Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1288: there is no way

Ye Han's eyes widened all of a sudden, and before he could speak, He Lu's roar resounded through the bridge: "It's the second missile, the second missile!"

Ye Han hurriedly asked, "How about the No. 3 missile?"

"There are still seventeen seconds to encounter."

Ye Han's brows twisted into a fleshy pimple, and the bright light just now filled his mind.

The first missile interception failed, and the enemy plane must have learned a lesson. It is just a coincidence that he is most concerned about the success of the enemy plane, or whether the aliens have indeed mastered the evasion law of missiles.

Time was beating second by second, and the atmosphere in the bridge was unprecedentedly dignified. The moment the scheduled time was skipped, Ye Han's heart almost lost control.

However, there was no change on the screen at all, and the bridge was eerily quiet. It wasn't until a few seconds later that Luo Qi broke the silence: "Is this hiding?"

He Lu's dry voice was a little fortunate: "It should have escaped."

"That's great!" Luo Qi smiled happily, "Master, you escaped!"

Ye Han also breathed a sigh of relief: "Yeah, I escaped."

Dodging means that the second missile is just bad luck, not that the aliens have the key to intercepting the missile - a very important piece of information!

Ye Han finally put his heart back into his stomach, and turned his head to see He Lu's exhausted face: "There are still several hours left for the next wave, and the monitoring team will go back to rest. It's enough to come back half an hour earlier."

He Ludao: "Captain, I can still persist..."

"Whether you can persist is up to you, I now order you to go back to rest." Ye Han said **.

He Lu wanted to say something, but when he reached his mouth, he saw Luo Qi winking at him, so he could only hold back the words: "Yes!"

"That's right." Ye Han smiled, "Come on, I'll call you again if there is a situation."

He Lu left the bridge, but he still couldn't settle down, and he always felt that he had overlooked something.

A few hours later, the fourth missile successfully penetrated the defense, but the next fifth and sixth missiles failed, and the atmosphere on the Thunder Mountain was suddenly suppressed a lot.

Ye Han was not in a good mood either, but he was very sure of the work of the monitoring team and encouraged everyone to make persistent efforts.

However, the next situation became more and more unsatisfactory, and only five of the eleven missiles successfully penetrated the defense.

And this is only the first wave of enemy planes. Since the first missile penetration, the aliens have sent three waves of alien fighter planes, which makes Ye Han very worried.

Not only Ye Han, but after the news that the aliens successfully intercepted the missile came out, everyone who heard the news had the same worry.

Everyone's worries are by no means unfounded. In the next few days, all the remaining missiles were intercepted by aliens. After the last missile exploded on the screen, Ye Han stared at the screen silently for a long time.

The low air pressure in the bridge can be felt by individuals, and everyone is cautious, not daring to make any unnecessary sounds.

It wasn't until more than five minutes later that Luo Qi broke the silence: "Master, the news of the Nanzhou ship."

Ye Han nodded, stretched his finger to open the screen in front of him, and Gao Kai's bust immediately appeared on the screen: "Ye Han, I know all about the situation..." He sighed after saying this, and was silent for a while. Continuing, "I can't think of any other way right now. Take advantage of the few days left, and think about it again. If it really doesn't work, let's attack."

Ye Han's face was full of bitterness: "Just attack."

A few minutes later, I received a reply from Gao Kai: "Then get ready."

Ye Han took a deep breath after hearing this: "Notify all units, prepare to attack!"

The news quickly spread throughout the ship, and the heavy atmosphere gradually turned into depression, but every officer and soldier on the ship abide by their duties, power, pipelines, weapons, equipment... Everyone is silently preparing for the war, and even every Screws, each shell was rubbed over and over again.

There is more preparation work at the command level, and Leishan alone can't do anything, so the first step of the storm is to join the Nanzhou.

Right now, the distance between the two ships is two light minutes, and it will take Nanzhou a whole week to catch up, so Ye Han immediately ordered Leishan to slow down, and then adjust the direction.

Leishan is located in front of the alien fleet, about 30 degrees in the direction. Although it is not a direct confrontation, it is not much different.

If it continued to fly in this direction, Thunder Mountain would be in contact with the enemy for a few seconds at most, so Thunder Mountain had to adjust its direction from hedging to parallel.

There was only one week left between Leishan and the alien fleet, and they continued to move forward at the original speed. Before the battleship was adjusted, it missed the alien fleet first... There was not much time left for Leishan.

In contrast, there is still half a month's voyage between Nanzhou and the enemy ship, and Gao Kai has plenty of time.

However, the development of the situation was beyond Ye Han's expectations. The aliens have been paying attention to the movement of the Leishan. After finding that the Leishan turned, the alien fleet suddenly accelerated, and the result was that the Leishan was still slowing The alien fleet had left Thunder Mountain far behind.

Ye Han's whole person is not well, so far, he can only wait for the battleship to turn around and speed up the pursuit, but the speed of the alien fleet is no slower than that of the Thunder Mountain. How long does it take to catch up?

Nanzhou is not much better. At the current speed of both parties, the possibility of Nanzhou being thrown away by the alien fleet is extremely high!

In the face of the unfavorable situation, Ye Han and Gao Kai almost used their strength to suckle, and the two warships tried their best to pursue the target.

After nine consecutive days of adjustment, the Nanzhou finally turned its direction, and both the direction and the speed were consistent with the alien fleet!

The direction of Leishan has also been adjusted, but the speed has not been mentioned, and it is chasing the target with all its strength.

The Nanzhou's combat power is much stronger than that of ordinary warships, but Gao Kai is not willing to fight the enemy with fighter jets. Judging from the existing speed of the alien fleet, the alien's target should not be nearby.

After making such a judgment, Gao Kai was no longer in a hurry, and simply waited for the Thunder Mountain to catch up.

The speed of the two sides is not too different, and Leishan will not try to catch up within three or five months.

However, Gao Kai and Ye Han are not worried at all. Now that the enemy and us have already flown away from the No. 6 star field, the enemy's target cannot be too far away. The alien fleet must slow down in advance before reaching the target. At that time, the Thunder Mountain can Take the opportunity to catch up.

This wait is half a month. After twelve days, the alien fleet began to slow down, and humans also determined the No. 7 asteroid based on the speed and direction of the alien fleet.

The speed of the alien fleet is too fast, and it takes at least seven or eight days to slow down, otherwise it will not be able to approach the asteroid, and Leishan just took the opportunity to catch up.

At this moment, twelve enemy ships suddenly left the fleet and rushed towards Nanzhou aggressively.

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