Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1185: cell fusion

"Prepare - start!" Professor Qin swung his arm violently, and before he could finish speaking, Ye Han had already rushed out like a sharp arrow from the string.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Han ran 100 meters, walked back without blushing or panting, and leaned over to Professor Qin to see the results: "How's it going this time?"

Professor Qin sighed: "Yes, it's 0.1 seconds faster, and if you try harder, you can run in seven seconds."

He originally left the earth because of physical factors, but after he performed cell integration treatment on himself, Professor Qin is now almost thirty years younger. He looks like he is in his fifties, and his body is much better than before.

If he hadn't solved the hidden dangers of his body, how dare he go back to Earth to test his aging body?

Ye Han grinned: "The relationship is good, and I won't be a soldier in the future. I'll play sports and come back with a bunch of championships!"

Professor Qin burst into laughter: "You can win a bunch of runners-up at most... Who is that, it's up to you!"

Ma Hongwei stood silently on the starting line, looked at Ye Han and said nothing.

Ye Han smiled unkindly: "Grandpa, ask him if he dares to beat me?"

"What are you talking about? Your surname is Ye, and your surname is Ma. You are born to run faster than you!" Professor Qin joked, "Little horse, run well, this kid doesn't dare to do anything to you!"

Ye Han continued to laugh: "I don't dare to do anything to him, but I can recommend him to be promoted, and let him stay in the army forever?"

"Let's go, what's your bad idea!" Professor Qin pushed Ye Han away and waved at Ma Hongwei, signaling him to get ready.

Ma Hongwei immediately squatted on the ground, stepped both feet into the pre-dug pits, and raised his hand to indicate that he was ready... The training base has limited conditions, and there is no professional equipment such as starting blocks, so he can only be simple and simple, behind the starting line. It means to dig two small holes.

"Start--" Professor Qin gave an order, and Ma Hongwei rushed out of the starting line in an instant.

Ye Han leaned over to Professor Qin and stared at the screen. The high-speed camera took a complete picture of the whole process. At the moment when the picture was frozen, Ye Han raised his neck and shouted loudly: "Six seconds eighty-three, Ma Hongwei, you don't want to mix up. Isn't it?" This speed was 0.2 seconds faster than his best time.

Ma Hongwei laughed, looking like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water: "Master, you are letting me."

"Fuck, the championship is gone, what am I letting you do?"

"Okay, I'll be here today, let's all go back." Professor Qin said loudly.

The soldiers heard the words but did not leave immediately, but looked at Ye Han together.

Ye Han stared: "Why are you looking at me, why don't you hurry up?"

The group then dispersed in a hurry, and left the training ground with their shoulders hooked.

Watching everyone leave, Ye Han's smile gradually subsided: "Grandpa, is the result out?"

Professor Qin nodded and motioned his assistant to pack up the equipment: "Come out, do you want to hear?"

"Of course I do. Until now, I never dreamed that I would be able to run so fast." Ye Han is still full of incomprehension after thinking about it.

The professor laughed: "This is science!"

"Can it be improved a little more?" Ye Han asked expectantly.

After returning to Qiongzhou, the cell fusion gradually came to an end, and the improvement of physical fitness gradually slowed down, but everyone could see the strength of Ye Han and others, and the applications for voluntary participation in cell fusion were piled up in the division.

If it weren't for the fact that the cell fusion experiment was still kept under wraps, only some officers and soldiers of the first division knew about it. I'm afraid that Huo Qiang's place would be full of applications.

"Not for now." Professor Qin shook his head. Seeing Ye Han's disappointed look, he couldn't help but scolded, "Why are you so dissatisfied?"

Ye Han smiled embarrassedly: "I'm not satisfied, isn't this also an extra layer of protection?"

"It's too much to go too far. It's not necessarily a good thing to have too much physical fitness." Professor Qin said earnestly, "From a technical point of view, there is no obstacle to continuing to improve, but I don't recommend it."

"Why?" Ye Han was puzzled.

Professor Qin shook his head: "No reason, I just think this technology is not mature enough, it's easy to pull eggs if you take too much steps!" Speaking of which, Professor Qin suddenly lowered his voice, "The above has already done experiments on this aspect. The mice used in the experiment, in the end, all had their DNA collapsed and died horribly. If you don’t want to be like the mice, just be honest with me!”

Ye Han grinned in shock: "So exaggerated? Then we..."

"You guys are all right." Professor Qin interrupted, "The specific reason is not clear, but we know where the safety limit of cell fusion is ... You just need to know about this, don't mention it to anyone, including Xiaoting."

Ye Han nodded: "I understand...Grandpa, this is the last test, right?"

"Well, it's the last item." Professor Qin understood what Ye Han meant, so he continued, "Don't worry, your situation is almost stable, and you can adapt to it for a while at most."

"That's not what I meant." Ye Han said, "My data seems to be 1.4, and everyone else's is a little bit. The gap doesn't seem to be as big as it used to Yes, it is." Qin The professor said, "At the beginning of integration, what is the best at what and what grows the fastest, but this growth is not unlimited, it will slow down after a certain level, at this time, the weak points will be gradually strengthened, and finally balanced The development of one speciality is more strong, not the same strength and the others are weak. Most people's data are between 1.13 and 1.48, and some people also have special highlights, but this case has no reference value. Your average of 1.4 The value is already very good.”

Ye Han was confused and asked in surprise, "Can the increase be controlled?"

"How is that possible?" Professor Qin laughed, "Cell fusion is such a law, why is there no result yet, but I personally think it should be a balance ability of the human body itself, or the balance ability of genes... There are so many secrets, and the more you study, the more mysteries you can't solve."

Professor Qin seemed to have remembered something, with a look of loss and melancholy, but he soon returned to normal: "Ye Han, I have all the data, and in a few days, the research team will return to Beiyuezhou, I told you , want to take Xiaoting and the child with you, how are you thinking?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "What else is there to consider, and I don't want them to stay on the earth and be afraid."

Professor Qin let out a long sigh of relief: "It's okay to have your words... Ye Han, I know it's rare for the two of you to be reunited, but the safety of Xiaoting and the child is more important, isn't it?"

Ye Han waved his hand and said: "Grandpa, you don't need to persuade me, I know better than you what is going on on Earth. Since there is a chance, it is better to leave quickly. If the situation improves in the future, it will not be a trouble to come back. Besides, I am on Earth today. Maybe going to the moon tomorrow, Xiaoting is not only safe in Beiyuezhou, but we can spend more time together."

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