Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1208: Layout of the asteroid belt

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Gao Kai was speechless: "I said Ye Han, you have to stare at this petty profit in front of you? Can't you look farther?"

Ye Han was startled: "What's wrong with my vision?"

"What are you talking about, you can't have a strategic vision? Do you think that grabbing asteroids is just to get rid of the aliens?" What's important?"

Ye Han was inexplicable: "Why is it related to the Great Voyage..." When he said this, he slapped his forehead suddenly, and suddenly realized that he had overlooked something, "Understood, supply base!"

Some people may say that the most important thing in a big voyage is the ship, but is that actually the case?

Of course not, the ship is indeed very important, but the most important thing in the big voyage is the port, which is the ubiquitous supply point! Only with the support of supply lines can the shipping routes on the ocean continue to extend into the distance!

Gao Kai finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you didn't come to the fleet. After a while, my IQ dropped. Will it take a long time?"

Ye Han's face twitched: "You're smart, didn't I just want to be wrong?"

"Where do you want to go?" Gao Kai asked curiously.

"What else can it be, the cost." Ye Han said naturally, "How did we build Beiyuezhou? You know better than me how much resources have been invested before and after, this is still on the moon, and it will cost money to replace it with the asteroid belt. How much does it cost to build a base? That’s not even counting maintenance costs!”

Both of them have experienced the hardships of Beiyuezhou's start-up, and they are very clear about how huge investment it takes to build a space base.

But this is not the point. The point is that the base is not built and can be left alone, but must be maintained with a lot of manpower and material resources.

Take Beiyuezhou as an example. With the continuous expansion of the base, the maintenance cost of the base has increased every year. Last year, the maintenance cost of the base alone was tens of billions.

It's just that Beiyuezhou's situation is more consumption and more output. After the two offset, the maintenance cost becomes very inconspicuous, and no one pays attention at all.

This sustainable development model will also be applied to Nanyuezhou in the future.

But the asteroid belt is different. The small celestial bodies there are large and few, and the largest Ceres is less than 1,000 kilometers in diameter. The resources available are very limited. After the space base is built, it is impossible to be as self-sufficient as Beiyuezhou. , the earth must be continuously transfused to ensure the normal operation of the space base.

"It's not like that." Gao Kai shook his head in disapproval, "The space base does burn money, but compared to the safety of human beings, what is money? You don't even think about it, before Beiyuezhou was built, we passively What does it look like, after Beiyuezhou is built, what will it look like?"

Beidu is determined to develop the moon, not only because the moon has a very important strategic position, but also because the moon contains massive strategic resources!

Before the moon base was formed, the global supply of materials was very tight. In order to fight against aliens, human beings were forced to invest limited resources into a bottomless pit-like aerospace project. The space shuttle was changed. Thinking about it now is like a joke.

If it weren't for the fact that the aliens themselves have some problems that have not been resolved, I am afraid that human beings would have been extinct for many years.

After the Beiyuezhou base is completed? The massive resources on the moon can be used, and the launch cost is much lower than the earth. Within a few years, the space city and the space fleet have been saved, and the military strength of mankind has turned upside down, and the fleet has even gone to Jupiter one after another. Hit the alien's nest!

Before the completion of Beiyuezhou, expedition to Jupiter was simply a pipe dream!

Gao Kai's **** made Ye Han roll his eyes and said, "I said I wanted to go wrong, and you have donkey hair in your ears?"

Gao Kai suddenly suffocated: "Okay, let's not talk about the cost, let's talk about the strategy, from the completion of Beiyuezhou to the present, the fleet has only been a supply base on the moon, no matter what you do, you have to go back here to supply, you also participated in several times. Expedition people, have you ever thought about the significance of having a supply base on an asteroid?"

Ye Han shook his head: "I haven't really thought about it, but I can think of it." He didn't joke, he could really think of the meaning.

When the human fleet was at its largest, there were hundreds of large and small warships, but the fleet's supply base was only the moon.

Whether it's an expedition to Io or blocking an alien fleet, the starting point of all battleships is the moon, and after the battle, the fleet will finally return to the moon.

At first glance, this is not bad, but in fact?

Take the expedition not long ago, when the fleet returned, the earth had turned to the side of the sun, and after the warship reached the earth's orbit, it had to hang behind the earth and pursue it until it caught up with the earth.

If you don't chase, you can only wait in place for half a year, wait for the earth to revolve around the sun for more than half a circle, and then merge with the earth.

If nothing else, months were wasted along the way.

What if there are several human military bases in the asteroid belt?

Not much, as long as there is a space base in the south, south, and northwest, the fleet can park nearby, replenish ammunition and maintain warships, and it will not take long to drive back to Jupiter, and then play a big game with aliens.

In the past, expeditions took a whole year or even more than one year. With the space base, the expedition period can be shortened to half a year or even three to four months!

At that time, the strategic situation faced by mankind will undergo qualitative will greatly ease the pressure faced by mankind.

Gao Kai raised his eyebrows deliberately: "Really?"

"Believe it or not!" Ye Han wanted to flip the table, "You are so long-winded, why didn't I find out before?"

"It means you don't know me well enough!"

"I'd rather not understand!" Ye Han looked disgusted.

"It's too late!" Gao Kai laughed, "Do you still want to go on the pirate ship?"

"If I can come up, I can go down!" Ye Han pushed back in dissatisfaction.

The two of them refused to give in to each other. You came and I went back and forth for a few sentences, and Ye Han finally brought the conversation back to the main topic: "How many things did you send in the past? Did you choose Ceres?"

The role of the base is to support all kinds of things. If it is too small, it will not work at all. Ceres is the only dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, with a diameter of nearly 1,000 kilometers. There are some resources on it. Significance.

Gao Kai shook his head and said, "I guessed wrong!"

"Isn't it Ceres?" Ye Han looked at Gao Kai with doubts in his eyes, "You're not lying to me, are you? Don't take up such a good place quickly, and don't let aliens **** it away."

Forty percent of Ceres is water, and it is not very far from the sun. There is likely to be a liquid ocean under the ice. These are very favorable construction conditions. Ye Han can't think of any reason why the military should not choose it. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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