Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1247: Use 1 time

Ye Han finally waited for the order he wanted, but Beiyuezhou did not cancel the order to defend Ceres, but listed the cooperation with the transport ship as the first task, and the protection of Ceres was lowered from priority to second.

But this is enough, and it is not to blame for the loss of Ceres on the head of Leishan.

The alien warship still had two to three days to go, and Ye Han cooperated with the transport ship to survey asteroids like a nobody.

He was still looking forward to the alien warship turning halfway, but two days later, the course of the five enemy ships remained unchanged.

Since Leishan and the transport ship never left Ceres, Ye Han couldn't tell whether the enemy's target was Ceres or the transport ship, but he felt that Ceres was more likely.

Ye Han and Lieutenant Colonel Sloppy discussed it. Taking advantage of the distance between the enemy ships, the transport ship flew to the second base ahead of schedule, while the Leishan remained at Ceres, ready to see the movements of the aliens before making a decision.

In order to avoid a disjointed plan, the transport ship deliberately suppressed the speed when leaving, so that even if the enemy ships all turned to the transport ship, the Thunder Mountain could keep up in time.

Shortly after the transports left, the five enemy ships split in two, two changed direction to pursue the transports, and the other three remained unchanged.

This time Ye Han's eggs hurt. The transport ships are equipped with very few weapons, and it is a problem to fight against an alien warship. Facing two enemy ships, they can only escape.

What about Ceres here? Thunder Mountain is also no match for the three enemy ships.

The aliens are trying to hold the Thunder Mountain on one side, and eat the transport ship with heavy hands on the other side. The mouth is really not good.

Facing the unfavorable situation, Ye Han decisively led the ship to leave Ceres.

But instead of chasing after the transport ship as he had agreed upon, he chose an enemy ship that flew to Ceres, seemingly at full power, but in reality, he went up to it with reservations!

Ye Han's idea is very simple. What the aliens want to do is what he wants to destroy, and he must take the initiative in the battlefield and cannot let the aliens lead by the nose.

This move was indeed unexpected by the aliens. Fortunately, the alien warship was still far from Ceres, and another alien warship approached immediately, preparing to form a two-fleet formation against the Leishan.

If it weren't for the wrong direction of the third battleship flying to Ceres, it is estimated that it would have moved closer to the friend ship.

Ye Han is also worried that the three enemy ships will be in a pile, and only two can be said to be the right one. Although it is a bit troublesome for Leishan to deal with two enemy ships, the odds of winning are not small. It's time to run.

Probably it was Thunder Mountain's indomitable movement that reminded the aliens, and it didn't take long for the third enemy ship to turn around, giving up the idea of ​​flying to Ceres and turning to join the friendly forces.

At the current speed and direction, the three enemy ships can definitely complete the assembly before the arrival of the Thunder Mountain.

When the aliens tried their best to deal with the Leishan, they did not forget the transport ship in the other direction. The two alien spaceships chasing the transport ship accelerated, and it seemed that they planned to eat the transport ship first and then turn around to outflank the Thunder Mountain.

This time Gao Kai couldn't sit still, worried about the safety of the transport ship, he simply left the No. 2 base with the Nanzhou and rushed to Ceres at full speed.

Base No. 2 is located in front of Base No. 1. The straight-line distance is 0.3 AU, which is almost 46 million kilometers, which is only a little less than the distance from Mercury to the sun.

The speed of the Nanzhou ship after the change has been greatly improved, but it still takes about ten days to fly over this distance.

And the voyage between the enemy ship and the transport ship is only one day, even if the Nanzhou runs off with a broken leg, it is impossible to arrive in time.

However, the development of the situation can no longer allow Gao Kai to think more. The speed of the transport ship is actually not slow at all. If you leave all the load and fly at full speed, the alien warship may not be able to catch up.

However, from Beiyuezhou to the asteroid belt, there is a long distance of 1.5 AU. The ultra-long distance greatly increases the transportation cost. Every gram of materials transported to the asteroid belt is backed by a huge amount of burning money. , Unless it is a last resort, you must not give up any gram of materials.

If it really doesn't work, just throw things like construction machinery first, and then bring these things back when the aliens are driven away in the future.

Thinking of this, Gao Kai first contacted the transport ship, and after giving him all the instructions, he contacted the Leishan and said straight to the point: "Ye Han, the current situation is very unfavorable for us, I think you must give up Ceres and put the aliens first. Let’s deal with this wave of people’s attacks. Taizu and his old man said it well. If the land is lost, everyone will be lost, and the lost land will be saved. If Ceres is lost, you can find a way to get it back, but if the battleship is lost, Ceres is completely in the hands of aliens!"

Speaking of the end, Gao Kai was almost heartbroken, wishing he could come straight out of the screen.

Ye Han was stunned for a while: "No, what are you talking about, I am confused."

"Don't pretend to be confused with me. Let me ask you, what are you doing now? Why don't you follow the plan?"

"Hey, what do I take you to say?" Ye Han suddenly said, "I just think that the plan above is too conservative, and it is too passive to withdraw directly to the No. 2 base."

Gao Kai frowned: "There is a reason for being passive!"

"Come on, let's stop talking about these nutritious nonsense, let's do it."

"Then do it. You immediately move closer to the transport ship, and move towards me with the transport ship." Gao Kai said.

"It's okay to move closer to you, but not now." Ye Han said.

"When was that? Could it be that you still want to fight an alien?"

Ye Han smiled slightly: "To fight or not to fight, it depends on whether the enemy gives me a chance!"

Gao Kai frowned deeper: "Ye We haven't known each other for a day or two, I have to remind you, don't take risks, you have three enemy ships, and the Nanzhou is facing each other. Now, it’s not necessarily a win, don’t start to swell just because the Thunder Mountain has killed two enemy ships at once!”

"What do you mean?" Ye Han was unhappy, "What am I inflating? To tell you the truth, I didn't plan to fight the enemy at the beginning of the fight, I just didn't want to follow the alien's idea and planned to disrupt the situation first. , to make some confusion for them."

"How to add method?" Gao Kai asked.

Ye Han knew that he didn't tell the truth, Gao Kai must be worried, and said bluntly: "You see, didn't I mobilize all the enemy ships on the opposite side? The other two began to speed up, and now Leishan can't move, I I plan to hold on for a while, and once the time is right, I will move closer to the transport ship, and at least one enemy ship will be eaten, and I will try to eat two."

Gao Kai was stunned: "Are you going to use the transport ship as bait?"

"The enemy originally came to the transport ship. I didn't need to plan at all. I just used it reasonably... What do you think of my plan?"

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