Armor Frenzy

Chapter 224: exposed

Skydiving may seem simple, but it is not something that everyone can jump. Even paratroopers who have received strict training may break their legs due to incorrect landing posture.

When Ye Han was undergoing parachute training, the instructor said something that still makes him fresh in his memory: landing on one leg can withstand a maximum impact force of 200 kilograms, while landing on both legs can withstand an impact force of 1,000 kilometers. Before the plane, you must master the correct landing posture, otherwise it is strictly forbidden to get on the plane!

For paratroopers, being able to master the correct landing posture is not only related to whether they can perform real skydiving training, but also personal safety. The accident of skydiving and breaking a leg is never an exception.

Thanks to the strict training of the instructor, Ye Han's body still maintains a deep muscle memory, and the landing posture he posed can be a demonstration for the paratroopers.

However, his position was too high and the speed was too fast, the roof under his feet quickly retreated backwards, and the darkness outside the edge of the Tiantai rapidly enlarged, and he was about to slip out of the roof.

In desperation, Ye Han couldn't care less, and pulled the brake rope down with all his strength, but the parafoil stubbornly slid toward the edge of the roof.

The situation was about to get out of control, and Ye Han was anxious, suddenly released the brake rope, and instead controlled the parafoil to make another sharp turn.

The parafoil flying against the wind suddenly turned to the left, the night wind blew up the wings, Ye Han was thrown out by the parafoil again, and his body left the rooftop and drew a nearly semicircular arc, and finally turned back to the top of the rooftop.

The turn successfully extended the landing distance, and Ye Han, who narrowly escaped from the rooftop, finally flew back to the top of the rooftop.

But the parafoil must be handled carefully, it can't stand the continuous high-intensity tossing, Ye Han's manipulation is too rough, which has affected the stability of the parafoil.

In addition, turning at a large angle inevitably faces the wind from the side, and the cross wind from the northwest swells the bottom of the umbrella, not only blowing the parafoil to the south side of the roof, but also blowing down the wingtip on the windward side, and the lift provided by the parafoil drops suddenly. Han suddenly fell to the roof like a stone.

Ye Han was busy but not in a rush. With a flick of his arm, he released the equipment bag on his chest. The heavy backpack was instantly detached, and fell to the rooftop from a height of more than six meters, hitting the rooftop with a muffled sound.

Although more than 20 kilograms of weight were lost, the parafoil's loss of control was inevitable. The out-of-control parafoil floated straight to the neon sign as tall as the two of them. In a few seconds, Ye Han and the parafoil would hang on the neon sign together. superior.

At the critical moment, Ye Han decisively pressed the engineering plastic buckle of the seat belt, and with a light snap, Ye Han instantly detached from the seat and fell to the rooftop from a height of more than four meters.

Ye Han instinctively bends his waist and knees slightly, and his toes are relaxed and hang downward. At the moment of landing, all joints are bent at the same time to minimize the impact force. At the same time, Ye Han's body slams forward, and a neat forward roll removes the remaining impact force. .

The earthquake caused Ye Han's feet to go numb, and the night vision device fell from the helmet. When he picked it up and looked at it, it was completely broken and unusable.

He grinned and insisted on standing up, desperate to see that the parafoil was already hanging on the neon light.

After gritting his teeth and turning his ankle, he barely regained his mobility, and immediately limped to his backpack, took out the submachine gun from the bag at the fastest speed, quickly pulled the handle, and pulled the trigger immediately after loading, but didn't listen. to the sound of the hammer being released.

Ye Han's cold hair stood up all over his body. He checked the insurance carefully, and tried again without believing, but there was still no sound.


The shape of the firearm must go through a strict reliability test, but the height of the drop test can never reach six meters, and the submachine gun must have been broken when it fell to the ground!

With the last glimmer of hope, he stuck the magazine on the gun, pulled the bolt and pulled the trigger.

There was a dead silence on the rooftop, the submachine gun didn't move at all, not even the sound of the machine gun crashing.

It won't take long for the parafoil hanging on the neon light to expose him... No, maybe it's already exposed now. The submachine gun is his biggest support, but the submachine gun broke down at this time.

Ye Han gave up completely, threw away the submachine gun angrily, quickly pulled out the pistol, directly stuck the magazine and fired, with a soft sound, the bullet hit the ground several meters away.

He let out a long sigh of relief. It was okay, at least one pistol was left.

Then he turned out the large-caliber semi-automatic, and the empty gun fired and heard a clear impact.

Ye Han took another breath.

If all the guns were broken, he wouldn't be able to perform any tasks, he would just jump off the roof.

He threw all the submachine gun magazines into the backpack, and put all the other equipment on him. Ye Han took a few steps to the south side of the rooftop, found a corner where the lights couldn't shine, and looked at the street downstairs.

At least dozens of enemies are running wildly in the streets, and the target is this dozen-storey hotel.

"Fuck!" Ye Han hit the ground with a punch, turned his head and ran to the stairwell, pressing the send button of the individual radio station as he ran: "Wolf's den, wolf's den, the lone wolf is calling, please answer if you hear me!"

"The wolf den received it, please tell me!"

"I'm exposed!"

There was a moment of silence on the radio: "Get out now."

"The power parachute was broken, and the submachine gun was broken, so it couldn't be withdrawn."

"What do you want?"

Ye Han rushed to the side of the leaned back against the wall and stopped to listen. He didn't hear any footsteps on the stairs, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Holding a pistol, he tiptoed up the stairs.

Quickly going down to the top floor, Ye Han saw the red 16 on the door leading to the corridor in the stairwell.

The spacious and unusual corridor outside the door is quiet and empty, and the crystal lights on the ceiling are shining. I don’t know what is attached to the wall, and it looks magnificent and magnificent; Could break a leg.

Because of the angle, he couldn't see the front doors of the rooms on both sides, but such a gorgeous corridor, the matching doors were definitely not bad.

Ye Han had never been to a high-end hotel, let alone experienced the life of a rich man. Witnessing all this, he felt as if he had lived half his life in vain.

But he couldn't understand even more. This place has been occupied for more than a week. The residents who originally lived in the occupied area have long since left, and those who can't leave will try to stay at home and not go out. Protect this corridor so brightly?

The top floor is so quiet, it seems that the news has not reached the top floor, or the target is not on the top floor at all, but no matter what, Ye Han intends to go to the top floor to look for it.

Although the military did not stop the water and electricity in the occupied area, in order to delay the communication of the gang organizations, it had already shut down the communication base station in the occupied area.

Even if the target cannot be found, hiding in the guest room is safer than staying on the stairs.

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