Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1272: changing situation

It only takes a short while to make a plan, but the next action takes days or even a dozen days.

Ye Han originally thought that as long as the Leishan turned to the No. 5 airspace, the aliens would definitely send a group of warships over. However, the aliens not only did not have this intention, but also withdrew all the enemy ships on the flank of the Leishan, as if they were deliberately releasing water. It's like putting the Thunder Mountain back.

Ye Han instinctively felt that the enemy's purpose was definitely not that simple, but what was the idea of ​​the aliens?

Lure the enemy deep?

The No. 5 airspace is indeed not small, but although Leishan is heading for the No. 5 airspace, it does not need to pass through the No. 5 airspace. As long as it is slightly offset, it can cross above or below the No. 5 airspace and return to its own control area.

The reason why this was not planned is because unless the Thunder Mountain is far from the No. 5 airspace and circles a large circle, the aliens only need to send a few warships to easily block the Thunder Mountain... Of course, do the aliens have any? It's hard to say that courage stands in front of Thunder Mountain, but there must be such courage on the side.

A few days later, Leishan completed the initial deflection, and the alien still did not move at all. Ye Han's face was covered with worry, but he couldn't find the slightest clue.

The aliens will definitely not let the Thunder Mountain go, and it is absolutely impossible to pretend to be invisible.

In order to successfully pass through the No. 5 airspace, Leishan sent a request for assistance to Nanzhou, hoping that Nanzhou would make a big move to contain some enemy ships and create conditions for Leishan's return.

Gao Kai naturally agreed unconditionally and immediately directed the Nanzhou to approach the No. 5 airspace.

This move immediately aroused extreme unease among the aliens. Immediately, several enemy ships were facing the Nanzhou. In the next period of time, some enemy ships turned their direction, and the bow was aimed at the Nanzhou. The total number is about ten ships.

Gao Kai doesn't know how many enemy ships there are in the fifth star field, but he knows that the total number of enemy ships is definitely more than a dozen, and dozens of ships are almost the same.

Ye Han felt indignant for a while after hearing the news. The Leishan flew over and ignored it. As soon as the Nanzhou moved, it was like a big enemy. Don't they know how many alien warships Leishan sank? ?

But thinking about it on the other hand, it is also possible that Leishan is too far away to pose no threat to Airspace No. 5, while Nanzhou No. 5 is near Airspace No. 5, so it's not surprising that the aliens are a little louder.

But in this way, the Nanzhou number can play a very limited role - the Nanzhou number has never entered the enemy's rear, and the aliens' attention to the Nanzhou number is very limited.

Speaking of this matter, Ye Han also felt a lot of pain in the egg.

Although the Thunder Mountain also blew up the No. 4 star, can the No. 4 star compare to Io Zero?

Is it only because the Thunder Mountain wave entered the enemy's rear that the aliens took care of it like this?

All kinds of thoughts flooded Ye Han's mind, but he couldn't find any reasonable speculation.

After Nanzhou confronted the alien fleet for a few days, the number of alien warships targeting Nanzhou increased to more than 20, and the enemy ships took the initiative to leave the No. 5 airspace and approached Nanzhou.

This time, Gao Kai and Ye Han were not calm, and Nanzhou had to take the initiative to retreat under pressure.

Nanzhou is indeed the strongest combat power of mankind in the asteroid belt, but no matter how strong Nanzhou is, it cannot fight against so many enemy ships at the same time.

Not to mention more than 20 ships, even a dozen ships are enough for high Kai.

If the Nanzhou and the enemy had enough relative speed, Gao Kai would try to dismantle the plane and sell parts, and he would dare to fight with the enemy, but since the aliens gave up tracking the Nanzhou, the Nanzhou started to speed up down.

It's not that Gao Kai doesn't know the benefits of maintaining speed, but that he can't maintain such a high speed all the time-if he hadn't slowed down, Nanzhou would have already flown out of the confrontation area between the two sides.

The evacuation of the Nanzhou ship failed to satisfy the aliens. They saw the benefits and took the initiative to attack and hang behind the Nanzhou ship.

Ye Han thought that he could not refer to the Nanzhou, but he did not expect that the aliens were so powerful that they sent so many battleships to follow the Nanzhou.

As soon as he received the news, he immediately contacted Gao Kai and suggested that he drag the alien fleet and find an asteroid to blow it up.

Gao Kai was very moved, but he felt that the aliens had suffered several losses and should not fall into the same pit again.

This can be seen from the position of the enemy ships. There is no one behind the **** of the Nanzhou, and they are all followed in other directions.

Nanzhou had just retreated here, and the alien fleets in the other two directions also took the initiative to attack, forcing Qionghai and Binghai to retreat.

The originally stable asteroid belt changed in an instant, showing a feeling that the mountains and the rain were about to come and the building was full of wind.

Everyone realizes that the purpose of the aliens is not simple, and the analysis believes that the actions of the aliens are likely to expand the occupation area.

The battleship is flexible and flexible. As long as it does not die, the possibility of being sunk by the alien fleet is very small, so the key point targeted by the aliens is definitely not the battleship, but the No. 3 and No. 4 bases!

After realizing this, Beiyuezhou and the international base immediately issued an operational order in the name of the joint command, requiring the Qionghai and Binghai to return immediately, and at the same time, ordered the arriving reinforcements to turn to the No. 3 and No. 4 bases .

Even the Nanzhou was ordered to return to Base No. 2.

There is also an order sent to Leishan, hoping that Ye Han will rush to the No. 2 base as soon as possible after getting out of trouble...if he can get out of trouble.

Ye Han reluctantly sighed that strength is the last word in the competition between the two armies. The aliens made a big move, forcing their warships to retreat. .

But it’s okay, the time to fight has been won, it’s time to harvest – after several months of continuous construction, these space bases are all close to completion, not only the reactors are already in normal operation, but the weapon systems of each base are also Finish debugging.

In addition to conventional missiles and close-in guns the military has placed laser arrays on the surface of the base.

Yes, this thing is a reduced version of the lunar super cannon. Not only is it not as powerful as the full version on the moon, but it also has a much lower range, only about 6,000 kilometers.

A little less, but definitely enough.

A few days later, the number of enemy ships that took the initiative to attack has exceeded 100, and the alien fleet is moving steadily, and it will be able to reach the vicinity of Base No. 3 in a few days.

At this time, Leishan also flew to Airspace No. 5.

Ye Han woke up all the hibernating officers and soldiers in advance, and the whole ship was in first-class combat readiness, ready to fight the incoming enemy ships at any time.

Strangely, it was not until Leishan flew into Airspace No. 5 that two enemy ships appeared and followed in a distance.

Ye Han is very depressed, there are only two enemy ships, and the enemy also underestimates the Leishan, right?

So, his eyes fell on the fifth star, and he decided to do something here.

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