Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1192: This is going against the sky

The formation of transport planes flew away from the Qiongzhou base and flew to the vast sea in a short while. After more than an hour, the sea was replaced by a forest that could not be seen at a glance.

According to satellite positioning, this should be the northern part of the southern border. In other words, the formation is flying westward along the southern border.

Although the Northern Capital has reached an agreement with the Myanmar side, there are thousands of mountains and rivers from Qiongzhou to northern Myanmar, and there are four or five countries in the middle. Even the Northern Capital cannot persuade so many countries in such a short period of time. It's better to just go around in circles.

Anyway, this circle is not too far.

Having said that, although the airborne division was given an emergency order, if it was really so urgent, why not let the airborne division take off directly in the spaceship?

It only takes ten minutes for the orbital airborne, and at least a few hours for the transport plane. It can be seen that Beidu is not really in such a hurry.

Even if Qiongzhou did not prepare so many spaceships, there would always be no shortage of people on Kaledan Island, right? A battalion of the Second Division was instructed to guard the orbital elevator, take the orbital elevator to the sky, and then airborne from the outer atmosphere, which is also much faster than the transport plane.

Three hours later, the formation entered northern Myanmar and was about to arrive at the preset battlefield.

A few minutes later, Ye Han jumped out of the tail cabin.

Since everyone in the airborne division is equipped with power armor, the flight altitude of the transport aircraft is about eight kilometers, which is much higher than that of ordinary parachuting.

Looking down from the air, a highway is looming in the forest that cannot be seen at a glance. The large virgin forest seems to have alopecia areata, and dozens of open spaces are scattered here and there.

On the armored electronic map, each open space has an independent number, and each number corresponds to a unit, some are battalions, some are companies.

The soldiers in the air immediately understood where they should land, but because the height was still enough, no one was in a hurry to adjust their direction.

Descending a certain distance, the soldiers with good eyesight were stunned to find that there was a busy friendly army in each open space. They drove various construction machinery and chopped down mountains and trees. It seemed that they wanted to cut down all the trees between the open spaces and cut all the open spaces. linked together.

Looking closely, there are still a steady stream of military vehicles driving on the road, and they are all fully loaded heavy trucks, they are as small as snails, stop and go on the winding road.

The position of the open space is basically parallel to the road, and Ye Han immediately understood that this is to build a defense line based on the road!

When the altitude dropped to about one thousand meters, Ye Han was the first to open the parachute, carefully adjusted the direction, and fell to the largest clearing in the jungle.

In the blink of an eye, countless square parafoils opened in the air.

At this time, Ye Han found that a team of unnamed engineering vehicles was driving into the open space, and the body should be an armored engineering vehicle.

After the team of construction vehicles drove into the open space, they immediately started intensive construction. A construction vehicle with a digging bucket was the first to drive out. The digging bucket rose and fell quickly, and quickly dug a trench with a width of more than one meter and a depth of more than one person in the center of the open space. .

Ye Han only thought that this was digging trenches and didn't particularly care.

But he immediately found that his guess was wrong-after digging the trench for dozens of meters, several construction vehicles drove to the edge of the open space, stretched out powerful mechanical claws, grabbed the logs piled there one by one, and went straight up Straight down into the ditch.

The mechanical claw is so powerful that even if the log is inserted crookedly, it can stand in the trench and never fall down... Not all logs are eligible to be inserted into the trench, and those with a height of less than five meters are not considered. .

In this way, a row of tall wooden fences quickly appeared in the trench. As long as the erected logs are connected and fixed, the wooden fence can become a qualified wooden wall.

Ye Han couldn't help but sigh, it's really not easy for the engineering brothers at such a fast speed in such a short time!

Landing on the edge of the open space with such a mood, Ye Han quickly put away his parachute so as not to interfere with the construction. Then, he found that he was wrong again.

The engineer brother didn't run up to fix the log as he imagined, but fixed some thick steel bars on the log, and then drove a few very special engineering vehicles over, and when the side panels were opened, the good guy immediately became A three-person iron plate.

More than a dozen cars lined up along both sides of the trench, and the iron plates were neatly joined together, directly sandwiching the wooden fence in the middle.

At this time, several concrete mixer trucks drove up behind, pouring the concrete mortar mixed in the jar into the gap between the iron plates.

In just ten minutes, all the iron wall cars moved away, and the wooden fence in the trench had turned into a concrete wall more than one meter thick, three people tall, and fifty meters long.

The iron wall cars drove collectively to the next section of the ditch. After ten minutes, the concrete wall became a hundred meters.

Ye Han couldn't believe his eyes. He built a concrete wall more than fifty meters long in ten minutes. Are the engineers going to go against the sky?

When he came here, he just said to defend the line of defense. He just regarded it as a field defense line like open space trenches and barbed wire. He didn't think about it at all. He wanted to build a continuous concrete wall here!

At this it won't take much time to build the Great Wall. If Qin Shihuang knew about this, wouldn't he hide in the toilet and cry to death?

The soldiers who fell to the ground were all amazed.

At this time, a colonel officer attached to the engineering corps came over: "Which one is Master Ye?"

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Ye Han, but immediately turned back to the officer, curiously looking at the simplified version of the power armor on the officer's body.

The so-called simplified version is actually an exoskeleton with a guard plate. The protective effect is very limited, and the whole body cannot be sealed at all. At most, it is an enhanced version of the heavy-duty body armor.

This thing does not have many auxiliary functions other than enhancing strength. It is not at the same level as the power armor equipped by the airborne division. The only advantage is that the cost is low and can be equipped with a large number of troops. far more than general purpose.

Ye Han knew about this for a long time, but it was the first time he saw the real thing, and after looking at it curiously, he stood up: "I am, what do I call it?"

The officer stretched out his right hand: "Ye Yang, the night of the night." He specifically explained.

Ye Han smiled: "I thought it was my family." He stretched out his right hand.

According to battlefield principles, no one is allowed to salute an officer, not even among officers, so the two simply shook hands and it was over.

Ye Yang chuckled: "I thought so too." Then he turned to look at the concrete wall, "Let's talk about business first, Master Ye, this section of the wall can be used for another half an hour, and it only takes an hour. It can achieve the strength to resist insect swarms... We use the method of simultaneous construction at multiple points and multiple stages, and in about three hours, all the works can be completed."

According to the Internet, the cement used in special engineering is dry after stirring, so this chapter took ten minutes. If there are any brothers who know it, please correct me.

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