Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1255: Can't be passive anymore

"You cow!" Ye Han stretched out his thumb, but his face was as if you weren't bragging, "Don't call for help then."

"What am I calling for help? It's up to you."

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Han spread out his hands, "I'm fine!"

Gao Kai pouted: "Look at Ceres!"

Ye Han immediately understood, and quickly turned around and instructed: "He Lu, give me Ceres!"

"Yes!" He Lu immediately aimed the optical lens at Ceres and put the picture of Ceres on the main screen.

Ye Han immediately saw several alien warships wandering outside Ceres, and there were several other alien spaceships. He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart: "The aliens have passed? This is such a big trouble."

Thunder Mountain also has the task of defending Ceres. If they don't go back, Ceres will fall into the hands of aliens.

But it's useless to go back, there are only four battleships that can be seen.

This time, it was a coincidence that only four enemy ships could be killed at one time. Ye Han didn't think the aliens could give him another chance.

The only way is to call on the Nanzhou number to go there together.

The problem is that the Nanzhou has already been targeted by aliens. Maybe it will attract a large group of enemy ships before it reaches Ceres, and there will be nowhere to run... No, the aliens will go to Ceres at this time. It's not just the idea of ​​hitting Ceres, is it? Maybe the aliens are digging holes with Ceres, trying to deceive both the Leishan and Nanzhou.

When Ye Han said his thoughts, Gao Kai also found it difficult: "Going back to Ceres now is a dead end!"

"Then you can't watch aliens take Ceres!" Ye Han's eyebrows almost twisted into twists, "If only there were a few more battleships."

After speaking, he looked up at Gao Kai, his eyes full of hope.

Gao Kai was angry: "Why are you looking at me? Can I make a battleship for you?"

Ye Han said as a matter of course: "Aren't you the commander of the fleet? Isn't it trivial to transfer a few warships?"

Gao Kai laughed angrily: "I am the commander of the fleet, but I also have to have a battleship to be dispatched. The nearest battleship is at Base No. 3. Even if Base No. 3 is ignored, it will take more than ten days to fly here. If you don’t say it, it’s just a battleship, so what if it comes? Tell me, how do you want me to adjust it?”

Ye Han didn't do anything else: "If you can't, just ask Beiyuezhou for support."

"Give it up, you have sent all the ones you can send, and all the ones you can't send are on the slipway. With only this amount of strength, you can beat the drums. Why do you still want to fight with the aliens?"

Ye Han was suddenly unhappy: "What do you mean by this little strength? Why is this little strength? Thinking that four warships could storm Jupiter, we are much more advanced than before!"

Gao Kai immediately counterattacked: "It's attacking Jupiter, but what's the result? Just a few people back... You don't want to attack Jupiter, right? The aliens are not what they used to be, we can only have two warships!"

"Are two less?"

"A lot, but it depends on what you want to do. It's definitely not enough to hit Jupiter, and it's far from enough!"

Ye Han squinted at Gao Kai with a look of disgust: "Am I stupid or are you stupid?"

"Whoever wants to fight Jupiter is stupid." Gao Kai counterattacked without hesitation.

"It's alright, alright, you're still panting when you say you're fat. I didn't want to hit Jupiter, but we can't be beaten passively all the time." Ye Han said.

Gao Kai said: "I don't want to go around in circles with you anymore, just tell me where you want to fight."

Ye Han smiled: "Isn't the alien's idea to hit Ceres? If we go back to Ceres, it means letting the aliens lead by the nose..."

Gao Kai sighed: "Say the point, don't go around in circles!"

Ye Han smiled even brighter: "Look, Lao Gao, aliens can be shot out, can we also be shot in?"

Gao Kai immediately understood what Ye Han meant: "Do you want to intersperse behind the enemy?"

"Almost." Ye Han nodded, "It would be better if we could build a base."

Gao Kai said angrily: "You think it's the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Where can you build a base in this broken area?"

"Then hold a pole and count as a pole. Didn't they put a set on us in front? We can't dig in no matter what!" Ye Han said while thinking about his idea, "I think so, let's turn to the outside. , into the enemy's hinterland, doesn't this turn passive into active?"

"Also turn passive into active? I think you have boiled your brain. Let's just have two battleships and one transport ship. Even if we get in, how much effect will it make? Let the aliens be surrounded by people who should not be called every day. If the ground is not alive, I don't know how to die."

"The effect is too big." Ye Han insisted, "I didn't want to fight with the aliens to death, won't we be finished fighting guerrillas?"

"What do you think is good, guerrilla is so easy to fight?" Gao Kai said angrily.

In fact, he knew in his heart that what Ye Han said had some truth, but going behind the enemy... The risk of this matter was too great, and he really didn't want to take this risk.

Ye Han continued: "My point of view is just the opposite. It is not that difficult to fight guerrillas. This place is not the earth, and there is nothing blocking the space. If you have less than ten times the strength, don't even think about encircling us. We can't be surrounded by two things, as long as we are smart, the possibility of being surrounded is very small."

He stretched out his hand and made a little gesture, and shook it vigorously: "It's too passive to always defend like this, attacking is always easier than defending!"

"I don't see where it's easy."

"Destruction is easier than construction, right this time?" Ye Han said.

"No, you were almost surrounded by aliens a while ago, and you don't have a long memory at all?"

"Who said that?" Ye Han quit I tell you, it is because I have experience that I dare to say that aliens can't surround me. This is a profitable business, as long as you pay a cent , you can get a lot back. "

"Got it!" Gao Kai hurriedly stopped, "Don't tell me it's useless, I don't have the power to let you enter the enemy's rear, if you really have this idea, then organize Beiyuezhou to report, as long as Beiyue Zhou agrees, I personally obey the orders of the superiors unconditionally, what do you think?"

"That's what you said!" Ye Han was immediately excited.

Gao Kai suddenly felt that he seemed to be deceived, but the words had already been said, so he could only resist: "What I said, report it."

"Okay!" Ye Han turned back happily: "He Lu, make a report, I don't need to tell the content?"

"No, I understand everything." He Lu said.

"Don't worry, I have a few words to explain first." Ye Han lowered his voice, "You said in the report that we discussed this matter with Nanzhou, mainly Nanzhou, and Leishan. Numbers are supplemented, hehe, I don’t believe that the above is not moved at all!”

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