Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1264: poked a hornet's nest

When the first ray of light appeared, the originally good star No. 4 suddenly cracked from the middle, and the fire light loomed in the crack.

The asteroid broke into several large pieces at an extremely slow speed, and a large number of fragments flew out from the cracks, like a prehistoric monster that was about to escape from the asteroid.

Then the second nuclear bomb exploded, and a large piece of the asteroid suddenly collapsed, turning into countless fragments and spraying into the universe, and even changing directions with several nearby large pieces. The large pieces that were originally split can roughly spell out the original appearance of the asteroid, but this explosion directly destroyed the small half, like a watermelon being slammed with a hammer.

Immediately, the only bright light appeared. This time, the hammer fell on the other half of the watermelon. The other half of the asteroid, which was originally complete, exploded into pieces in an instant, and countless pieces of fireworks flew around.

So far, Asteroid No. 4 has been smashed into pieces and turned into swarms of scattered pieces.

The incident happened suddenly, and the alien warships wandering nearby fled like frightened wild dogs, but before they could pick up their speed, countless fragments had already flown in front of them, mercilessly hitting the alien warships head on. .

Those few alien warships were like small boats in a typhoon of level 12. There were black holes all over the ship. One of the most unlucky alien warships was directly hit by fragments larger than the warship. The battleship fell apart on time, more thoroughly than an asteroid.

The moment the enemy ship disappeared, all the bridge officers who witnessed this scene exclaimed in neat amazement.

The luck of another alien warship also came home. It was hit by a violently boiling water ball. After the water ball touched the alien warship, it quickly climbed up the hull as if it had found a relative, and held the alien warship tightly. Wrapped in the center of the water polo.

After the water polo wrapped the alien battleship, it still boiled violently. While the volume was rapidly shrinking, the temperature also dropped rapidly. After a while, it froze from the inside to the outside, and finally wrapped the alien warship in the ice ball.

Luo Qi's eyeballs almost didn't fall out. Looking closely, he was stunned to find that there were still many large and small water balloons on the screen. They were boiling and flying away. Some of them encountered other debris and froze quickly after hitting them; When they hit it, only a small ice puck was left; some were unlucky, and finally disappeared completely.

"Is this okay?" Luo Qi couldn't help but marvel, it wasn't that he was making a fuss, it was just that this scene was too strange.

However, after only a little brainstorming, he figured out the joints.

Needless to say the origin of the water polo, it must be that there is a large amount of water ice on the asteroid No. 4. These ices were melted by the heat of the nuclear explosion and turned into water polo flying around.

The vacuum lacks a medium to transfer heat, and the water balloon can only lose heat by boiling.

The temperature on the surface of the space battleship is very low. The moment the water balloon comes into contact with the hull, the contact surface freezes instantly, and then the water quickly covers the hull along the frozen contact surface, and finally freezes into a large ice mound.

Hearing Luo Qi's sigh, Ye Han also sighed: "Who made him lucky?"

Luo Qi was completely dizzy, and where did it go: "Master, what did you say good luck?"

Ye Han was slightly startled, and suddenly said: "Let's talk about two things."

He Lu also asked strangely: "Captain, I don't understand either. Who do you think is lucky?"

"Who else can I say, this battleship." Ye Han pointed to the ice ball. "The other enemy ships have almost cleaned up the pieces. It's just wrapped in an ice shell. Tell me, how is its luck?"

Everyone listened to Ye Han's words, and it was true.

The ice layer outside the ship was like a shield, tightly wrapping the enemy ship, and all the fragments fell on the ice, which had little effect on the enemy ship inside.

Although the enemy ship was frozen by the ice layer, it was frozen, and it had no effect on the aliens inside the ship. It was nothing more than temporarily unable to get out.

When you think of it, just a few fine mercerizing lights can penetrate a channel, and there is no difficulty in slicing the entire ice hockey, it just takes a little time.

There was a way out of the original mortal situation, and of course luck was overwhelming.

Luo Qi smacked his lips, and sighed again: "This is a fly in the ointment."

Ye Han laughed: "It's still a fly in the ointment, the No. 4 star was bombed, and five enemy ships were attached. What else is not satisfied?"

Regardless of the fact that the two battleships were separated for a few days, Leishan's record has increased from eight damages and one injury to fifteen and six damages, almost turning over.

If this is back to Beiyuezhou, fifteen solids and six hollows are sprayed under the hull, it is not too beautiful!

Even Ye Han himself felt that this record was a bit exaggerated, and Leishan had just slipped into the enemy's rear, and there would be more battles in the future. When he returned to Beiyuezhou in the future, there would definitely be more than twenty-one stars under the hull.

Well, if all human warships sent into the asteroid belt can get such a front, can aliens still threaten the safety of human beings?

Just kidding, no matter how many alien warships there are, and no matter how fast the warships are built, they can't stand such a fast Leishan can sink so many enemy ships, not only because of its combat power, but also because of its strength. Weapon advantages, various calculations and quite good luck, otherwise it is really hard to say who will die.

Ye Han hopes that the warships of his own that enter the battlefield in the future can be as vertical and horizontal as the Leishan, and the record should not be too high. As long as the ratio of the enemy's battle damage can reach ten to one, human beings will one day be able to drag the aliens out.

But Ye Han also knows that this is just a dream, not every battleship has the luck of Leishan, even the good luck of Leishan itself cannot be maintained forever.

While thinking about it, He Lu asked softly, "Captain, do you want to set another goal?"

Ye Han returned to God: "What do you think?"

He Ludao: "Our current heading is Airspace No. 5, and the Nanzhou is also in this direction. Otherwise, let's temporarily set the target at Star No. 5?"

Ye Han nodded: "Yes, this is a good suggestion. Maybe there is a chance to join the Nanzhou number... Where is the Nanzhou number?"

"We will reach the fifth star in a few days, but the enemy is already prepared, and the situation is not optimistic." He Lu said.

"Luo Qi, is there any news about the Nanzhou number?"

"No, do you need to ask?"

"Let's ask, ask what Nanzhou plans to do. Let's fly to the five-star area for a while. If Nanzhou wins the fifth star, we will change the target. If we don't win it, we will not be too late."

"Yes... eh?" He Lu suddenly raised his head, "Captain, the situation is not right. There are enemy ships flying in the direction of stars No. 4, No. 3, and No. 5, as if they want to encircle us."

Ye Han immediately became serious: "What about the quantity?"

"The fourteen ships that have been discovered, the actual number must be more."

Ye Han sighed: "How can this blow up an asteroid, it's a hornet's nest!"

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