Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1238: Can't follow a routine

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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A few hours later, Leishan passed asteroid 4 at high speed, and only as it passed the asteroid, it launched a few satellites at the asteroid, as well as a batch of ground sensors.

Ye Han originally wanted to blow up the No. 4 asteroid, but the planet blew up, and it was large in size and mass, so two nuclear bombs would not hurt the bones.

Asteroids are different. This thing is originally small, and its physique is not very good. After two nuclear bombs, it may be torn apart on the spot, turning into a group of small celestial bodies, and countless interstellar dust.

It doesn't seem like a big deal to have a group of small celestial bodies, but the solar system has been running for so many years, and now all kinds of celestial bodies have their own orbits, including asteroids.

To put it simply, as long as human warships sail according to the operation rules of existing celestial bodies, the possibility of hitting small celestial bodies is very small.

However, the blasted small celestial bodies are different. Their speed and direction are irregular. Once they collide with human aircraft, the consequences are really unpredictable.

That is a relative speed of tens of kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers in one second. Compared with these small celestial bodies, the electromagnetic guns are simply weak.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more he lost his bottom line. In the end, he simply reported his thoughts to Beiyuezhou, kicked the ball out, and made the top trouble.

More than half an hour later, Leishan received a reply from Beiyuezhou, emphasizing that Leishan's mission on this trip was to eliminate the living force of aliens as much as possible, and the asteroid should not move if it didn't move.

For this reason, Leishan let go of Asteroid No. 4 and followed the alien's **** with great force.

It took Ye Han a lot of thought about which way to go. He didn't think about the two alien warships at all, and let them go directly; then he gave up the fat ship he wanted to kill the most, because the speed of the fat ship was really bad. Chase.

Seeing that the two alien warships were reluctant to fly far away, Ye Han knew that the aliens still wanted to contain Leishan to create an opportunity for other alien ships to escape.

There are only two alien warships, but there are five directions of escape, which is simply impossible to care about.

So Ye Han decisively chose the most comfortable direction and directed Leishan to pursue at full speed - the direction of the enemy ship and Leishan's orbit made the smallest angle, and Leishan did not need to slow down at all, and could catch up with proper control of the direction.

After Leishan flew over the Yue-4 asteroid, Luo Qi looked at the position of the enemy ship and said casually, "They are quite good at running. The next one is because we are afraid that we will catch up. It's okay in the morning, right?"

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Ye Han's heart tightened and he looked at Luo Qi suddenly: "You said they did it on purpose?"

"That's right." Luo Qi said as a matter of course, "Why would no one run here..."

Halfway through the words, Luo Qi also realized that the problem was wrong.

Ye Han's eyes turned to the main screen, staring at the **** of the alien spaceship thoughtfully.

If aliens really want to run, it doesn't matter which direction they go, why is there a spaceship in the right direction?

And the aliens didn't mean to cover at all, just like expecting the Thunder Mountain to chase after them.

The enemy has absolutely no reason to do this, unless the aliens have some purpose and deliberately arrange this... Is there an alien fleet ahead?

Or, is it just simply abandoning the **** and protecting the handsome?

After figuring out the joints, Ye Han roared loudly: "Slow down and turn around and chase this one!"

In the direction he was pointing, there was not only an alien spaceship, but also an alien battleship.

He Lu was a little unwilling: "Captain, there is still hope for us to catch up with this one, but we won't be able to catch up with another one."

"Safety comes first. If you can't catch up, don't chase this." Ye Han was so determined that he refused to continue chasing him.

He Lu is not easy to say, he can only do what Ye Han wants.

Ye Han didn't know whether his decision was unexpected by the aliens, but the Leishan just started to slow down, and the movements of the two alien warships were unusual. After turning around, the two enemy ships had already moved. One stopped right in front of the Thunder Mountain, and the other approached the Thunder Mountain from the side.

Ye Han smiled and said, "You see, these two guys just stayed on the side watching the fun, but now it's like they've been stabbed twice. It must be that the two goals are different!"

"Absolutely." Luo Qi agreed without hesitation, "It's too obvious."

He Lu didn't speak, and was secretly annoyed that he didn't see what was going on here?

"Speed ​​up." Ye Han said, "I don't want to eat bones today, I just want to eat meat, let's throw the battleship away!"

The Thunder Mountain is slowing down and changing direction. The speed has not yet picked up. The alien battleship is behind the other, and the speed is not high. Now it depends on who has the faster acceleration.

He Lu immediately conveyed the order: "Keep the same direction and move forward at full speed!"

The helmsman repeated loudly: "No change in direction, full speed ahead!"

The reaction chambers of several thrusters shone brightly, and the speed of the Thunder Mountain rose straight up. Because of the high acceleration, some of the ship's hulls even suffered minor deformations.

When the two alien warships saw it, they immediately changed their tactics.

The one on the side accelerated with all strength to avoid being thrown off by Leishan, while the one on the front flew upside down quickly, waiting for Leishan to fly into range.

The speed of the space battleships is not slow. If the alien battleships collide with the Thunder Mountain, it will only take a short while from entering the range to flying out of the range. Flying backwards can avoid such embarrassment and prolong the firefight time as much as possible.

Ye Han didn't want to get entangled with the enemy ship, and glanced at the enemy ship on the side: "He Lu, give the side a missile suit and let him roll and play."


"This is also for the front... Don't worry, wait until you get into range."

Ye Han also wants to fire now. The problem is that the warship is still accelerating, and it is in the stage of the fastest speed increase. When the shells and missiles are fired, it will not take long for the Leishan to catch up, and it will not be able to contain the enemy at all. role of the ship.

It's better to wait a little longer than wasting shells.

Leishan immediately launched a wave of missiles, which flew to the enemy ship on the side from different directions and angles, and then added a wave of shells. If nothing else, the enemy ship on the side would not want to approach Leishan.

The alien warship obviously understood this, and accelerated desperately, trying to break through the firepower network before the missiles were encircled.

But the reason why the missile has a guide is because it can follow the target.

A few minutes later, several smoke bombs exploded first, and then the female fish Yinjian took turns to go into battle. The enemy ships on the side were busy with anti-missile defenses and were inevitably dragged by the missiles.

At this stage, as long as Leishan does not actively slow down, the enemy ship will never try to catch up with Leishan.

Ye Han, who got rid of an enemy ship, was in a good mood and stared at the enemy ship in front of him with a smile. Tips: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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