang Ping's thoughts changed, and he even thought about the biochip - what is the purpose of the aliens? Gather troops to clean up the second company first?

No, these bugs are not fighting by instinct, but are controlled by aliens. It is reasonable to use the advantages to deal with the second company, but the second company has already hid in the air-raid shelter. Even if it is attacked by the insect swarm on both sides, there are only two directions to face the enemy.

On the other side of Lianlian, it can be said that it was forced out of the air-raid shelter by the swarm.

In contrast, Erlian is definitely a tough bone to chew, while Yilian is a piece of fat meat to the mouth. How could aliens leave the fat meat and not eat it, and have to chew the bones first?

Will it be around the point to help?

This thought jumped into his mind, and Ouyang Ping's heart beat fast, because he knew that he was at the crossroads of choice, and his decision would directly affect the success or failure of the mission, and even everyone's life!

Absolutely can not be careless, let alone subjective speculation!

Ouyang Ping made a decision in his heart, and immediately shouted on the radio: "Second company commander, how long can you hold on?"

"As long as there are still bullets, no problem."

"Keep in touch, Captain!"


"Go back!" Ouyang Ping suddenly gave an unexpected order, and then immediately waved to the soldiers around him, "Enter the air-raid shelter!"

After that, the first one got in.

The soldiers were stunned, not knowing what Ouyang Ping meant, but the order was an order, and the soldiers in the third row immediately followed into the air-raid shelter.

The company commander who had just broken up the swarm was even more slushy, and a wave of anger was stuck in his chest and had nowhere to vent.

He really wanted to take the troops to the No. 2 air-raid shelter, but he only dared to think about it in his mind.

The well-trained fighters moved quickly, but the team of more than 100 people all got into the air-raid shelter in a blink of an eye, and even the gate was slowly closed under the full push of several fighters, leaving only a gap of less than one meter wide.

Even though the crack in the door is only one meter wide, Ouyang Ping has arranged four machine guns behind the door, and there are two other squads of soldiers. No matter how many bugs come, don't even think about rushing in through the crack.

This is not his brainstorm, but a tactic arranged before the airborne. The purpose is to attract the attention of the insect swarm. If the war is unfavorable or for some other reason, the door can be completely closed.

This thing is cast as a whole with depleted uranium, and its thickness is more than twice that of the tank's frontal armor. Even the most advanced armor-piercing projectile can't penetrate the door.

Almost as soon as it was ready, countless giant insects came from all directions, and there was a dense knocking sound from the depths of the passage, which was the sound of giant insects running in the passage.

Ouyang Ping was relieved: "Erlian, how is your situation there?" He was already certain that the sudden retreat of the swarm must be an alien conspiracy.

"Same as, battalion commander, the bugs are gone, the bugs are gone!"

Ouyang Ping's heart was completely put down: "According to the original plan, guard the No. 2 air-raid shelter!"

"Yes!" The second company commander agreed, and looked at the third company commander in surprise, "Why am I getting more and more confused?"

The third company commander shrugged, "I'm still messing with you."

"Forget it, what should I do?" said the second company commander.

Immediately, the two continued to command the troops to fight with the insects, one outside and one inside.

The No. 1 hole was also on the right track. Ouyang Ping only left one platoon at the door of the cave, and the rest of the troops were all used to deal with the swarms of insects swarming in the hole.

There was a lot of gunfire in the passage for a while, and the main force was still machine guns, but not all machine guns were, but the point was reached. First, two machine guns were used to stand in front, and the soldiers in the back aimed for precise shooting. .

If the swarm is repelled, withdraw a machine gun; if the swarm is held at a safe distance, keep it as it is; if it cannot withstand the attack of the swarm, add a machine gun.

The mission this time was to eliminate the bugs as much as possible, so neither the bugs could be driven away nor the bugs could threaten the safety of the soldiers.

It may be because Ouyang Ping dismantled the alien's strategy, and the aliens didn't care about it anymore, and directly let the bugs fight with the human beings. Countless giant bugs poured out of the air-raid shelter and continued to become warriors. Number of kills.

After a while, the corpses of the worms lying in front of the defense line were piled up more than two meters high. The worms still stepped on the corpses of their companions and rushed forward. Ouyang Ping couldn't help but stunned, how many worms were hidden in this hole? At this intensity, can the remaining ammunition last until the main force is airborne?

There is still a lot of ammunition, but the rate of consumption is far faster than expected, and the situation is beyond Ouyang Ping's expectations again. He wants to break the deadlock in front of him, but he doesn't know how to start, and he is even more worried about more accidents.

He hated the feeling of being out of control.

In the blink of an eye, the troops had retreated into the air-raid shelter for more than half an hour, and the drizzle outside the cave had turned into a misty rain curtain.

Ouyang Ping paced slowly, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, and suddenly heard a voice: "Marida, Marida, I'm Luzhou, please answer!"

Ouyang Ping immediately stood still, the haze in his heart was swept away: "Luzhou, I am Marida, I am Marida!"

"Commander, Marida has contacted..." There was cheers from the radio, and Ouyang Ping let out a long breath: "Luzhou, where are you? I need a little help!"

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