Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1224: combat distance

These two enemy ships are definitely not air carriers, but they carry alien warships, which may be a new attempt by aliens to space tactics.

The alien fighter jets flew away from the battleship immediately after taking off, randomly surrounding the alien warship, and savagely pounced on the Thunder Mountain.

The number of enemy planes is not very large, but it is also a big threat to Thunder Mountain

Although he lost his first move, Ye Han was not in a hurry at all, calmly ordered all departments to prepare for battle, and then stared at the distance data in the corner of the screen.

To have distance is to have security, but if you want to fight the enemy, you must close the distance.

Eight hundred kilometers!

Just as the number jumped into sight, Ye Han immediately widened his eyes: "Laser cannon, free fire, hit me hard!"

With an order, the laser turret on Leishan immediately fired, and the laser beam instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of kilometers, some passed between the alien fighters, and some did not touch the side of the aircraft group at all. In short, none of the beams hit.

This seems to be a very unfortunate end. How could a laser flying at the speed of light deviate from the target?

The actual situation is of course not so simple. The current situation is that a high-speed-moving warship hits a high-speed moving target. The movement speed of both sides is not slow, and the relative speed is even more amazing. Even a laser cannon is difficult to hit the target at this distance.

Ye Han ordered to fire now, not to kill many enemy planes, but purely to disperse the enemy planes and avoid the formation of attack waves by enemy planes.

Thunder Mountain is equipped with numerous anti-aircraft weapons, ranging from anti-aircraft guns to anti-aircraft missiles. Coupled with the armor layer of the battleship itself, the threat of alien fighters to Thunder Mountain is very small, and a fighter plane has almost no threat.

But it's hard to say a wave of enemy planes. A dozen or even dozens of enemy planes rushed over to cooperate with each other to cover each other. It's hard to say how many enemy planes Leishan's air defense network can block.

And Leishan is not without weaknesses. The most obvious weakness is the propeller. This thing has to be scrapped as long as it takes a shot, which directly affects the maneuverability of Leishan.

Moreover, Leishan's propellers use a lot of alien technology, and the tube damage group on the ship has no ability to repair the propellers at all. If it is damaged, it can only be replaced and repaired by returning to Beiyuezhou.

In order to ensure the safety of the propellers, Ye Han must break up the enemy's aircraft group in advance to prevent the enemy aircraft group from attacking.

Of course, according to Ye Han's calculations, even if all the enemy planes rushed over, there would only be a small chance of breaking through the air defense network and would not threaten the safety of the battleship.

But then again, once approached by an enemy plane, even if the air defense network is not broken through, the possibility of damaging the propeller is not small, so how dare Ye Han not be cautious?

The enemy planes scattered like Ye Han planned, flipping up and down like headless flies, and all kinds of maneuvers flew like a chute.

This result surprised Ye Han very much.

Since none of the lasers hit, why did the alien fighters disperse?

The human eye cannot see the laser at all, and the light path can be seen on the screen because the lens uses a special optical glass.

The alien's reaction is so quick, maybe there is something special about the alien's eyes.

Thinking of this, Ye Han didn't forget to write it down, prepare a report after the battle, and ask the superiors to study the eyes of alien creatures, which may also promote the development of optical equipment.

Disturbing the enemy's aircraft group, naturally the enemy ship cannot be allowed to continue to be idle. Just as the laser cannon traversed the void, Ye Han ordered again: "The electromagnetic gun is aimed at me, and I will use conventional shells for the time being, when will I be sure? Change to small mushrooms."

The electromagnetic gun immediately began to charge, and after a few seconds, the first shell flew out of the barrel... Unfortunately, the shell missed.

Although the most advanced fire control equipment was used and the most accurate ballistic calculations were carried out, the distance between the two sides was too far.

Moreover, after the alien fighter jets were fried, the alien warships also became vigilant. Like fighter jets, they flew irregularly. No matter how advanced the fire control system was, it was impossible to hit the target purely by calculation in this case, unless it was blind luck. Mongolian.

Leishan took the lead in firing, and the alien battleship did not show weakness. Knowing that Leishan had not yet entered the range, it still opened fire on Leishan... As a result, no hair was hit.

The situation at this time is very similar to the cannon bombing of the battleship era. Both sides are moving at high speed and firing with all their strength. It is who can hit the enemy ship first.

This is actually inaccurate, because both the enemy and the enemy are very short of final weapons. The problem of Thunder Mountain is that the hit rate is not high when it is too far away, and the aliens simply do not have it.

If Ye Han was damaged by Leishan and charged directly with the alien warships, no matter whether the missiles or the artillery shells, there will always be the same thing that can hit the enemy ship and give the enemy a fatal blow.

It's just that Ye Han didn't want to use the Thunder Mountain to fight the enemy to the death.

The distance between the two sides continued to shorten. When there were only more than 400 kilometers left, finally saw the first hit. A laser was originally aimed at the enemy aircraft, and it accidentally hit the enemy ship after not wanting to deviate from the target!

It's a pity that the power of the laser cannon is too low, and the alien battleship that has been hit by a laser has nothing to do.

At this moment, I don't know how many people on the Thunder Mountain sighed, and what makes everyone even more incomprehensible is why they can't wait for the order to launch the missile!

No matter which time it is against an enemy ship, the missile is one of the protagonists on the battlefield. In some battles, it can even be said to be the absolute main force, and has achieved extremely brilliant results.

The two armies torn apart, the most important thing is how to destroy the enemy, obviously equipped with a large number of missiles, but can't bear to use one?

Ye Han naturally has another plan for this. He doesn't want to use missiles, but feels that the distance is still a bit far. Now using missiles is purely based on the number of hits.

The Thunder Mountain went deep alone, that is, without supplies or reinforcements, the military power of the aliens near Ceres is still a mystery, and it is better to save a little when it can be saved.

Three hundred kilometers!

The hit rate of both sides increased at the same time, Thunder Mountain shot down three enemy planes in a row, and several lasers hit the enemy ship one after another.

However, Leishan also hit a few fine lights.

The time was ripe, and Ye Han quickly issued a new order: "Laser cannons continue to fire, all artillery fires freely, electromagnetic cannons stop firing, nuclear artillery shells are loaded on standby, all close-in defense artillery is ready for battle, No. 2 missile nest is launched under cover, five Missile Nest, No. 1 to No. 4, launch!"

The second nest is filled with smoke bombs, which have performed well in previous operations and are now one of the essential standard preparations for the fleet.

As for Nest No. 5, the heads here are all divided into seven sub-guided warheads. There are ordinary armor-piercing bombs and special bombs with nuclear warheads. Which one to use depends on how Ye Han decides.

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