Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1315: There's a small chance

"Ye Han, you can!" Huo Qiang on the screen looked surprised, "The propellers on other people's ships are all in their mouths for fear of melting, and they are afraid of heat when they are held in their hands. Why did they come to you? It's like ordering an animal, to force you to do such a calamity, you kid is really not an ordinary warrior..."

Even though this was just a broadcast of a communication video, not a face-to-face communication, Ye Han still had a fever.

He really wanted to explain to Huo Qiang, talk about the situation the Leishan was facing at the time, and how he had no choice but to think about it. Must know!

Knowing that he still said that, it shows the depth of Huo Qiang's resentment.

At this time, don't care what Huo Qiang said, don't explain it, the more you explain, the more unclear it becomes. When Huo Qiang's anger dissipates, there will be no more problems.

Just kidding, the single ship Leishan sank 23 alien warships and damaged 23 alien warships. Such a brilliant record was not made up. Don't care what Ye Han did to the Leishan, as long as This record is put out, no matter who comes, don't try to pick one out.

If you have the ability, you can also take a warship out and kill a lot of alien warships! If you don't have the ability, keep your mouth shut.

This video sprayed Ye Han for more than two minutes. It was not until the end that Huo Qiang mentioned the record of Leishan, and finally affirmed Leishan.

Well, spray first and then confirm, this order is also very meaningful!

At the end of the video, a bust of Gao Kai appeared on the screen. The smile on his face was a little gloating, but he didn't mention the video at all: "Ye Han, weren't you going to repair the propeller a while ago? How did you repair it? Like?"

The distance between Leishan and Nanzhou is not close, and there is a delay of seven or eight seconds in communication, but this delay is still within the tolerance of both parties. .

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "It's nothing, it's repairing."

Gao Kai was very curious: "How did you cultivate it? Tell me, and I will also gain experience."

Ye Han laughed: "What kind of experience did you gain? Are you planning to abandon the Nanzhou number as well?"

"Be prepared, in case I let aliens run away!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you... Where do I start?"

"Let's talk about what's wrong with the propellers first!" Gao Kai said.

"It's thermal expansion and cold contraction, the temperature of the reaction chamber is too high, the mechanical strength is not enough, the reaction chamber is bulged, and the shrinkage speed is different when the temperature is lowered, and the strength of the reaction chamber is not good... In short, it is a reaction chamber It’s not enough to be scrapped, but it’s definitely not usable anymore.”

"Do I still know it's about the reaction chamber?" Gao Kai stared dissatisfiedly, "Then how did you repair it?"

"It's still the same, tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall." Ye Han said as a matter of course.

Gao Kai looked stunned: "How do you dismantle the thruster?"

The thrusters are also modular in design, but the reaction chamber is integrally formed, let alone it can't be removed, even if it is removed, it cannot be added to other thrusters.

"That's not easy!" Ye Han said, "Take down the most damaged one, then plug the cracks and weld them to death, isn't that the end?"

"I'll go!" Gao Kai almost vomited blood, "That's how you cultivate? How can this work?"

Ye Han eloquently said: "Why can't I use it? It's amazing that the power is low, and I don't fight aliens. I just need a little motivation."

"Okay, okay, let me serve you, okay?"

Ye Han explained a few more words to himself: "It's not that I don't want to repair it well, but the ship has this condition, and there is no other means other than welding, what do you want me to do? Let me tell you, I listened to the damage control team leader and said Not only to fill the cracks, but also to plug the pits and bumps in the reaction chamber, and try to smooth out the uneven areas. It is said that not doing so will affect the propulsion efficiency and the life of the reaction chamber. I think, this thing is like a gun. It's like stuffing something in the tube."

"You can really think about it, this can make you think of it?" Gao Kai laughed, "After repairing the thruster, what else do you need to repair?"

"Nothing will be repaired." Ye Han said, "I don't have a gun now, so what's the point of repairing it? When the propellers are ready to use, I'll just turn around and fly back to Beiyuezhou, and throw the Thunder Mountain into orbit. Factory, let the orbital factory have a headache."

"That's not bad. I'll leave after you fly back to the past for a while. I guess that the two of us are the front and back feet, and the time to arrive at Beiyuezhou should be about the same... By the way, what are your plans after you go back? your teacher?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Do I have to say this? Don't you just look at the arrangement above?"

Gao Kai pierced Ye Han's disguise with a single sentence: "Hurry up, how can I still not know you? I don't believe it, you are still willing to go back to the Airborne Division to be such a broken division commander."

Ye Han smiled: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you, I'll tell you the truth, I've thought about it more than once, and you know that when there were no soldiers at the top, I was temporarily picked up as a ship. Long, I think after returning, it is more likely to return to the Airborne Division."

"Aren't you still pretending to be with me? You said to yourself that there are so many captains in the fleet that one counts as one, and whose record can be compared with you? Just go for this, and the superiors won't let you go back to the Airborne Division."

"Let me borrow your auspicious words." Ye Han said.

"Fuck, anyone can be a division commander, can you be a captain? If I say the truth, I definitely can't put you back."

"The point is that what you say doesn't count."

"But I can advise!" Gao Kai said, "Besides, the airborne division is also under the control of the fleet. Whether it is the division commander or the captain, it is our internal affairs. Don't care about it But from From the division commander to the captain is a matter of one sentence, it is not a cross-arms branch at all, it is very easy to handle."

Ye Han smiled helplessly: "It's really that simple!"

"Don't worry about this." Gao Kai took care of everything, "If you put it on others, you can't do it if you kill him, but it's different when you put it on you. You have a record here, and no one can pick it up Come out, as long as you want to stay, brother, I will definitely do it properly for you."

Ye Han smiled: "Okay, then I'm all up to you. If the boss kicks me back to the Airborne Division, I can settle the account with you."

"No problem, just take a look." Gao Kai said, "The fleet is so short of people that it is hard to come across one. How can there be any reason to let it go? The airborne division can rob the fleet even if it robs people?"

Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "That's true!"

Right now, the Space Fleet is the son of Beidu. If there is anything good, the fleet should be considered first, not to mention the coordination within the fleet. Even if it is people from other military services, if the fleet is interested, it will be adjusted as soon as possible, and no one will be able to stop it.

Looking at it this way, the chances of staying in the fleet are really not small.

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