Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1228: different levels

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Victory? Is this a victory?

He Lu's mind is still a little bit hard to turn around. Why was he attacked from both sides by the enemy ship just now, and there was a 180-degree reversal in the blink of an eye?

There are too many things he can't understand, but he is most curious about only one thing: "Captain, I have a few questions, can I ask you for advice?"

Ye Han put down his arms and smiled slightly: "Ask."

"That's right, the first magneto-nuclear shell should have missed Enemy No. 2 just now, but why did it explode?"

Ye Han smiled even brighter: "This, it's simple, you look through the video records carefully, I'm not aiming at the enemy No. 2, but an asteroid in front of the enemy No. 2!"

"Ah?" He Lu's whole person is not well, and there is such an operation?

He immediately flipped through the video, and sure enough, he found an inconspicuous shadow on the screen before firing. After carefully comparing the data on the video, he found that the asteroid was the size of a desktop.

Although with the current technology, it is not difficult to hit such a target, but in such a tense battle, you can still think of using this inconspicuous asteroid... How long is this brain?

However, this does not mean that He Lu agrees with Ye Han's approach. From He Lu's point of view, this is an unnecessary military adventure. If the nuclear bomb fails to hit the asteroid, will Leishan still defeat two enemy ships? ?

He would rather continue to fight aliens than risk such a shipwreck.

However, Ye Han is the captain. As the deputy captain, he has no qualifications to doubt the authority of the captain. He can only bury his true thoughts in his heart.

But he still couldn't help but ask: "Captain, what if, I mean if, the magneto-nuclear shell missed? What should I do?"

"Then suffer two more rounds of fine light, but it's not unbearable."

He Lu never thought that he would ask such an answer, and the whole person was not well.

He also knew that Leishan had a very high level of protection, and a few small waves of light on the hard top were not a big deal, but if it wasn't so aggressive just now, Leishan wouldn't have fallen into a passive situation of being attacked by both sides, right?

"What would you do if you failed to destroy Enemy No. 1?" He Lu asked from a different angle.

"Continue fighting, what else can I do? If it's not possible, let the smoke screen go. I don't dare to say that I will retreat. At least escaping is not a problem." If the enemy loses 1000 to 800, the commander must have a steelyard in his heart, he must be cautious when he should not fight, and he must be decisive when he should fight.”

The corners of He Lu's mouth twitched, thinking that I would know if you didn't say anything, but he immediately asked, "When should we be cautious and when should we be decisive?"

"Then it depends on your own judgment. Everyone's standards are different." Ye Han said.

Ye Han didn't have the problem of being a good teacher, and he didn't want to give He Lu a lecture, so he just said a few words.

If we expand on this proposition, it is definitely not a short-term conclusion, because the combat style of an army is not only related to the commanding ability of the generals, but also to the overall quality and traditional habits of the army.

For example, the thick-line old Maozi shouted "Ulla" to play death charge when he disagreed; another example was the cowboy who slammed Van Fleet's ammo first, whether he had a date or not; To swept the broken AK one by one.

He Lu also had no intention of entangled in this issue. He turned and asked, "Captain, I have no intention of questioning your command, but I would like to ask, why didn't you use firepower to kill the enemy ship from the beginning?"

He would like to say again, is it because you are very good at electromagnetic guns, and you feel uncomfortable without the use of electromagnetic guns. If you have a few more missiles or a background of nuclear guns, the Thunder Mountain will not have to entangle with enemy ships for so long, and will be able to step on it long ago. He laughed at the corpse of the enemy.

"This, it's nothing, I just don't want to waste shells." Ye Han said, "We lack nuclear raw materials, so we can save a little bit."

He has always known that the military lacks nuclear materials, but it is not clear why.

However, the battle of Northern Australia gave him a new understanding of nuclear materials, and later he specifically consulted the information in this regard.

There are indeed a lot of nuclear materials in Beidu, but there are more places that need nuclear materials. At first glance, there are only two large pieces of nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons, but if you count them carefully, there are not too many places that need nuclear materials!

Counting with fingers, there are a large number of ground and underground reactors in China; there are a large number of warships and space station reactors in the sky.

This is just a small head. The big head is actually the propellant of nuclear-powered warships and nuclear weapons. The limited output is divided into one point in all aspects. The result is that it is not enough everywhere. The number of nuclear bombs carried by warships can be used to save the consumption of nuclear materials.

So, does this approach work?

Of course there is!

Because the content of low-enriched uranium used in nuclear power plants is only 3%, and the content of weapons-grade enriched uranium is more than 85%, the uranium needed for a nuclear bomb can be fed to the reactor for a long time!

Although Beiyuezhou has been vigorously exploiting helium-3, human beings have not yet conquered the peak of fusion reactors. This thing can only be used to make propellants and big mushrooms, and the reactors can't be used at Because a large amount of helium-3 fills the gap in nuclear raw materials, the space fleet can operate normally. Otherwise, at least half of the reactors in the country must be stopped to ensure the normal operation of the fleet.

He Lu did not have Ye Han's experience, nor did he have the right to consult such high-level confidential documents, so he had no idea what was going on here, and asked in confusion, "It's not bad for these few cannonballs, right? "

"It's not bad, but at such a distance, it's not a matter of one or two shots. Maybe the reserve is exhausted, and I can't hit a shot." Ye Han couldn't reveal the truth, so he could only change the angle.

No matter whether it is a gun or a cannon, even a tall electromagnetic gun, the farther away it is, the more difficult it is to hit the target. Even if all the conditions when aiming are exactly the same, there is also a problem with the distribution of impact points.

Using artillery shells to hit moving targets across hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the hit rate is absolutely horribly low, so Ye Han focused on narrowing the distance between the two sides and looking for opportunities to open the artillery.

Not only artillery and electromagnetic guns, but also lasers have similar problems. Only missiles are more alternative. As long as the range is sufficient, even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the hit accuracy will not be reduced.

However, the problem with missiles is that they are too easy to intercept, and the actual hit rate is not too high. Otherwise, the military does not need to equip relatively alternative missiles such as the female fish and the hidden sword. No matter what kind of battle they encounter, they will always use missiles to kill them. The opponent is finished. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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