Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1196: foodie harvest

Just when Ye Han was making wild guesses, the experimental data had been sent back to China, and then sent back to the front through the command system. The army aviation, which had been on standby, immediately took off, and hundreds of armed helicopters carrying infrasonic guns flew to the high wall defense line.

The aircraft group dispersed immediately after flying over the border, approaching the swarm from the north and east. When the swarm flew near the swarm, all the infrasonic cannons were activated at the same time.

The overwhelming infrasound waves fell from the sky, and the insect swarms scrambled immediately, and their instinct to seek advantage and avoid harm made them flee quickly.

Afterwards, Ye Han couldn't help feeling that the infrasonic cannon was like an invisible baton, where the swarms fled to wherever they were pointed.

At this point, the previous doubts have also been answered - the military can deploy a large number of sonic cannons on the border to prevent the swarm from crossing the border.

The military doesn't even need to send people to guard the border. As long as a group of sensors are placed outside the border, and the infrasonic cannon on the border is immediately activated after the swarm is detected, the swarm can be firmly blocked.

After the infrasound cannon appeared, Ye Han felt that the airborne division had already succeeded in retreating, but he couldn't wait for the order from his superiors. A day later, instead, he waited for the order to catch another batch of bugs.

Ye Han was very puzzled, didn't he get the data? Why are you still caught? Could it be that a new type of giant insect has appeared again?

He immediately found the experimental group, and wanted to get some internal information from the experimental group. The experimental group told him that he could catch whatever he came across, and he could just pick the one with the most number.

Ye Han was even more confused. He couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in the gourd of the experimental group.

The experimental team saw his doubts, and the experimenter wearing glasses pushed the glasses and said: "Master Ye, you may not know the situation well, we have used infrasonic weapons on the battlefield a long time ago, and infrasound waves have long been used by aliens. It's no secret that these giant insects should be specially optimized by aliens, and they can adjust the microstructure of their bodies in a very short time, in this way, reduce the influence of infrasound waves."

"The worms caught yesterday have not responded much to the frequency measured yesterday. Although we have measured a new frequency, we can't determine whether this frequency is useful to the swarm, so we must catch a few more and come back to test. "

"So amazing?" Ye Han felt like he was listening to a fantasy story.

The glasses experimenter was helpless: "The details are still unclear, and we need more experimental data to find the answer."

"Understood." Ye Han nodded, "I arrange for the troops to work in shifts and bring back a few every six hours, how about it?"

"It doesn't need to be so frequent, a round of twelve hours is enough. If the time is short, the changes will not be obvious, and it will not be abnormal when caught."

"Okay, just twelve hours." Just after he finished speaking, Ye Han showed a puzzled look again, "No, isn't it just measuring the resonance frequency? Just pull up the infrasound cannon and adjust the frequency to the swarm. ?"

"Indeed." The experimenter nodded. "But this kind of insect is too resistant to infrasound waves. The incorrect frequency will only irritate the insect swarm and have no expelling effect."

"Expulsion? Not to shock them to death?"

"It won't kill you." The experimenter shook his head. "This kind of worm has a very high resistance to infrasound waves. Even if it has the correct frequency, it can only play a role in expelling it, unless the generator is directly inserted into the worm's stomach."

Ye Han couldn't help taking a deep breath, this is so amazing, isn't it?

The infrasound is simply pervasive. Even if you wear heavy power armor, you may not be able to block the infrasound. These giant insects actually did it!

The researcher pushed his glasses again: "It's not just infrasound waves, these insects are also very resistant to microwaves. We have done a lot of experiments. We put the insects in the microwave oven and roasted them hard, and the insect shells were all scorched. No, unless the shell is removed, it will cook faster."

Ye Han grinned, thinking that you guys are really serious about research!

He looked at the high wall thoughtfully: "So...the problem is with the shell?"

"We also guessed the same, but at present there are only microwave experimental results, and no other evidence has been found."

Ye Han secretly pouted, doing research is hypocritical, what evidence do you need when there are results?

However, he finally figured out the ins and outs. After saying goodbye to the experimental group, he arranged manpower immediately. To be cautious, he dispatched a battalion to catch giant insects every twelve hours.

The soldiers felt very fresh after receiving the order. It was not that they had never caught bugs before, but it was the first time they had encountered such a large scale.

In this way, the people of the Airborne Division became a professional insect-catching team in the next few days. Wherever the swarm moved, the Airborne Division followed.

The whole experimental group followed along!

The experimental group has an entire heavy-duty fleet, each truck is an independent laboratory, and there are all kinds of strange experimental There is even a large microwave cabin for roasting insects.

This thing is really powerful, if you put someone in it, it will turn into a barbecue in minutes.

Ye Han didn't take it to heart after hearing about it, but Luo Qi remembered it. When he was free, he took two groups of soldiers out for a walk and caught two giant insects and seven or eight. The smallest crocodile is only half a meter, and the largest one is more than five meters long!

This matter immediately caused a sensation in the camp. The key is not how big the crocodile is, but that Luo Qi has captured other species that are not bugs!

The outbreak of the insect disaster started in Jingjiang, and it is already ten years ago. In these years, almost all terrestrial creatures on the earth have been eaten by insects. Only penguins, polar bears and other animals living in extreme environments Not too affected.

The warm and humid climate in Southeast Asia is one of the most suitable areas for giant insects. The biological population here has been seriously damaged. It is a miracle that Luo Qi can catch so many crocodiles!

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong. Insects only develop on land, and they never mean to march into the water. Crocodiles, amphibious reptiles, have survived so far. It is not difficult to understand.

Moreover, the largest crocodile is nearly six meters long, which is about twice that of an ordinary giant worm. In addition to the rough scales all over its body, it is really right with the worm, and the worm is not necessarily the opponent of the crocodile... Well, considering The role of the puffed virus, this crocodile is only a medium-sized one, and it is not surprising that a large crocodile grows to ten meters long.

The experimental group was very interested in the source of the crocodiles, but the soldiers didn't care where the crocodiles came from. They only cared about whether the crocodiles were delicious... That's right, Luo Qi brought them back just for a good meal. In this matter, Ye Han specially asked Ye Han to come forward and borrow the microwave cabin to roast the crocodile with the experimental group.

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