Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1177: 24 hours

What Ye Han said was not wrong at all. The worms agreed to the demands of the Northern Capital almost completely. At most, it was to strive for a little practical interest. There was no requirement for issues such as sovereignty. On the contrary, the Northern Capital took the initiative to give the name of an autonomous region.

In fact, the bottom limit of the northern capital is the special administrative region.

However, the worms have no territorial claims, which is a good thing for Beidu and the worms. If nothing else, at least the two sides do not have to fight against each other. The tense situation on Buha Island was immediately relieved, and the two sides returned to their actual occupation areas. , and must not use any excuse to attack the other party... This sentence is pure nonsense, but in order to reassure the other party's heart, it is still raised openly.

The development direction of the situation is beyond everyone's expectations, but the two sides have only reached a preliminary intention, and the specific conditions will have to be discussed in detail by the Northern Capital.

The situation on Buha Island has already reached the sky, and the northern capital did not delay at all. The staff was dispatched as soon as possible, and a capable administrative team was organized to go south to Buha Island.

Their task is not only to negotiate with the bugmen, but also to station Buha Island after the negotiation and become the first administrative officials on the island... Of course, for the sake of safety, everyone is recruited from the military, and they are professional soldiers themselves. , administrative duties are part-time only in special circumstances.

Ye Han on Buha Island also received a new order. Beidu ordered him to temporarily supervise the whole island and control the situation on the island until the brother troops landed on the island and handed over.

Ye Han, who received the order, felt a little pain in the ass.

The order he originally received was to scout Buha Island first, and then scout New Guinea after completing the reconnaissance mission on Buha Island, to fight for the fraternal troops that were about to land.

With the new order, he immediately became the interim chief of Buha Island, and he was in charge of all the problems on the island, and he was responsible for any problems on the island.

Ye Han is extremely repulsive of this kind of benefit. It's a lot of trouble, but the order can't be questioned.

Fortunately, the fleet is less than twenty-four hours away from Buha Island, and he can be freed in a day at most... Well, this is probably the only good news.

As the saying goes, being a monk hits the clock for a day. Although Ye Han only has twenty-four hours, he still doesn't dare to relax. After receiving the task, he immediately ordered the troops to monitor the experimental area set up by the bugmen on the island... The technology of aliens is so domineering, there is no need for laboratories at all, and experiments are always done by region.

Although the two sides had reached an initial agreement, Ye Han didn't trust the bug man at all, and he didn't dare to send people into the bug man's experimental area. Moreover, he had so many people in his hands, and he really sent people out, which was an accident. Can't even draw out support staff.

After thinking about it, Ye Han simply didn't send people to the experimental area. After letting Ma Hongwei communicate with the bugman, he sent the drone into the experimental area and monitored the bugman through the drone's camera.

Ye Han also knew that it was not appropriate to do so. If he did not enter the experimental area, he would not be able to obtain first-hand information, but he would rather do nothing than put the soldiers in danger.

And by doing this, the safety of the warriors is more guaranteed, even if the insect man is secretly calculating something carefully, he can't do anything about his troops.

As for the brothers taking over... that's not Ye Han's problem.

It's not that he has no conscience and doesn't care about the life and death of his brothers, but the brothers have many guns, and there are enough people to supervise the whole island. Even if there is a conflict with the insects, they can suppress the insects in minutes.

Ye Han was different. His troops were originally dissatisfied with the formation, and this time there was only one battalion. It was better not to take risks.

Ye Han's suggestion was conveyed to the bugman, who was very reluctant, not only the personnel, but also the drone.

But in order to gain the trust of Beidu, the bug man finally agreed to Ye Han's request, but he also put forward a few requirements for the drone. Experiments that have already started are suspended.

Ye Han immediately realized that the bug man was referring to the corpses of the pirates, and simply agreed to the bug man's request.

It's not his own people, he doesn't have to make trouble with the bug people because of the pirates, and he won't affect the strategy of the Northern Capital because of a few pirates.

In order to prevent the soldiers under him from having an overwhelming sense of justice, Ye Han also specially gave the soldiers a preventive shot to prevent the soldiers from fighting with the insect people in a moment of righteous indignation.

However, after the drone entered the experimental area, Ye Han was still surprised by the footage sent back.

The interior of the experimental area is not like the glimpse he saw in the mountaintop hotel, but a whole set of biochemical equipment composed of flesh and blood. Those large and small meatballs and sarcoma walls are all over the building. The only feeling is gloomy and bloody.

Compared with this, the slaughterhouse can only be regarded as a pediatrician.

The only thing that understands its purpose is a giant worm that is only fixed at one end of the production line. Its mouth is especially It is full of sharp teeth like a saw wheel. Its task is to constantly devour the corpses of pirates... Not only the pirates, but also the bugs and a lot of coconuts killed by the Airborne Division.

I finally found the use of coconut, but a new question arises. Is it useful to grind coconut with the body?

Ma Hongwei found an opportunity to ask the bug man this question, but he didn't expect that he really got an answer from the bug man.

However, the insect man's response was very professional, Ma Hongwei couldn't understand it at all, but the military doctor of the second battalion said something like a bunch of coconut juice can be injected directly intravenously, which sounded particularly unreliable.

However, whether it is reliable or not is a matter of insects. Ye Han doesn't care at all. Right now, his only thought is to hope that there will be no monsters before the brothers take over.

But Ye Han also understands that the bug man is still out of control, and it is impossible to follow his ideas.

In order to prevent accidents, Ye Han simply took the troops back, no longer surrounded the experimental area, but placed the troops at several points on the island after the battle, such as traffic arteries, and several high grounds and commanding heights.

In this way, even if the worms repeat themselves, the troops can rely on the terrain to resist the worms. As long as they persist for a while, the Lishan will use the naval guns to teach the worms how to change their minds and become human beings again...

Ye Han took all the problems into consideration, but did not consider that the worms really wanted to find someone to rely on. They didn't even fart for a whole day. All the worms stayed where they should be until the fleet arrived.

So many precautions have been made useless, Ye Han's mind is full of inconceivable, these worms really trust Beidu so much?

But the truth speaks louder than words, and he doesn't believe it.

I thought that when the fleet arrived, I would be able to unload the burden on my shoulders. Whoever likes to bear the burden of the troubles on Buha Island, I didn't expect to receive a new order - Buha Island will continue to be supervised by the Airborne Division!

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