Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1149: give you up

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But where on earth is there without bugs? As long as the fleet is still there, the bugs don't even think about turning over... They know if the fleet is their own, and there is no fleet to protect them? What does the government do? That's how you protect taxpayers?

For a time, official letters from various countries flew towards the northern capital like snowflakes. European countries hoped that the fleet would continue to stay in the skies of Europe, while other countries hoped that the fleet would move and help them eliminate giant insects.

In any case, Beidu did not expect that the action to eradicate the southern European insect swarm would have such a big impact, and Beidu's reputation and influence were even several steps higher.

Washington was almost out of anger, and the Second Fleet was also on its way back, but it still needed a little time.

When it comes to this, Washington doesn't get angry. At the end of the battle of Jupiter, Jupiter and the earth's position was not ideal. At that time, the raiding fleet was desperate to grab time and chased after the earth's ass, and this was the first. Return to Earth.

The strong second fleet had to slow down due to lack of fuel, and waited for the earth to circle out from behind the sun. As a result, the speed of return was naturally much slower, and it has not returned yet.

The people don't care what your reasons are, they only see the Northern Capital's fleet coming back, but their own fleet can't even see a shadow. At this juncture where the aliens land on the earth, the swarm may attack anytime, anywhere. , No fleet means no guarantee, how can the people not be angry?

In order to appease the people, Washington can only communicate with Beidu, hoping to send the fleet there, even if it only sends three or five ships, to comfort the angry people.

Beidu is almost out of breath, how many ships have come back in total, and you'll have to pay more than half of them with one mouth?

The two sides fought a lot about this issue, and then other countries joined in, especially the southern European countries. They would rather turn against Uncle Sam and keep the fleet over Europe.

They thought it was good, but the bugs in Beidu's own territory have not been removed.

Of course, apart from the controlled giant ants, there are no large-scale insect swarms in China at all. The sporadic giant insects do not need a fleet at all, and the defenders in various places can completely solve them by themselves.

If it weren't for the critical situation on the European side, the Northern Capital would not have allowed the fleet to pass.

Northern Capital has no idea of ​​favoring one over the other. As long as there are large-scale insect swarms in the territory, everything is negotiable... Eliminating potential insect swarms that may develop is not only in the interests of other countries, but also in the interests of Northern Capital itself.

If there are only scattered giant insects, then I'm sorry, Beibu is not a charity organization, and it is so busy.

Everything came so suddenly, faster than alien landings.

When Ye Han received the news, his whole body was not well.

In order to seize the time, he brought the soldiers to work without sleep for seven or eight hours. The battery alone used up a lot of it. He just sent 100,000 tons of yellow cake to the roll-on wheel. As a result, the above directly notified that the alien fleet was over. Now, you don't have to be in such a hurry, just move slowly.

Bian Ge wasn't much better, and said with great doubt, "Aren't you afraid that the Yankees will come back?"

This place is the industry of the base group. It was forced to give up before. Now the bug has been killed by the airborne division. With the urination of the Yankee, how could it not come back to **** the fruits of victory?

Ye Han shook his head blankly: "The above said to move slowly, maybe there is something you didn't say... Forget it, let the brothers rest."

Even after the axles were rotated for more than ten hours, even if they were wearing power armor, everyone was exhausted.

Bian Ge passed on the order, which immediately attracted bursts of cheers from the soldiers. The tired soldiers sat down and fell down, how to feel comfortable.

Ye Han also found a place to sit down and opened a separate communication line: "Luo Qi, how do you feel?"


"What's okay, let me ask you if you're tired."

"I'm not tired, I'm just starving."

Ye Han was suddenly happy: "Me too, it seems that it's not a good thing to have strength."

"Then I'll get something to eat."

"No need, go ahead and let the meal start immediately. Whoever is hungry will eat."

"Yes!" Luo Qi was so happy that he immediately informed the whole teacher to start dinner.

Everyone in the Airborne Division is a fighter, and there is no such thing as a cooking class. The so-called open meal is just a meal with field food.

Although the field food is also considered to be full of color, flavor, and taste, it is still enough to eat once or twice. How can you not get tired of eating too much?

Moreover, the place where the airborne division performs its tasks is either Ganymede or the moon. In short, it is a place with extremely harsh environment. Therefore, the field food allocated to the airborne division is not the army series, nor is it ordinary space food, but high-energy food. Mainly liquid food.

This thing is not low in calories, but the taste is inevitably different, and as long as the airborne division performs the mission, it must take the field food as the top priority. The soldiers have already eaten enough, and they are obviously hungry, but they heard the meal. The order has no appetite at all.

Not only the airborne division, but also the special forces from the navy in the storage area, after discovering the situation here, the colonel took the initiative to find Ye Han: "Senior Ye, I know the situation, otherwise, let the brothers wait first. Wait, I'll tell Jianzao to cook a hot meal for everyone."

He also climbed up step by step from the sailor, how could he not know what it was like to eat more field food?

Ye Han's eyes lit up and grabbed the Colonel's hand: "Oh, you are really timely rain, timely rain!"

The colonel smiled bitterly: "Yes, you are not so enthusiastic when I brought the troops here. If you knew I would bring the cooking class directly here!"

Ye Han laughed: "If you bring the cooking class I will be the first to offer you up!"

"Okay, you don't have to make me happy, can't I notify the fleet immediately?"

Ye Han continued to laugh: "That's great, brothers, don't be too busy to eat, there will be a ship stove later!"

The soldiers didn't react for a while, and when they realized what Ye Han said, they burst into appalling cheers.

Since he left the earth last year, he has been sitting on the battleship. Although he stayed in Nanyuezhou for a while, the diet of Nanyuezhou is not very normal. You don't know how long you haven't eaten a serious meal. Now, how could the soldiers be unhappy when I heard that there was a ship stove?

The colonel never imagined that the airborne division would be so happy with a single meal, and couldn't help but drum up in his heart. Isn't the treatment of the airborne division the best for the entire army? Why are they all like reincarnations of starving ghosts?

He quickly informed the fleet of the situation, and the fleet commander personally made the decision and ordered all ships to go all out to entertain friendly troops with the shortest time, the best quality and the best taste.

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