Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1300: search

Ye Han turned his head to look at He Lu and gave him a questioning look.

He didn't know the details of the bow, but the bow was broken, and the detection system had a fault, so it was not surprising that there was a misjudgment.

He Lu shook his head firmly: "It shouldn't be, our system is not that bad, the probability of a problem with the detector is very small, and this thing has a turn, can the dead turn itself?"

Ye Han frowned: "Is there any surveillance?"

He Lu shook his head: "The entire bow line is seriously damaged, the monitoring is all gone, and there is not much detection equipment left, otherwise it will not wait until now."

The implication is that this thing has long appeared in the A5 area, but it has not been discovered because of the failure of the detection equipment. Now it has entered the detection range of a normal detector, and it was discovered by the bridge.

Ye Han's eyes flashed: "He Lu, close the A5 area... No, close all the isolation doors on the outer layer; Luo Qi, take someone over to take a look immediately, the sooner the better. Also, be fully armed, the entire belt should be taken. superior."

"Yes!" Luo Qi unfastened his seat belt with a single finger and quickly floated out of the bridge.

He Ludao: "Captain, many isolation doors are out of control."

"As much as you can close."


Ye Han asked again: "He Lu, what do you think that is?"

He Lu shook his head: "I don't know."

Ye Han didn't speak anymore, but there was some speculation in his heart, but he couldn't come up with any evidence, and he didn't want to say it to shake people's hearts.

Two minutes later, Ye Han received a communication from Luo Qi: "Commander, I have arrived at the airlock. The troops are assembled and ready to go!"

Thunder Mountain has been fighting the enemy. The soldiers have not taken off their armor since they returned from the outer layer. After receiving the order, they immediately brought their weapons and rushed to the airlock.

By the time Luo Qi arrived at the ground, the soldiers were all in place.

Ye Han replied: "Received, be careful!"

"do not worry."

Ye Han nodded to He Lu, and He Lu immediately said: "Closed the inner 4th area, the air is drawn away...Open the airlock...The airlock is open!"

Luo Qi's voice came from the radio: "Let the spiders go!"

Following Luo Qi's order, the soldiers released more than 20 mechanical spiders in one breath. They moved their mechanical feet to climb out of the airlock and moved quickly along the passage. The sound of the spider legs hitting the ground was crisp and dense.

At the same time, the screen in front of Ye Han flickered and quickly divided into more than 20 grids with different angles but similar pictures.

He pointed a finger and turned the picture from the mechanical spider to the main screen.

After the mechanical spider advanced more than 20 meters, Luo Qi took his rifle and walked out of the airlock slowly.

There is no gravity in space, but magnetic shoes on the armor can keep fighters "on the ground."

It's a weird thing to wear, and it's awkward to walk on, but for the Marines, it's nice to be able to **** their feet on the ground, it's better to be awkward than floating in the air.

The spider swarm did not move forward blindly, but stopped one spider every time it reached a cabin, and the rest continued to move forward.

Spider looked up at the hatch, and the number on the hatch was transmitted back to the bridge.

He Lu immediately said: "The monitoring of the E9 cabin is normal, the detection is normal, and nothing was found!"

"Received!" Luo Qi replied without even looking at the E9 cabin, and led the team to move on.

However, the mechanical spider did not retract it, but climbed to the top of the hatch, found an inconspicuous corner to shrink, and stayed there to serve as the bridge's eyes.

The monitoring of the three areas C, D, and E is basically intact, but the monitoring is only distributed inside the cabin, and there are very few cameras installed in the corridor, but the corridor has a very special status, so Ye Han came up with a mechanical spider to monitor the corridor. idea.

The effect is not bad.

The speed of the team passing through these areas is also very fast. There are only two cabins in the middle that need to be checked, and the inspection results are all safe.

But it was different after arriving in Area B. It was close to the ridge of the ship, most of the monitoring equipment was damaged, and there was not much left of the detection equipment. After the Marine Corps arrived in Area B, almost every cabin needed to be checked, and the speed of advance dropped significantly.

And the checked cabin can't be left alone, at least one mechanical spider must be placed to monitor the situation. After a while, the twenty or so mechanical spiders will be used up.

Fortunately, there are still quite a few spiders in the team. After a batch is added in time, the team continues to move forward.

When it was about to enter Area A, the team still did not find anything. At this time, Luo Qi suddenly received a warning from the bridge: "Luo Qi, the target disappears, repeat, the target disappears!"

Luo Qi stopped subconsciously: "What's going on?"

"It should be the target leaving the detection zone."

Luo Qi glanced at the front: "Which cabin?"

"A5, just ahead, as soon as you enter Area A." He Lu said.

Luo Qi glanced forward: "Has it found us?" A5 is the last cabin in Area A, next to B1. The mechanical spider has already walked outside the door of A5, and the target is likely to hear the tapping sound of the mechanical legs!


"Understood." Luo Qi held a gun in his right hand, and quickly made several gestures in his left hand. The soldiers understood. After closing the magnetic shoes, they floated up and quietly floated out of the A5 door. Next, the mechanical spider outside the A5 gate continued to move forward, and the soldiers immediately heard the clanging sound of knocking.

There was no movement in the hatch, Luo Qi whispered: "The bridge, can A5 be opened?"

"No, the whole area A is out of control." He Lu said.

"Understood!" Luo Qi immediately gestured to the soldiers to open the door. A soldier immediately floated to the side of the hatch and pried open the electronic lock on the bulkhead. He didn't know what he was doing. The soldier quickly stood up. three fingers.

The others were immediately ready for battle, the three-second countdown ended, and the hatch slid open with a squeak.




Several guns were pointed in different directions inside the cabin door, and several soldiers saw the situation inside the door and sent out the same notification one after another.

A mechanical spider moved its mechanical legs and carefully stopped in front of the A5 gate. The picture sent back to the bridge also changed from the corridor to the interior of the A5 cabin.

A5 is a medium-sized cabin, which is mainly used to store the vulnerable parts of several turrets in the bow. Therefore, there are rows of steel frames against the ceiling in the cabin, and various large and small parts are floating around.

These parts were originally fixed on the shelf, and it should be due to strong vibration or other similar reasons that caused the parts to fall off.

The camera moved horizontally and then vertically, transmitting the situation in the cabin back to the bridge.

Ye Han's eyes almost stuck on the screen, but he didn't notice anything unusual: "He Lu, do you see the problem?"

He Lu shook his head: "No, it should be this cabin..."

At this time, the mechanical spider happened to step into the A5, and a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, directly blocking the camera of the mechanical spider.

The picture was chaotic for a while, all kinds of lines were distorted, and then the picture disappeared.

He Lu said urgently: "Losing the signal..."

Before the words were finished, the sound of gunshots suddenly exploded in the communication.

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