Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1293: Dangerous

The enemy and the enemy are facing each other head-on. No matter the speed of either side is not fast, but the speed of the two sides combined is different, and the relative speed per second is at least 40 to 50 kilometers.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly reduced, and the moment the enemy ship entered the range, the artillery fire on the Thunder Mountain roared, and countless artillery flames flashed together with the laser, and the dark warship instantly turned into a fiery hedgehog.

The enemy ship just entered the range of the laser, but Ye Han did not hesitate to order the naval guns and electromagnetic guns to fight, and all the shells were aimed at the two enemy ships in front, and none of the shells were given to the four enemy ships on the side.

The laser fell on the enemy ship again and again, and each laser would leave a mottled scorch mark... The laser could not penetrate the alien warship at this distance.

The aliens were also unambiguous. The two enemy ships suddenly separated and fired at Leishan from left and right directions.

Although the Thunder Mountain had not yet entered the range of the shimmer, the fine lights persevered and landed on the Thunder Mountain, leaving a trail of deep or shallow scratches.

It's not that there is no power beyond the range, but the power is too small to hurt the Thunder Mountain.

Ye Han snorted coldly and pointed to the enemy ship on the left: "It's another attack from both sides, keep an eye on this one for me, and fight to the death!"

Thunder Mountain immediately stared at the enemy ship on the left, all firepower was directed at this enemy, and the broadside was exposed in front of another enemy ship without reservation.

The firepower of the enemy ship went up a step further, and fell on the Thunder Mountain like a torrential rain.

Ye Han did not ignore the threat from the flanks. Several inconspicuous missiles flew to the flanks quietly, and the black smoke screen quickly covered the Leishan.

Too many ants will kill the elephant, and no matter how weak the power of the fine light is, it is not a good thing for too many ants.

However, an unexpected scene was staged again. The alien's thin light actually ignored the smoke screen and still fell accurately on the Thunder Mountain, but after the smoke screen was weakened, the power of the thin light was almost negligible.

However, as the enemy ship approached, the power of the thin light gradually increased, and even if there was a smoke screen blocking it, the traces left on the Thunder Mountain became deeper and deeper.

The fine light from the front is more powerful. Originally, the fine light could only leave a thin light with shallow imprints. In just a few seconds, the shallow marks had turned into dents that penetrated deep into the armor. After a while, the frontal armor of Thunder Mountain There are ravines.

From the bridge, the oncoming light was like a rain of arrows falling from the sky, and a suffocating feeling came over the face.

But Ye Han believed that the bullet rain from Leishan would suffocate the aliens on the opposite side even more.

The enemy ship was getting closer and closer. At this time, a strong light suddenly flashed on the main screen, and then all the pictures disappeared. He Lu immediately shouted: "The front camera is damaged, the camera is switched——"

The screen reappeared, but in just two seconds, the enemy ship on the screen turned out to be a full circle.

Ye Han's eyes twitched indistinctly: "Are the shells ready?"


Before he finished speaking, the lights in the bridge suddenly dimmed, and the red light representing the alarm kept flashing.

He Lu roared sharply: "The frontal armor is torn, the armor is peeled off—"

"Don't care about it!" Ye Han growled loudly, "Rush up for me—"

"The No. 3 light defense gun was damaged, and the enemy plane broke through the blockade..."

"Never mind it, rush to me—"

"Enemies approaching, enemy aircraft approaching, enemy planes ramming - No. 4 turret damaged, port armor deformed -"

At this moment, the enemy ship has occupied most of the main screen, and Ye Han roared: "Don't care, fire me, fire—"

Boom... The naval artillery fired a salvo, and several artillery shells burst out, but this was not enough. After just half a second, the naval artillery fired again in three waves.

The enemy ship was still there, and Ye Han wanted to continue the artillery attack, but he didn't want He Lu to let out a piercing screech: "Starboard, the enemy ship is coming up!"

"Emergency avoidance—" Ye Han roared, and the speeding Thunder Mountain accelerated again. The flashes in the reaction chamber were unprecedentedly dense, and the reaction chamber turned bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the frontal light flashed, a shell hit the enemy ship, the entire bow disappeared, and countless fragments were scattered.

Ye Han's tense heartstrings suddenly loosened, but he immediately raised it again: "He Lu—"

He Lu didn't say a word, but several groups of bright lights exploded in front of the battleship. The strong nuclear explosions were like shields, blocking the massive debris from the enemy ship... If it wasn't too close, He Lu would definitely explode ten times in a row, and Not just detonating four nuclear bombs.

The light of the nuclear explosion had just dissipated, and Leishan had already passed through the explosion zone and passed the half-destroyed enemy ship. The closest straight-line distance was less than two kilometers.

Before Ye Han could breathe a sigh of relief, He Lu had already broken his voice: "Starboard, the enemy ship hit—"

Ye Han's hair stood up all over his body. He turned to look at the radar. After seeing the light spot on the radar, he immediately understood where the enemy ship was.

The current distance between the enemy and us is still more than 100 It seems that it is far enough, but for the enemy ship, it is a voyage of four or five seconds.

Before it was too late to explain or to order, Ye Han made an instant decision, took over the control of the battleship with his fingers, and turned his fingertips sharply clockwise on the touch screen.

However, such a large warship, how can it be said that it can be turned around? The hull of the ship was only turned forty or fifty degrees, and the enemy ship was already close at hand.

Ye Han broke out in a cold sweat, and under extreme tension, his mind went blank, and there was no other thought except to avoid.

But He Lu was not idle, Ye Han just took over the battleship, he immediately opened the weapon interface, and all the weapons were aimed at the enemy ship.

It takes a little time for the turret to rotate, and the missile launch speed is not that fast. The moment the enemy ship broke through the smoke screen, the naval gun just aimed at the enemy ship, and the missile also flew away from the shell at the same time.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, the enemy ships were on fire, and all the fine light fell on the Thunder Mountain, leaving cuts that penetrated deep into the armor; the shells from the Thunder Mountain broke through the light net and charged unswervingly towards it. enemy ship.

The distance is so close that it only takes two seconds for the shells to hit the enemy ship. Armor-piercing shells, armor-piercing shells, and nuclear shells hit the enemy ship one after another. In just a moment, the enemy ship was hit by several nuclear bombs, and it was beaten on the spot. The **** smashed to pieces.

It was not until the strong light of the nuclear explosion dissipated that the missile from Leishan arrived late. The missile that lost its target slowly passed through the debris cloud formed by the broken enemy ship, and slowly got into the smoke screen, not knowing where it was going to fly. .

There was silence in the bridge for a moment, except for the sound of heavy breathing, Ye Han could no longer hear the sound from the side. Ye Han turned his head and realized what happened.

He immediately turned his head and glanced at He Lu, and spit out a few words: "Well done, I will give you credit when I look back, you are indispensable for promotion and promotion!"

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