Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1305: look familiar

Ye Han received another video, which showed several soldiers searching for the advance, and there was a mechanical spider in front of the soldiers who only led the way.

There was a burst of gunshots in the picture, and the soldiers stopped immediately. The soldiers in front immediately picked up their rifles, and the soldiers in the back suddenly turned around and pointed their guns in the direction they came from. .

"It's alright." A voice came from the screen, "The three groups have found out, regardless of them, let's continue."

The team disarmed and resumed the search formation and moved on.

Ye Han heard a chuckle in the picture: "This little thing is running quite fast."

The team was only delayed for a while, but the leading spider had already dropped the team by seven or eight meters.

Ye Han concluded that the cabin should be the next target of this group.

The team had just taken two steps, and the mechanical spider had already run outside the cabin. Ye Han suddenly heard an exclamation: "Squad leader, there is a hole in the door!"

An image popped out from the corner of the picture in front of Ye Han's eyes. It was a hatch with a hole in the middle, apparently from a mechanical spider.

At this moment, a blurry shadow suddenly appeared in the hole, and then the screen rolled and jittered for a while, and then the screen went black.

Ye Han's eyes immediately turned to the front, where there was an unknown creature, biting the mechanical spider and smashing and tearing it, and in a few moments, the fragile mechanical spider was broken and shattered into a pile of scattered fragments.

The mouth of the unknown creature was not seen in the first video. In this video, it is certain that this thing has a mouth, but it is too fast to see clearly.

"Hit!" A voice suddenly exploded in Ye Han's ear, and the soldiers opened fire immediately, bullets ping-pong, and the thing rushed to the side again, and went back and forth, leaving the shooting range of the picture.

The first few soldiers raised their legs and wanted to chase, and the squad leader's voice immediately came from the screen: "Slow down, be careful!"

The soldiers immediately slowed down their hasty pace. The first few soldiers approached the hatch cautiously, and all the guns in the camera were always aimed at the hole in the door.

The soldiers stopped for a moment after surrounding the hatch, and the squad leader's voice sounded again: "The bridge, what is the G12 for?"

"Water storage tank!" He Lu's answer was simple and clear.

"Understood, grenades—"

The soldiers took out grenades and threw them into the holes. It was not enough to throw one or two. Instead, they kept changing directions to ensure that every direction could be taken care of by the grenade.

Ye Han couldn't help but smile bitterly, these guys are too violent!

There are two types of water cabins on the ship. One is the water treatment cabin located in the inner layer, that is, the cabin for processing various domestic sewage and purifying and filtering, which is equipped with various water treatment equipment.

The other is the water storage tank in the video, which is an ordinary warehouse filled with square plastic buckets.

The reason why they are placed in the outer warehouse is to use the low temperature of the outer layer to freeze the water in the bucket. Similar to the water tank is the supply tank, which is filled with quick-frozen meat and freeze-dried vegetables.

In other words, the water tank is full of ice cubes in buckets. You can throw any bullets, shells or grenades into it. It doesn’t matter if the ice cubes are polluted. Drinking water that meets hygienic standards.

After throwing a grenade, the soldiers raised their rifles in unison. The squad leader rushed up and slammed open the heavy hatch. He couldn't wait for the hatch to open, and he rushed in first. of gunfire.

The picture in front of Ye Han immediately shook, but he suddenly realized that something was wrong. There was only one person rushing into the cabin. Why was the gunfire so intense?

He suddenly realized that something was wrong, and quickly turned off the video, and immediately saw that the two soldiers at the end of the passage were firing frantically.

"The bridge, what's the situation?"

He Lu spoke quickly: "I didn't receive the report, and I saw someone shooting."

"Report immediately if there is any situation!" Ye Han let out a low growl, and walked quickly away from the soldiers in front. "You guys continue, you haven't spared a single cabin, I'll go over and take a look!"

The squad leader who led the team quickly stopped: "Master, let's take you off, it's too dangerous!"

"No!" Ye Han firmly refused, "Check carefully, don't let unknown creatures get into the inner layer..."

At this time, two large brown **** the size of a washbasin suddenly floated in front of them. They were very fast, and they floated from the far side of the passage to the front in a blink of an eye.

The soldiers were a little stunned, not knowing where this thing came from, but Ye Han felt that the color and shell of these two **** had a special sense of familiarity.

He immediately thought of the unknown creatures that died under the guns, and he was suddenly shocked, and subconsciously shouted: "Fire!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Han had already pulled the trigger.

The soldiers instinctively followed, and the chaotic bullets immediately hit the brown Some were bounced off by the casing, and some were directly embedded in the casing, and the two **** were knocked back by the bullets and flew back.

At this moment, the two **** suddenly unfolded, turning into two unidentified creatures with stretched limbs.

Ye Han is like a toad that was run over by a jeep, and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets: What kind of operation is this?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that the strange carapace of the unknown creature was actually a ball... Could this thing belong to a tailed hedgehog?

The movement of that thing is called a nimble, thin legs stretched, long webbed feet have been firmly slapped on the bulkhead, forcibly stopped back.

The movements of the unknown creatures are fast, and the movements of the soldiers are not slow. All the muzzles of the unknown creatures follow the unknown creatures, and the bullets are shot without money.

The soldiers dare not say that they have experienced many battles, at least they are experienced, not to mention that the ball turns into an unknown creature, even if it turns into a flower, the same is true.

The two unknown creatures flicked their thin legs, and immediately jumped away nimbly.

If they were in a larger space, the two of them might be able to avoid the oncoming bullet rain, but the passage was so narrow that not only did they not escape, but they slammed into the opposite bulkhead.

The bullet rain followed immediately, completely submerging the two unknown creatures.

It was not until this time that Ye Han's loud roar got into the ears of the soldiers: "Belly--"

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't shout, because the two unknown creatures were shot in many places, and the fragile abdomen was the hardest hit, almost torn to pieces by the bullets.

The squad leader carefully leaned up with the gun, and was stunned to find that the unknown creature was not completely dead. He grinned viciously at the squad leader, revealing a scaly mouth and two pairs of upper and lower pairs of fine teeth that were curved like hooks.

Ye Han happened to see this scene, and couldn't help but feel a sudden shock: Why do these two pairs of teeth look so familiar?

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