Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1296: don't worry

Ye Han said flatly: "Continue to accelerate, the ship is almost gone, do you still need to care about the propeller?"

"Okay!" He Lu only felt a surge of arrogance in his chest, put aside all calculations and concerns, and raised the power output and thruster power to the highest level in one breath.

The thrusters immediately exploded with advanced surging power, and the deformed reaction chamber became more distorted under the higher and higher temperature, but this switch was caused by a straight increase in the speed of the battleship.

The screen in front of He Lu was full of charts and numbers, and his voice was as sharp as a knife scraping glass: "The power of the thrusters is 115%, half a minute, and the power must be reduced after half a minute!"

Ye Han didn't say a word with a sullen face, and the others didn't dare to speak either. Just like that, half a minute passed in a blink of an eye.

He Lu said urgently: "Captain? The temperature of the reaction chamber is approaching the critical point, we can't continue!"

Ye Han's determination is unshakable: "Have you avoided the enemy ship?"

"not yet……"



"I say go on!"

He Lu's heart was beating wildly, and he agreed abruptly: "Yes!"

His fingers were hanging on the screen, and he tried to click it several times, but always retracted involuntarily.

He Lu is very clear that it is easy to point his finger, but the power of the thrusters has dropped, and the speed of the battleship will also drop, and the aliens will not be able to avoid the interception. The final result of the Leishan must be the destruction of the ship. Death.

However, the super-powered thrusters may be scrapped at any time, and they will not be able to escape the claws of aliens at that time.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with overpowering, but there was a voice deep in his heart that told him that it was wrong to do so, overpowering must be controlled, and under no circumstances should you risk damaging the propellers.

But he is only a deputy captain on a temporary basis, and he has little actual power in his hands. Two different thoughts of obeying orders and obeying his heart are fiercely confronting in his mind.

Time passed by second by second, and the habit of obeying orders finally conquered the inner impulse, and the fingers hanging on the screen quietly moved away.

A flashing red light suddenly appeared at the rear of the warship on the damage interface. He Lu saw the position of the red light and shouted sharply: "The reaction chamber of the No. 3 thruster is broken, and the buffer layer is melted!"

"Turn off thruster number three...avoid the enemy ship?"

"not yet!"


Another red light appeared, and He Lu roared again: "The No. 6 thruster broke!"

"Shut down the door's thrusters and avoid the enemy ship?"


The No. 2 thruster, the No. 8 thruster, the No. 5 thruster... The thrusters broke down one by one, but the speed of the Thunder Mountain was still not enough, and it still could not escape the interception of the enemy ship.

Ye Han has to ask every time, but every time he gets the answer is no, the hope in his eyes is getting weaker, his lips are getting tighter and tighter, and finally he sits on the command chair motionless, like A statue about to freeze.

When there were only two thrusters left, the Leishan was finally faster than the enemy ship, and the roar immediately rushed out of He Lu's throat: "Enough, enough speed!"

Ye Han slapped his wit suddenly, and the whole person came to life in an instant: "Reduce the power, quickly reduce the power!"

He Lu pointed his fingers: "The output power is 100%... 95%... 90%... The No. 4 thruster is broken, and the No. 4 thruster is broken!"

Ye Han just put down a little heart and suddenly raised his throat: "What about No. 7?"

"Still holding on... 80%, 70%, 60%... Okay, okay, it's down, the No. 9 thruster is fine!"

Ye Han slumped softly in the chair, as if all the energy in his body was drained in an instant: "I've finally saved one... How about number seven?"

"The reaction chamber is seriously deformed, but it can still be used. It is recommended that the output power should not be higher than 50%."

"It's good if you can use it." Ye Han really breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Han was not the only one who was relieved. There was one on the whole ship. Anyone who heard the news would not have a second reaction.

If even the last thruster is damaged, Leishan will completely lose power, unable to accelerate or decelerate, nor to turn and change direction. It can only fly forward by inertia. Unless Beiyuezhou sends a ship to rescue, it can only fly in space. floating incessantly.

Of course, there are a lot of supplies on the Leishan, the crew can hibernate independently, and the reactor is not short of fuel. It is not a problem to float for three years or five years, but when there is a chance to control the fate, who is willing to leave the fate to luck? ?

Leishan continued to move forward, but only a few minutes later, He Lu reported in a low voice: "Captain, the enemy ship has not given up!"

Ye Han's eyes widened: "They accelerated again?"

"That's not true. I guarantee that they will definitely not be able to stop us, that is, the distance may be closer..."

"That's fine." Ye Han was very open-minded.

The speed on both sides is not slow, and the directions are different. As long as it is not a head-on collision, the contact time is at most ten to eight seconds. The aliens have no nuclear bombs, and the Thunder Mountain will not be unable to survive.

He Ludao: "But they should also know that they can't stop us, right? It's unreasonable to follow us here."

"The aliens must have a backer... Do we still have anti-aircraft missiles?"


"If you see an opportunity, you can hit it when you need it, and so does the naval gun."

He Lu was puzzled: "The shells are all fired..."

"Is it really lighted up?"

He Ludeng was stunned: "It's lit up!"

Ye Han reminded: "There are still three broken turrets!"

He Lu suddenly realized, and slapped his forehead: "Oh, how could I forget them!"

Those turrets were broken, but only the turrets were damaged, and the ammunition depot under the turrets was nothing!

Ye Han smiled slightly: "It's not too late to remember Immediately organize people to move the artillery shells, how many people are used, and how many people can be moved. Nuclear artillery shells first, hurry up!"

Luo Qi interjected: "Master, leave this task to me. I will organize team members to go there. The corridor is so big, so many people will get in the way."

Ye Han made a prompt decision: "Then I'll leave it to you. I'll transfer a group of people for you. Do you have to figure it out yourself? My only requirement is to hurry up, understand?"

"Understood!" Luo Qi nodded solemnly, "Commander, where are the projectiles sent out? Nearby or concentrated?"

"Come closer, save time."

Before Luo Qi left, He Lu said quickly: "Captain, I suggest choosing a turret for the belly and the back, so that the upper and lower firepower can be balanced. If there is time, the remaining turrets should be able to release a few rounds. Might be useful."

Ye Han nodded in agreement and raised his voice: "Luo Qi, do you hear clearly?"

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