Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1146: The train is not pushed

The battle continued, Ye Han called the second battalion on the radio for the first time: "Ouyang, how is your situation?"

The bug people who attacked the dock were all finished, but the bugs in other directions were still there, and the current situation was not optimistic. br>

However, there is a navy's backhand on the other side of the dock, so there is little possibility of a problem; there are nearly two battalions in the residential area, and it is not a problem to block the insect swarm; only the second battalion is unknown.

"Master, I have no problem here!" Ouyang Ping said.

After he heard the gunshots coming from the residential area, Ma became alert. After finding the swarm, Ma took the troops into the nearest building, relying on a solid building to resist the swarm.

Ye Han was a little surprised, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, wait there and wait for my order, and pay attention, and report the bugs and horses!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed, "Master, my place is a small building. How about I arrange a few people's rooftops as observation posts?"

"You look at the arrangement yourself." Ye Han said.

After the communication stopped, Ouyang Ping immediately called a few soldiers and asked them to go to the rooftop to observe the insect swarm, focusing on searching for insect people.

The battles in the three directions were very fierce. After only one minute of fighting, the corpses had already piled up like mountains, but the worms refused to show their faces.

Ye Han couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that the insect man is determined not to come out."

The colonel asked, "Are you still waiting?"

Ye Han shook his head: "No wait, I don't believe it, after killing all the bugs, what waves are the bugmen turning up!"

The colonel nodded: "I understand!" After getting on the armored vehicle, "Feishui calls Luzhou, Feishui calls Luzhou, and Marida asks for air support!"

"Luzhou received, the fighter jets take off, pay attention to guide the target."

At the end of the communication, the Luzhou turned abruptly and moved forward at full speed against the sea breeze.

The fighter jets who had been waiting on the deck for a while were catapulted into the air.

Marida is a few kilometers away, and the fighter jets that have been launched have just climbed to a suitable height and have reached the air of Marida: "Seahawk calls Feishui, Seahawk calls Feishui, please indicate the target on the ground, repeat, please indicate the target on the ground!"

Under normal circumstances, when throwing laser-guided bombs, the fighter jets directly irradiate the target, but it is raining in Marida, and the fighter jets must fly under the clouds. In this way, before the bombs land, the planes cross Marida, and there is no way to guide the bombs at all. .

So this time, the target must be guided by the ground - bad weather such as rain and fog will have a certain impact on the guidance accuracy, but the light rain in Marida is not a big problem.

The most critical problem is that this stuff is cheap!

"Fat water received!" The colonel turned to look at Ye Han, "That's it!"

Ye Hanma shouted on the radio: "All units, guide the target!"

As soon as the voice fell, several invisible lasers had fallen into the swarm, and the empty fighter jet immediately dropped laser-guided bombs after capturing the laser signal.

After more than ten seconds, the guided bomb that fell from the sky plunged into the swarm, the flames rose with a deafening loud noise, and countless giant insects exploded into powder.

The power of the explosion was more than that. Because the blast point was too close, the ground beneath the soldiers' feet seemed to be vibrating violently, as if the drum surface had been beaten by drumsticks. The explosion collapsed and collapsed.

Many soldiers were blown down by the shock wave generated by the explosion, and even Ye Han sat on the ground, his eyes widened in shock: "What level of aerial bomb is this?"

The colonel was lying beside him, his **** pouted so high: "Five hundred kilograms? If not two hundred and fifty."

Ye Han was surprised, his voice suddenly raised an octave: "What? You don't know?"

"I'm not an aviation soldier, how can I know where to go?" The colonel justified plausibly.

What he said made sense, and Ye Han was speechless.

Ye Han simply pretended not to hear, and got up to see the effect of the bombing.

The streets that had just been crawled with insects have been completely emptied, and there are insect corpses and stumps everywhere; the residential area that was neat and tidy not long ago is now full of ruins, and it is impossible to see how many insects are buried. .

A little further away, many worms who had survived the robbery stood up crookedly, and were immediately shot by the soldiers who came back to their senses.

The locations where the soldiers irradiated were the places with the most bugs, and it was visually estimated that twelve bombs had killed no less than one-third of the bug swarm.

There are still a lot of bugs left, but almost none of them get together. Without anyone's command, the soldiers have already rushed forward and wiped out all the bugs in sight.

In the picture sent back by the drone, we can see that there are twelve more dazzling craters between the residential area and the wharf, three of which are located on the road, which literally broke the good road into several pieces.

Ye Han's face twitched when he saw that, the road was broken, how could he transport uranium ore?

There are so many bugs, and now is not the time to struggle with this issue, Ye Han decisively acted as an ostrich, commanding the troops to encircle and suppress the swarm.

Most of the 1st battalion, the 3rd battalion, and the guard company quickly dispersed under Ye Han's order, interspersed decisively with the squad platoon as a unit, and quickly divided and surrounded the insect swarm.

It's a pity that the troops in his hand are limited and he can't surround all the bugs.

It's a pity, but Ye Han didn't dare to expect to eat the swarm in one go. First, eat the fat in his mouth, and then it's not too late to think about the worms that have escaped.

So Ye Han gave an order, and all the weapons marched together to destroy all the surrounded bugs.

The battle was a joyous one. At the end of the battle, the darkest period before dawn just passed. Although Marida was shrouded in dark clouds and could not see the sunrise on the horizon, the light gradually brightened.

Ye Han only felt a breath of suffocation, his whole body felt extremely comfortable, and the whole person's spirit was The colonel walked to Ye Han's side and couldn't see his smiling eyes: "Not bad, not bad. !"

"It's not bad!" Ye Han said angrily, "You didn't see what happened to the highway?"

"It's all right." The colonel didn't care at all, "There are no roads and railways, and living people can still suffocate their urine?"

"Railway?" Ye Han's whole body is not well, "Is it still usable?"

The storage area does have a dedicated railroad to the wharf, but the plan doesn't mention railroads at all.

The colonel twitched the corners of his mouth: "It can be used, it can be used, it's just a wagon but no front..."

"There is a wagon!" Ye Han gritted his teeth, "There is no front, no front, let's push it to the dock!"

"Push?" The colonel was a little dumbfounded, he wanted to say looking for the front of the car.

"Yes, it's a push." ​​Ye Han nodded, "I still don't believe it!"

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