Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1236: Extraordinary Times Extraordinary Ways

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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Not long after Leishan received the news from Beiyuezhou, it received the highest order from Beidu. After removing all the mandarin clichés and nonsense, the core content of the notice was that all personnel who had undergone cell fusion should not be injected with hibernin from now on.

At first, Ye Han was quite strange. There are only so many people who have been treated with medicine. The Leishan boat is the only one that is active outside. It is only a few hundred people when it is full. As for even the North, is it alarmed?

I found out later that it wasn't the case at all.

The situation on Ceres is special, so it is the No. 1 base, but after the construction of the No. 1 base, several other places have been arranged on the Beidu side. Including the No. 1 base, the Beidu has a total of six secret bases in the asteroid belt. .

Except for the first base, which was beaten by aliens, everything else went well.

Ye Han felt that the No. 1 base was topped with thunder because it happened to be next to Ceres, otherwise, aliens might not be able to notice this place.

Even after these little episodes have passed, Ye Han didn't take it too seriously. Anyway, he doesn't plan to touch hibernation from now on. For ordinary people, this thing is a treasure. For a transformed person like him, this thing is just The special thing is poison, and there is still no antidote to it.

This is no exaggeration at all. Ever since Beiyuezhou received the letter, the experimental group has been staying up all night, and has not rested much until now.

For this matter, the military has not stopped. Some people think that this is all about cell fusion. If it is not fused, nothing will happen. It is recommended to abolish cell fusion.

The starting point of these people may be good, but the purpose of cell fusion is not to hibernate autonomously, but to make up for the physical problems of human beings, so that everyone can stay in the weightless space all the time.

Some are short-sighted, and some are long-sighted. Another suggestion is to remove the autonomous hibernation that comes with cell fusion.

This is a feasible solution, that is, it does not affect the military's plan, and there is no sequelae of the injection of hibernin.

However, the experimental group was hitting the back of the head with their feet, and they couldn't take the time to modify the fusion potion for a while.

This thing is essentially a kind of genetic medicine. Cancellation of autonomous hibernation is easy to say, but if it is not done, it might just start all over again.

After a period of discussions and disputes, Beidu did not agree to stop cell fusion until the end.

Just kidding, the space fleet is not only the son of the military, but also the son of Beidu. Any decision that may affect the space fleet, the bosses of Beidu have to study and reconsider.

The bigwigs do not consider the interests of a certain person, certain people or a certain group of people, but take into account the interests of the entire country. No matter from which point of view, the advantages of cell fusion outweigh the disadvantages, and the benefits are far greater than the benefits. Cons, how could Beidu agree with those short-sighted opinions?

A few days after receiving the highest order, Ye Han received news from Beiyuezhou. It was still Professor Qin and the same laboratory, but Professor Qin was extremely tired, and the laboratory was unbearably messy.

Professor Qin sat on the screen and exhaled a breath before speaking: "Ye Han, I have a result here, the problem of thrombosis is a bit troublesome, how can I say it, we must use some special means to relieve sleep, we have found an idea, But the experiment has not been perfected, and the medicine used to relieve sleep is also quite special, and you have no conditions for sleep relief at all."

"The above means that you should put everyone in place first, and then rescue them when the Thunder Mountain comes back... But you make it clear to the soldiers, I can tell you for sure that all the soldiers who are in double hibernation are alive. It's good, but at most it will leave some sequelae after the sleep is relieved, and it will definitely not affect the future life."

A few days later, Ye Han received a communication from Professor Qin for the nth time. This time, Professor Qin's mental state has been greatly improved, but his exhaustion can't hide his inner excitement: "Ye Han, we have found safety. It depends on when you guys come back... Of course, just take advantage of this time to do a few more experiments."

At this moment, several people walked into the screen and appeared behind Professor Qin.

It was a few heavily armed soldiers, and a few prisoners with handcuffed hands and feet and shaved heads.

Professor Qin moved out of the way so that Ye Han could see clearly: "Did you see it? The ones who were just sent from Earth are all volunteers. Regardless of whether the experiment goes well, the superiors will give them a commutation."

Ye Han couldn't control the muscles on his face a little, and the above was really hard enough for this matter, and even used human experiments... The ghost knows whether these people are really willing.

If it was left in the past, the experimental group would definitely use monkeys, orangutans for experiments, but now, except for a very small number of animals protected by humans, the entire mammal population has been devastated. Looking at the world, only human beings are experimental animals. Best to find.

In extraordinary times, there are extraordinary measures. If it is a peaceful time, the superiors can still care about human rights. Now is a war time. As long as it is beneficial to the war, what is the human rights of a few prisoners?

Besides, they are all volunteers... Participating in the experiment is indeed risky, but from Ye Han's point of view, it is definitely not a bad thing. At the very least, cell fusion, which has not been popularized even within the military, must be launched first~ When the experiment is successful, the physical fitness of these prisoners will have a qualitative leap.

This is also a hassle, think about it, when these guys serve their sentences in the future, will they be released? Or release them?

Otherwise, these volunteers are not felons?

Well, this may not be small.

Time passed quickly, and when I received the communication again, half a month had passed.

The background this time is a few experimenters, who are in a circle, fiddling with a volunteer.

Professor Qin's face was full of spring breeze: "Ye Han, did you see it? We just released his double hibernation, and our experiment was successful!"

Professor Qin also said some nonsense afterward, to the effect of congratulations, celebrations and so on.

Ye Han didn't realize until this time that Professor Qin was actually a chatter when he was excited, but he didn't dare not to listen, for fear of saying important news later.

To be honest, Professor Qin's communication was much earlier than Ye Han expected. After all, human experiments need to be cell fusion first, otherwise there is no way to hibernate autonomously, and where can double hibernation come from?

But this matter is indeed worth celebrating. Ye Han immediately announced the good news to the whole ship to boost the morale of the officers and soldiers of the whole ship.

The fighters were happy, but soon returned to intense preparations. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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