Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1341: grilled on fire

Huo Qiang waved his hand: "Sit down."

When everyone was seated, Huo Qiang slowed down: "I understand your feelings, but I have to remind some of you that now is a global cooperation against aliens, whether we are or above, all actions are unified in this Under the main premise, as long as it is beneficial to resist aliens, let alone cooperate with the Americans, even cooperate with monsters and ghosts! Don't be so sensitive, don't be so big, don't talk about national interests and national feelings. , the country and the nation do not need you to talk about it!"

He knocked **** the table, but he forgot that this was a virtual conference room. The table and so on are just data. When he knocked like this, his fist went straight through the table, and no sound came out.

Huo Qiang was stunned, and shook his head with a smile: "Okay, this is the end of the matter, from now on, I don't want to hear any remarks that are not conducive to unity, whether you are still your soldiers, understand? "

"Understood!" Everyone stood up again.

"Sit down." Huo Qiang took a deep breath. "The second question I want to talk about is the fleet."

"We have a total of four aircraft carrier battle groups on Mars. This is a very powerful force. Together with the international fleet, we have enough strength to guard Mars, but you all know the situation on Mars. The nearest aliens are here. , beyond 1.2 AU, if the enemy wants to attack Mars, they must first fly over from the asteroid belt, unless they don't move, as long as they fly out, we can find out immediately, so the safety of Mars is still guaranteed. "

Speaking of this, Huo Qiang paused deliberately: "Do you want to ask, since Mars is safe, why do you keep so many fleets here? The reason is very simple, Mars is close to the asteroid belt and supports the Nanzhou ship. The group is more convenient and faster. Have you all understood the actions of the Nanzhou fleet? To put it differently, Gao Kai grabbed Ceres, but there are so many warships that aliens are eyeing, if the enemy really goes out of his way , and attack Ceres regardless of losses, can the Nanzhou fleet be able to defend?"

He habitually knocked on the table and raised his hands, only to realize that this is not a real conference room, smacking his lips helplessly, and put his hands back: "The situation in the asteroid belt is very dangerous, my comrades, if the South The Continental Fleet lost, not only Ceres, but 80% of Mars could not be held, so we must come up with a practical plan, and we must not let the situation in the asteroid belt collapse!"

Huo Qiang took a breath and sighed again: "According to the current construction speed, the super cannon on the satellite can be completed in a week at most, and the super cannon in the Arctic can also be completed in half a month. What about the enemy? Half a month for sure. It will not fly to Mars, so I discussed it with the above, and prepared to dismantle the fleet and split up the battle group as a unit."

"There are two plans now, one is divided into two, one battle group stays on Mars, and the three battle groups return to the asteroid belt, under the unified command of Nanzhou; the other is divided into three, one battle group stays on Mars, One battle group will return to Earth, and the other two will fly to the asteroid belt. We will have to wait for the notification above, so I will give you a reminder first, just to give you some mental preparation."

Everyone's eyes turned to Huo Qiang, and everyone's eyes were full of surprise and shock.

Not to defend Mars? Isn't it defending the Mars base? Why did you suddenly want to split up again? Or dismantle the entire fleet!

A captain frowned and said, "Commander, I have something to say."


"Let me state first, I'm not looking at anyone with tinted glasses, but I want to ask, should we just dismantle the fleet and enter the asteroid belt? What does the international fleet mean? Stay on Mars or withdraw to Earth?"

Huo Qiang glanced at him: "Of course, like us, the main force will enter the asteroid belt, leaving at most one or two battle groups."

"The international fleet has two more battle groups than us, and they also send them to asteroids?"

"Of course." Huo Qiang said, "It has nothing to do with how many battle groups they have. Are you using the rail elevator for nothing?"

Everyone suddenly realized that there are so many twists and turns hidden behind the rail elevator!

Huo Qiang glanced at the venue meaningfully for a week: "How is it? Is it more balanced?"

Several captains showed bright smiles and laughed directly at Huo Qiang.

"Look at your unpromising appearance!" Huo Qiang glared, "I'm going to tell you the ugliness ahead, the situation in the asteroid belt is not very good, and after the transfer, you may have to fight a few tough battles, you all give me a little bit of psychology. Get ready, don't go to the battlefield and don't know what's going on, if you don't know what to do, you will find experienced people for advice these days, who is that, Ye Han?"

"Here!" Ye Han instinctively stood up.

What he saw in his eyes was standing up in the conference room, but in fact he was standing up in the bridge of the Thunder Mountain. The roar was so full of anger that all the bridge officers were startled, and they all looked at the standing straight. Captain Ye Da, who was there, speculated on what the situation was.

Huo Qiang pointed at Ye Han with a smile: "You all know him, sinking Twenty-Three and wounding Twenty-Three, now is not the time to talk about qualifications, let alone show qualifications, you should be ashamed to ask, you all know how Do it?"

Commander Huo Da spoke happily, but Ye Han heard the drums in his heart.

He quickly waved his hand: "Commander, you have won the prize. This is a victory achieved by all the officers and soldiers of our ship. I really have nothing to do with it."

"Don't follow me, what are you pretending to be modest about?" Huo Qiang didn't give Ye Han a chance to clear things up. You catch up with Thunder as long as your record is half that of Thunder Mountain!"

Ye Han's mouth twitched when he heard it, and other people's faces were not very good-looking. Many people cast their provocative eyes on Ye Han, and there was an evil fire in their hearts.

Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. Everyone here is captains. Not only did Ye Han have a short promotion time, but he was also a half-way monk from a mobile infantry. Opportunity to sit in this conference room.

Let me ask, in the face of such a captain who is not a professional, and has no qualifications and qualifications, who is willing to say a word?

But he was reluctant to admit it in his heart, the record of Leishan was also there, and no one questioned Ye Han's qualifications before surpassing Leishan.

Ye Han was stared at by those malicious eyes, and she couldn't help but secretly complained, didn't this put me on the fire?

crack metal theory

Alas, it's not my fault that I dropped the subscription these days, it's also because I'm too out of shape. Although this section is planned, it's too much foreshadowing and too long-winded. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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