Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1343: Don't think so much

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He Lu pointed to the enemy-occupied area specially painted blue and said: "I won't say much about the situation in this area. What I want to emphasize is that aliens also use asteroids as nodes, and these asteroids all revolve around the sun. The speed is fast or slow, regardless of how neat it is now, in three or two years, these asteroids can fly all over the asteroid belt on their own without the need for aliens to move. Planets occupy the asteroid belt, understand?"

Luo Qi nodded heavily: "Understood."

He Lu moved his finger to the edge of the enemy-occupied area, pointed at Vesta and said, "He Lu just mentioned that it takes three and a half years to revolve once. At this speed, the revolving speed of the enemy-occupied area is faster, and its current position is the enemy's. In the rear of the occupied area, it is also said that Vesta is slowly catching up, so Vesta will be an important node for us to fight against the enemy for a long time in the future."

He pointed to Ceres again: "It's different, it turns four and a half years in a circle, Vesta is much slower, but it is a little faster than the asteroids in the enemy area, so it has already caught up from the first star field to the fourth star. No. Star Territory, another year and a half can surpass the enemy-occupied area, or surpass Jupiter, this is not difficult to understand, right?"

"It's not difficult!" Luo Qi nodded again.

"It's not difficult." He Lu pointed at Ceres, "His current position is very critical, it happens to be in the enemy's area, and it's just under the eyes of aliens, why do we grab Ceres? Isn't it because this place is the key? Put it here. A fleet, don’t move, forget about it, every move is to pierce the enemy’s belly, do you think the aliens will not feel uncomfortable? Can you think of ways to drive us away?”

"Of course not!" said Luo Qi, "otherwise, why are the aliens unwilling to take care of the International Fleet, Vesta is so far away, and there is a Ceres star in front of him, unless the alien's brain has been kicked by the donkey, it will be put aside. Ceres doesn’t matter, they will assemble a fleet of thousands of miles to chase after them and fight to the death with the international fleet.”

"Don't you understand that? Grab Ceres for the safety of the present and Vesta for the safety of the future. What else do you understand?"

"More!" Luo Qi said, "Since Ceres is so important, why do we have to grab it ourselves? It's not just our own business, right? There are so many enemy warships, what if we can't stand it? No, can't you transfer the fleet first and go back after Ceres has stabilized?"

"Also, this is also exchanged for that. Since it is an exchange of interests, you can use whatever you want. It's not difficult to change the international fleet to help, right? It's better to stab at Ceres and hide from Vesta, right?"

He Lu looked at Ye Han and whispered, "Captain, I can't stand it anymore!"

Ye Han glared at He Lu: "Fake attack, feint attack, have you forgotten? They thought Ceres was a feint attack, and it was our own idea to occupy Ceres, not our own. If the grandsons in Washington go back on their words, they would be wrong. What if we divide Ceres with us? The entire asteroid belt is such a dwarf planet!"

He still hasn't figured out what conditions Beidu used in exchange for the ownership of Ceres, but the price paid is definitely not small.

In this case, Beidu definitely hopes that Ceres is safe and does not want Washington to have any chance to touch Ceres. Based on this analysis, it is normal not to want the international fleet to be close to Ceres.

Luo Qi looked thoughtful: "So, I understand a little bit... Then if the aliens attack Vesta, shouldn't we just ignore it?"

"I don't know about this either." Ye Han said, "Let's see how we discussed it with Washington."

Luo Qi smiled bitterly: "I still don't think it's right!" He also pointed to Ceres, "How big can we block the entire fleet by placing the entire fleet on Ceres? With such a large star field, so many warships can't be bothered, and the enemy can go around at any time. Open Ceres, directly attack Mars or even Earth... Did I say something wrong?"

Before the words were finished, everyone looked at him with horrified eyes, and when Luo Qi's heart was pounding, he couldn't speak anymore.

Ye Han said: "There is such a possibility, but you think that the Nanzhou fleet has been actively provoking and jumping up and down for what? Don't you want to attract the attention of the aliens?"

"Did they succeed then?"

"Bullshit!" Ye Han was annoyed, "If it succeeds, what are we going to do?"

Luo Qi grinned embarrassedly and did not dare to speak any more.

Ye Han pointed to the star map and said, "What you think makes sense. Our actions can't be concealed from the aliens. Now let's see if Ceres can attract all the attention of the enemy..."

Halfway through the conversation, he couldn't speak anymore, no matter how he thought about it, there was something strange about it: "No... this is not right... The enemy doesn't need to stare at Ceres... What the **** is Mian thinking? Woolen cloth?"

He Lu asked tentatively, "Captain, this is really weird, do you want to report our thoughts?"

Ye Han glanced at He Lu: "Do you think that Mian doesn't know these things?"

"That's impossible!" He Lu said without hesitation, "I think, maybe this is a deliberate arrangement..."

"Then what is it for?" Ye Han racked his brains, "Mars has only one battle group... Could it be... is to use Martian as bait to lure all the enemy troops to Martian?"

"No?" Luo Qi's eyes widened, "What's the use of leading enemies to Mars? Can they all hit Mars and die?"

"What nonsense? Let me see, if Mian really uses Mars as bait, it must be to annihilate the alien fleet... Are you planning to use Mars to attract the alien fleet, let's outflank from the back?" He Lu Guessing with uncertainty Ye Han looked at He Lu in astonishment: "You mean, from the beginning, this plan was not to develop Mars, but to fish out the alien fleet?"

"I think so!" He Lu nodded heavily, "I really can't think of anything else besides this."

Luo Qi said: "Aliens can't just watch us go around, right? I really think so. When the real thing is moved, the aliens can still listen to our commands? It's strange that they don't run when they see us coming around. At that time, I really went to the earth... hum!"

"Is that something that aliens want to get on Mars?" A bridge officer offered his opinion.

"Probably not." Ye Han said, "If there is such a thing, the aliens haven't occupied Mars early, why should they stay in Jupiter all the time?"

Luo Qi said irritably: "It's not right or that's not right, otherwise, let's ask the flagship?"

"Forget it." Ye Han sighed, "If the flagship could speak, it would have squeaked a long time ago, and it hasn't moved yet, let's not think about it so much."

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