Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1339: original goal

Gao Kai sank the transport ship on Ceres, and he could remove the lasers in the transport ship on the spot, place them directly around the transport ship, and then use the reactor on the transport ship to provide energy. In this way, it not only saves the need to dig underground space and install and debug the reactor It can also omit the airdrop process, thereby shortening the construction cycle of the super cannon by two-thirds!

After the completion of the super cannon, it is equivalent to a super insurance for Ceres. Any enemy who dares to attack must pass this level first.

At that time, only one aircraft carrier battle group will be left, which will be able to block the lingering enemy troops and completely remove the remaining three battle groups from the People's Liberation Army.

When the three battle groups attack in groups, even if they cannot prevent the gathering of alien fleets, they can at least kill some of the enemy ships, slow down the pace of the gathering of the enemy forces, and disrupt the gathering plan of the aliens...

Gao Kai's battle plan is still not separated from the fleet's active attack. The core of the plan is to actively search for fighters in guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare. Once a flaw is found, he immediately pounces on it and takes a bite.

The premise of all this is that the fleet cannot be dragged by Ceres. To do this, you must first get the super cannon out.

To implement this plan, four transport ships must be abandoned. Gao Kai felt that the possibility of the report being approved is very small, so he simply made a first move. Say it again.

As long as the battle is well fought, the enemy's intentions are successfully smashed, and Ceres is controlled again, what is the loss of a few transport ships?

After receiving Gao Kai's explanation, there were two different opinions at the top. One is that Gao Kai must be dealt with seriously. No matter what the outcome of this battle is, we must kill the chickens and warn the monkeys to avoid similar situations in the future.

Another point of view is to follow Gao Kai's ideas and see what kind of battle Gao Kai can make in this battle... Well, the military does not say that merits and demerits are equal, and merits are merits and demerits, and they should be dealt with. It is definitely impossible to escape, but if you fight this battle well, you will definitely get some rewards.

If the transports were still in the sky, the first opinion would have prevailed, but the transports had already landed on Ceres, and they were all starting to build super-cannons, and the second opinion won by a small margin.

The news came back to the Nanzhou, and Gao Kai, who escaped the catastrophe, breathed a long sigh of relief, and immediately devoted himself to the construction of the super cannon, striving for an early completion.

According to regulations, the fleet should be fully in place during the war, and no one may leave their posts. However, in order to speed up the progress, Gao Kai broke the routine and mobilized the officers and soldiers of the fleet to participate in the construction of the project.

If it weren't for the expertise needed to build a super cannon, he would have wanted to send everyone to Ceres.

In this way, Gao Kai and the officers and soldiers of the Nanzhou Fleet were on the construction site 24 hours a day. In just six days, four super cannons were placed, and they passed the test and could be put into battle at any time.

At this time, the Clone Corps and the Marine Corps were still sieging the aliens underground. According to the current progress, it would take ten days and a half months at least to clear the underground space.

After the project was over, everyone returned to the battleship, Gao Kai continued to leave the Yuzhou at Ceres, and the other three battle groups set off immediately, each choosing a direction to leave Ceres.

It is not that the aliens did not discover the anomaly on Ceres, but also discovered that humans are building super cannons on Ceres, and even have the idea of ​​​​going out and destroying the entire army, but also to stop the idea of ​​​​humanity.

But this alien fleet has retreated again and again, and it has retreated too far, and with so many human warships guarding Ceres, even if they are attacked, they may not be able to do anything to Ceres. In the end, it would be eight. Nine is not far from ten.

The alien commander made a final decision after weighing it over and over again.

Isn't it just an asteroid? Since humans like it so much, give it to them.

In this way, with a bit of luck and a bit of coincidence, Gao Kai finally controlled Ceres in his hands.

The active attack of the Nanzhou fleet attracted great attention from the aliens. They found that one of the three fleets actually rushed to the scheduled rendezvous point.

The aliens were not calm now, and immediately formulated a response plan. The original assembly point was cancelled, moved to other directions, and then ordered the alien fleet in the direction of Ceres to intercept the human fleet.

The alien fleet took action immediately, and Gao Kai was stunned to find that the enemy who had been reluctant to engage in combat actually took the initiative to come up, and the enemy ships that were rushing to gather also changed their direction. The abnormality of the enemy immediately attracted his attention.

The enemy's intentions were also quite obvious. Gao Kai and his staff had little effort to guess the enemy's thoughts.

Gao Kai couldn't help sneering: "The dog, the Japanese, come when you say run, do you really think the good things are all yours? Pass my order, let's hide too!"

In the past, it was to protect Ceres, and he had to find a chance to fight. Now that Ceres is stable, he had to fight with the aliens because of a problem with his brain. Of course, he had to be soft when looking for persimmons!

So the Nanzhou fleet accelerated and turned decisively, heading straight for the distant target.

That group of enemy troops only had a dozen warships. If they continued to sail to the rendezvous point, they would definitely collide with the Nanzhou fleet in another three to four days.

Although there is still a friendly army nearby, the strength of the friendly army is not very good. In desperation, this alien fleet is simply broken into pieces and disbanded on the spot, so as not to be annihilated by the Nanzhou fleet.

Gao Kai finally seized an opportunity, how could it be so easy to give up? He very decisively ordered the fleet to disperse, in groups of two or three warships, to pursue the enemy ships in groups of two or three.

The distance between the two sides is a little The power level is also similar, and it is not so easy to push the target. But in order to hunt down the giant ship, the International Fleet followed the giant ship for several months.

Gao Kai felt that if the Yankees could hold on for so long, could their fleet be any worse?

In this way, a time-consuming and protracted pursuit battle begins.

The same situation also happened to the other two battle groups. The battleships of both sides chased after each other in the asteroid belt, guerrilla joint attacks, scattered combinations, and staged a variety of cooperative tactics.

It is a pity that the space is open and unobstructed, the actions of both sides are under the eyes of the enemy, their tracks cannot be hidden, and no one can be shaded. No loss.

This result made Gao Kai very depressed, but then again, the Nanzhou fleet was so messed up that the aliens had to revise the assembly plan and divide the fleet that should have been assembled to deal with the scattered human battleships.

The battleships that were supposed to be assembled were not in place, and it was impossible to attack Ceres. From this perspective, Gao Kai had already completed his initial strategic goal. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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