Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1250: People can't use that

The two enemy ships are located behind the transport ship on both sides, the difference is that there is only the enemy ship on the left, and there is the Thunder Mountain behind the enemy ship on the right.

Reminiscent of the transport ship's previous reminder, Ye Han suddenly realized that this was not a coincidence, it must have been the transport ship's intention.

But what can throwing containers do? Crash an alien warship?

Don't be kidding, throwing this thing is really better than hitting a few missiles, at least the missiles can distract the enemy's attention.

Ye Han wanted to ignore the reminder of the transport ship very, very, very much, but the containers on the screen reminded him all the time.

Perhaps there is indeed a batch of important materials in these containers... But no matter how important the materials are, can they be more important than victory?

At this time, Luo Qi received a notification from the transport ship again: "Commander, the transport ship said that there are people hidden in the container, remind us not to shoot at the second enemy ship!"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then furious: "Nonsense, playing the piano! What are they trying to do?"

Tibetans in containers, what kind of **** is this?

He Lu quickly reminded: "Captain, let's give an order first."

Ye Han's face sinks like water: "Remind all units that no one can fire on the second enemy ship."

He originally planned to deal with the first enemy ship first, and the second enemy ship would be dealt with later.

Fortunately, the transport ship did not have the idea of ​​hitting one enemy ship, otherwise the entire battlefield would be in chaos.

At this time, the transport ship fired another batch of missiles at the second enemy ship, and the number of wakes was still quite large. If Ye Han was not mistaken, this was to wipe out all the missiles in one breath.

Ye Han immediately realized the purpose of the transport ship.

Leishan will not shoot containers, but the aliens have no such scruples. The reason for launching so many missiles in one go is probably to attract the attention of the enemy ships, so that the aliens can use all the fine light on the missiles, so as to prevent the enemy from shooting the containers cheaply. .

It's also a ring to a ring!

However, the two enemy ships separated a part of the thin light anti-missile, and most of the thin light still fell on the smoke screen.

In order to improve the hit rate, the thin light falling on the smoke screen is swept around like a broom.

As the battle progressed, the containers flew farther and farther, but the distance between the Leishan and the enemy ship was getting closer and closer, and the laser light fell on the enemy ship, it was not as simple as a scorch, and the fine light fell on the Leishan. On top, it is no longer scratched a layer of skin.

Ye Han felt that the time was almost up, so he ordered a smoke bomb to be fired, and the laser gun ceased fire while the smoke screen took shape, and only relied on artillery shells and missiles to shoot at the enemy ship.

The visual effects of the shells and missiles were far inferior to the laser cannons, and it looked like the Thunder Mountain had suddenly stopped firing.

He Lu suddenly shouted: "Speed ​​up the enemy ship, go to the transport ship!"

"Can we still speed up?" Ye Han asked.

"The power overflows by 10% for half a minute, with a maximum of forty seconds." He Lu said.

Ye Han made a quick calculation in the biochip, but came to the result that he was only one line away from catching up with the enemy ship.

But he immediately realized that he was on the cusp of a bull's horn. Since there was only one line left, he would simply move the transport ship to the side: "Luo Qi, inform the transport ship to let them move laterally to the left, the sooner the better!"


As the news reached the transport ship, the transport ship immediately launched another wave of smoke, and the smoke screen began to expand to the left and right sides, but only the human side knew that the transport ship was moving to the left.

The power of the broadside engine is relatively low, and the transport ship's lateral movement speed is not fast, but it can buy some time for the Thunder Mountain.

Still not satisfied, Ye Han suddenly turned his head and asked, "Luo Qi, how many individual nuclear bombs do we have?"

Luo Qi blinked: "More than twenty, less than thirty... What's the matter?"

He was a little puzzled, what does it mean to ask individual nuclear bombs at this time?

Ye Han turned to look at the main screen: "You said, launch a nuclear bomb behind the battleship and use the nuclear explosion to speed up the battleship?"

Everyone was shocked at the same time, looking at Ye Han dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

He Lu was the first to come back to his senses: "Theoretically, we can, but we don't have an energy-absorbing disc. We can't stand the power of a nuclear explosion when we are close to the stern, and the acceleration effect will not work when we are far away, unless something stops us."

Ye Han sighed: "The key is that there is nothing to block... Forget it, treat it as if I didn't say it."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and bombarded their own battleships with nuclear bombs, which was crazy.

Luo Qi suddenly exclaimed: "Master, container!"

No need for him to say more, everyone's eyes are all looking at the second enemy ship.

The second enemy ship on the screen was busy with anti-missile defense. Several of the containers that were floating towards the enemy ship were broken. The broken box was divided into two halves, and the debris in the box kept floating outside.

After cutting a few boxes, the aliens were still worried, and cut all the remaining containers, and even cut the cut pieces into small pieces, and stopped after they found no problems.

There was silence on the bridge. Although no one knew the soldiers hidden in the containers, everyone still prayed silently, hoping that they were safe.

Ye Han "How far is it?"

"One hundred and forty kilometers."

"How's the hit rate?"

"The enemy ships have been evading, about 30 percent."

"Almost there, let's fire."

"Understood." He Lu's voice was also low.

The order was issued, and the electromagnetic gun immediately replaced the nuclear bomb, and it fired five bursts in one breath.

In addition to five nuclear bombs, more than a dozen ordinary artillery shells were fired, and there were more than a dozen missiles.

Just as the last shell was fired here, a few inconspicuous dark green **** suddenly floated out of the broken container over there.

Ye Han almost choked on his saliva.

Others may ignore this scene, but Ye Han is too familiar with this thing, because it is not a ball, but a soldier in armor and huddled into a ball!

They carefully controlled the flying device behind drifted away from the container and slowly approached the enemy ship.

Luo Qi also recognized Xiaoqiu's identity, and couldn't help but lose his voice: "It's too risky, Commander, how can we use our airborne troops like that?"

Ye Han waved his hand and interrupted Luo Qi's words: "It's done, let's watch first."

"I can't stand it. If it doesn't work, it's fine. If it does, why don't you do it in the future?"

Ye Han sighed: "Whether it is successful or not, I will report it up, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to mess around in the future."

While speaking, dozens of huddled warriors have floated to the front of the enemy ship, and in a short while, the second enemy ship will fly past the warriors—the straight-line distance should not exceed ten kilometers at most!

But the enemy ship also has a close-in defense system, and before flying into ten kilometers, it has to be shredded by the dense mercerized light.

When everyone was looking at the second enemy ship, only He Lu was still staring at the first enemy ship. He kept counting down in his heart, and the timer quickly returned to zero, but the enemy ship was busy dealing with missiles, and there was no change at all.

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