Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1157: time is too short

The sun was low, and under the fiery red sunset, a small seaplane rushed out of the flight deck and leaped lightly into the air. After raising the altitude, the transport plane gradually disappeared in the northwest direction.

The lights in the cabin were dim, Ye Han sighed softly, and clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "Brothers, pay attention, listen to me about our mission this time."

Everyone immediately quieted down, and everyone's eyes fell on Ye Han.

Ye Han took out a map and pointed to the sea northwest of Marida: "This is Buha Island, our destination."

His finger swiped on the map: "Buha Island is 47 kilometers away from the west coast of New Nea. According to the information above, there was originally an abandoned naval base here. After the outbreak of the insect plague, several surrounding regimes collapsed one after another. , the actual control of Buha changed hands several times and finally became a pirate's paradise."

"According to incomplete statistics, there are at least a dozen pirates entrenched on Buha Island. The reason why so many pirates are concentrated on the island is probably to keep warm, or because there is something unspeakable between the groups that support them. People's trade."

Speaking of which, Ye Han changed a map with an irregular island: "This is the map of Buha Island, our target is located in the southwest of Buha Island, this group of pirates is the weakest of all gangs. branch."

He changed another picture, this time a high-definition photo: "This is an aerial photo of the target area. According to satellite scans, this group of pirates has about fifty to seventy people and seven large and small ships. Our goal is to capture Ships, disguised as pirates to attack ro-ro ships, to create an excuse for the main force to go south."

Ye Han put away the map: "The action plan is like this, the plane is expected to fly to the vicinity of Buha Island in one hour, and it plans to land in the southwest of Buha Island. Ten people will land in two rubber boats, and I will personally command them. One group, Ouyang Ping!"


"You command the second team."


"As soon as the rubber boat docked, it moved closer to the target. It is expected to launch a surprise attack in two hours and twenty minutes. The action must be quick and decisive. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Everyone said in unison.

"Very good." Ye Han said, "Now I ask you, who came from the special forces?"

Luo Qi immediately raised his right hand: "Report, me!"

Ye Han nodded: "Where's the scout?"

"Me!" Ouyang Ping raised his hand.

"Me too!" said another warrior.

"Who has carried out infiltration missions?"

As soon as the words fell, ten people raised six arms.

This ratio gave Ye Han a sigh of relief: "Who is good at whistling?"

This time more people raised their hands, and only two fighters didn't move.

"Very good!" Ye Han said, "Distribute weapons and equipment now, remember, try not to use guns if you can solve the problem without guns!"

"Yes!" Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the boxes in the corner of the cabin.

Ye Han opened one of them, revealing a mess of clothes: "Come on, one set for each person, put on immediately, including underwear!"

Luo Qi touched his head: "Is it necessary?"

"Yes!" Ye Han said, "We must not reveal our identity, and we are not going to bring anything that might reveal our identity!"

After speaking, Ye Han pulled out a suit and threw it to Luo Qi: "Put it on!"

Luo Qi grinned, shook off his clothes and said, "What's the matter?" He had never seen a camouflage uniform with such poor workmanship.

"Be content." Ouyang Ping handed over his set, "How about we switch?"

His outfit had nothing to do with military uniforms at all, it was a baggy brown top with a pair of baggy black pants, and a pair of tattered flip-flops.

Ouyang Ping couldn't believe his eyes: "Master, where did you get this?"

"Provided by the fleet, I don't know where it came from."

Ouyang Ping cried and wailed: "I can bear this dress, why should I have a pair of normal shoes? Even give me a pair of rubber shoes!"

Ye Han also thinks that the slippers are too exaggerated. This is a sneak attack, not a camouflage reconnaissance.

Ouyang Ping hurriedly rummaged through the box, and finally found another pair of sneakers that were too dirty to see the color.

But the problem came again. This **** didn't fit at all, and not only Ouyang Ping, but others also encountered the same trouble.

Everyone changed each other, but only six people could wear them, and four people including Ye Han had no shoes to wear at all.

"Forget it, forget it." Ye Han was so depressed, "Change your clothes, no need to change your shoes, go back and get your shoes dirty."

"Master is wise!" Ouyang Ping laughed until his mouth could not close.

Just kidding, Buha Island is a tropical island. The biggest thing in that kind of place is that it is warm and humid, the vegetation is dense and there are many snakes and insects. How can those broken shoes that can't even see the brand name be compared with the combat boots that are waterproof and breathable and are not afraid of snakes and insects. ?

"Stop flattering and change my clothes quickly!" Ye Han glared at Ouyang Ping, took off his military uniform, and put on a crumpled old shirt. Fortunately, his pants were normal.

After Luo Qi changed his clothes, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's not even if you can't wear armor, you can't even wear military uniforms, it's just too awkward."

"It's not just you who are Ye Han opened the second box again, revealing the neatly stacked pistols and saber, "One set for one person, take it yourself! "

"No, why is it our own?" Ouyang Ping exclaimed.

Ye Han sighed: "No way, time is too short." He also wanted to get a batch of foreign military weapons, but the fleet didn't have them at all, and it was too late to transfer them from China. These weapons were created by the fleet.

"Can it be done?" Ouyang Ping was worried.

There is only one 5.8mm bullet, and as long as a warhead is dug out, you will know who is behind it.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Ye Han said, "Who can go to Buha Island to see who the pirates are killed? Besides, even if there is evidence, the superiors have to admit it!"

Just after getting the pistol, Ye Han opened the box containing the rifles. After seeing the rifles in the box, everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

There are both 56 punches that are too old to be old, as well as slightly newer 81 bars, and even two 56 halves that I don't know where to buy them. Maybe it's because the box is completely insufficient and the barrel is sawn too short. a piece.

Ouyang Ping complained: "Hey, this gun has been modified, but it looks like a pirate!" He can see that the only thing all rifles have in common is that the bullets are universal.

Ye Han opened the largest box, took out a heavy machine gun and handed it to Luo Qi, then took out another and held it for himself: "It's okay, you can take it if you don't want to, but no one helps me carry the bullets. Woolen cloth."

"Okay, I'll still use this." Ouyang Ping quickly grabbed an 81 bar.

As Ye Han wrapped the bullets around his body, he instructed: "Okay, don't talk so much, give me time to familiarize myself with the weapon, and whoever has a problem then, don't say I'm rude!"

I'm on duty when others are on vacation... In the morning, my state is OK, but in the evening, my state declines drastically.

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