Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1175: I want to be human

Ma Hongwei walked to the pier with firm steps, walked out of his own position, and finally walked to the insect man holding the white flag, first glanced at the white flag, and then looked at the insect man in front of him: "What do you want to say?"

This is a very strong bug man. It has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a giant ant. The muscles of the upper body are strong. Ma Hongwei stared at the bug man with all his strength. He saw that his face was Caucasian, but his skin color couldn't match the number. Why? Can't tell which race he is based on.

One thing that is different is that his thick arms are very normal, unlike ordinary insect people with thick biochemical weapons.

While Ma Hongwei looked at the insect man, the insect man also looked up and down at Ma Hongwei, his eyes finally fell on Ma Hongwei's left arm, and said in very stiff but very clear Chinese: "Sergeant, I am very sincere, I hope you can too. Show your sincerity and ask you to go back and get another officer here."

"Impossible." Ma Hongwei refused without hesitation, "I am here with the greatest sincerity. Although I am only a sergeant, my superiors can hear every word of you. You just need to treat me as a microphone."

The bugman was silent for a moment, then reluctantly agreed: "Well, we really lack the basis of trust, so let's start now."

Ma Hongwei said: "Sorry, I think your time and mine are very precious. I hope you don't go around in circles and focus directly on the key points."

"I'm very dissatisfied with your attitude, sergeant." The insect man looked hesitant.

"Then what attitude do you want?" Ma Hongwei confronted tit-for-tat, "You were once a human, although I don't know how you became a bugman, but you must understand that I can stand here with the greatest sincerity, no matter your It doesn't matter whether it's my attitude or my attitude."

"Okay, I forgive you for your offense." The **** looked like I was generous.

Ma Hongwei raised his eyebrows and was about to fight back when the bugman spoke first: "First of all, I must first explain one thing, my companions and I are not alien lackeys, I hope you can understand this."

"What?" Ma Hongwei almost thought there was something wrong with his ears, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

More than Ma Hongwei, Ye Han, Huo Qiang from Qiongzhou, Qiu Tianning from Beidu, and even the first brother, all exclaimed in unison when they heard this sentence.

There is actually a worm who said that they have nothing to do with aliens, this is simply the biggest joke of the century!

"I mean exactly what you hear," said the bugman.

Ma Hongwei frowned: "How could you have nothing to do with the aliens? Didn't the aliens send you here?"

Insect Man said: "It is true that aliens sent us here, but what I said is also true."

Ma Hongwei made a gesture of invitation: "I would like to hear the details."

"I have a long story, but you must not like to hear it..." The worm said with emotion, "Let's put it this way, we are a group of poor people captured by aliens, and we don't want to become such people. We don't look like ghosts or ghosts, but we don't have a choice... I hate aliens, but we can't be human, we have to be controlled by aliens."

Ma Hongwei said at the right time: "I can understand, but I can't agree."

"I don't need your sympathy, let alone your approval." The worm said in a firm tone, "I just want to tell you that we have nothing to do with aliens!"

"Then why did you come to Buha Island? Didn't the aliens send you here?"

The insect man suppressed his anger: "So what? If you want to escape the control of aliens, you must seize the opportunity."

"And then? How do you want to get out of control?"

"This has nothing to do with you." The bug man said sternly.

"Then what do you want to say?" Ma Hongwei said calmly.

Insect said: "Tell your boss, I have some information, I will use them for Buha Island."

Ma Hongwei twitched his mouth: "I will convey your request truthfully."

"No need." Ye Han said, "Tell him that no one believes his nonsense, let him wash his neck and wait."

"Yes!" Ma Hongwei clenched the handle of the gun quietly, "I'm sorry, my boss said, no one believes your nonsense, please wash your neck and wait."

The insect man's calm expression instantly distorted: "Why, why don't you believe me, I have information on aliens!" His mood was very irritable, but he tried his best to restrain his desire to attack.

Ye Han's voice came again: "Tell him, because he is a bug, and the heart of non-my race will be different."

Ma Hongwei recited painfully: "Because you are a bug, because non-I races will have different hearts."

The bug man didn't understand this sentence at all, but he knew that it was not a good word, so he resisted his anger and shouted: "Don't you Chinese say that the enemy of the enemy is your friend? The aliens are your enemy and me too. enemy!"

Ma Hongwei said: "Aliens are our enemies, but how do you prove that aliens are your enemies?"

The insect man was stunned for a moment, and gradually gathered his anger: "I can't prove it, but I can give you a piece of information first to prove my sincerity."

"Ask him for any information, but don't agree to whatever he Ye Han said.

Ma Hongwei said to the worm: "You can talk, but how to decide depends on the information you provide."

The insect's heart turned and said cautiously: "It's a bit complicated, let's put it this way, I was originally a person, and after I fell into the hands of aliens, they became like this. We all want to get out of the control of aliens..."

Ma Hongwei interrupted impatiently: "What are you talking about?" He felt that the worm was talking about it to delay time.

"If you don't say this, the later ones are not clear." The bugman insisted.

"Let him speak." Ye Han said.

Ma Hongwei made a gesture of invitation, and the worm continued: "The aliens moved their hands and feet in our brains to control our thoughts, but after a long time, me and some other people slowly got rid of their control, we The only idea is to get away from the aliens and have a piece of land of your own."

"So your target is Buha Island?"

"Yes." The worms admitted frankly, "The aliens sent us to occupy New Guinea. The worms controlled by the aliens are all in New Guinea, and those like me who regained their uncontrolled memories came to Buha Island. …”

"But New Guinea also collects coconuts and corpses like you. Don't tell me it's a coincidence." Ma Hongwei didn't want to hear the worms say these are useless. Aliens are not a group.

Insect said: "We don't just need coconuts and corpses, we need all organics that can be used together. We need these two first because they are the best."

"What do you want to do?" Ma Hongwei asked.

"Aliens want to make bugs, I want to be human."

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