Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1357: take off the vest

The Nanzhou fleet entered the thin light range, and the battle instantly became white-hot.

The fleets of both sides opened fire with all their strength, and the fiercest battle since the war broke out at this moment. Intensive lasers and thin lights intersected, and the thin lights cut human warships, leaving deep cuts; the lasers also fell on aliens. On the battleship, either penetrated or melted; missiles shuttled left and right between the beams, approaching the alien fleet step by step.

The relative speed of the two fleets is too slow. Neither the Nanzhou fleet nor the alien fleet has enough speed to avoid the beam, and can only be carried by battleships.

Gao Kai, who witnessed this scene, really couldn't understand, where did the aliens have the courage to bear it, but they really did it, and they continued to shoot fine light at the Nanzhou fleet despite the firepower of human beings.

Both sides were suffering huge losses. In less than a minute, Gao Kai had already received reports of battle damage from more than a dozen warships. Some were turrets damaged, some were cabin breakdowns, some were equipment damage, and none of the battleships was intact. The Nanzhou had been hit by hundreds of fine lights, and there were no intact spots on the surface of the ship.

The most hateful thing is that the alien fleet forms a ring, and in order to deal with the bug machine, all the warships of the Nanzhou fleet are gathered together. Assemble.

The firepower of the Nanzhou fleet is just the opposite, and it can only fire from the center of the circle. It looks like the alien fleet surrounds the Nanzhou fleet and fights.

In fact, the Nanzhou fleet has indeed suffered huge losses, but Gao Kai can't do anything about it. He has too few warships. If they are scattered, they can cover each other if they are gathered together. Battleships have to face enemy ships in several directions, and the situation will only be worse than now.

Fortunately, this situation did not last for a long time. After more than 20 seconds, an alien battleship on the ring was suddenly wrapped in half of the dazzling light, and the strong light failed to dissipate. The alien in the other direction. The battleship was also shrouded in strong light, followed by the third and fourth ships...

In this way, in just 2.4 seconds from the explosion of the first group of strong light to the end, more than a dozen groups of strong light burst on the ring composed of alien warships, and even the beams of both sides attacked one after another. stopped in bright light.

Gao Kai let out a long sigh of relief and slid into the chair.

Nuclear bombs have never disappointed human beings, and this time it must be the same. This alien fleet is over!

At this moment, the combat staff suddenly let out an exclamation in a different tone, and then everyone else was astonished as if they saw their wife cheating.

Gao Kai immediately realized that the situation was wrong, sat up quickly, opened his eyes and saw an enemy ship emerge from the light that had just dissipated.

Gao Kai's eyeballs were so wide that they almost protruded out of their sockets because the sockets were too small - the brown alien warship seemed to be intact,

Looking in other directions, an alien warship drilled out behind almost every group of bright lights that dissipated. After counting, only two enemy ships were destroyed by missiles.

Gao Kai is not calm now, his two eyebrows are twisted together like hemp ropes, but he resists not saying a word, only aiming at the eyes of the combat staff, revealing his true thoughts in his heart.

At present, the two sides have entered the most dangerous and fierce battle, and there is no need for him to command or command. They can only continue to fight according to the current situation until one side can't bear the loss and collapse.

Gao Kai has always believed that it is impossible for his own fleet to collapse first, but his confidence was shaken when he witnessed the failure of the nuclear bomb.

Even his commander lost his confidence, so what would ordinary officers and soldiers think when they saw this scene?

Gao Kai can completely imagine that although the soldiers are sticking to their respective positions, the seeds of doubt have been planted in everyone's heart. If they cannot be channeled in time, the final result will inevitably be a plummeting morale.

Morale is invisible and intangible, but all commanders understand the difference between an army with high morale and an army with depression.

Gao Kai immediately gave a death order to the staff: "Check it out for me, you must find out the reason for me!"

No matter how strong the alien warship is, it is impossible for it to be intact in the nuclear explosion. Moreover, the laser can leave a scorch mark in the past. How can the nuclear bomb fail?

The staff members frantically went through the combat records, trying to find the reason for the abnormality, but as time passed by, no one found anything useful.

Gao Kai's eyes became more and more severe, and the light from outside the ship shone on his gloomy face, adding a bit of gloom between the bright and the dark.

The staff members were behind their backs but did not dare to say a word, so they could only continue to bury their heads in checking the records.

At this moment, the chief of staff Du Zhengxiang has become an ant on the hot pot. If it is not for fear of affecting the progress of the staff's investigation, he will have to end in person.

Even if you can't find the real reason why the alien warship resisted the nuclear bomb for a while, at least you have to find some reasonable clues, right?

Another batch of missiles hit, and after a series of strong lights flashed, they shaved their heads and failed to destroy a single enemy ship.

Gao Kai was about to hold back his anger when a staff officer suddenly raised his hand: "I found it!"

"Quick, show it to me!" Du Zhengxiang took over immediately, took a quick glance and then quickly transferred it to Gao Kai, "Commander, the situation is clear."

"What's the matter?" Gao Kai almost jumped up.

Du Zhengxiang immediately sent the video to Gao Kai, Gao Kai opened it and immediately put his heart back in his stomach.

The video is very short, only a few seconds, and the staff has taken screenshots of the most critical shots and sent them to Gao Kai.

The first picture is that the missile is about to hit the enemy ship; the second picture is that the armor of the enemy ship's bow suddenly detaches; the third picture is that the detached armor hits the missile; and finally the missile explodes in front of the enemy ship~www.readwn .com~ Gao Kai sent the video to Du Zhengxiang again: "Send it to all departments immediately, and make sure everyone understands the situation... Yes, where did this video come from?"

The Nanzhou ships are together in a cluster, and the viewing angles of the ships are quite different, and the alien warships have their bows facing the Nanzhou fleet, so there is no angle to observe this situation, but the shooting angle of this video is obviously not the Nanzhou ship. Qun, otherwise, why would the staff members look at it for so long?

Du Zhengxiang said: "This is the guidance screen of the missile."

Gao Kai raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It's a good brain, they can figure it out!"

Du Zhengxiang smiled bitterly: "It's also forced, they looked through the records of each ship, but couldn't find anything useful, there was no way, they could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but I didn't expect to find it.

Gao Kai nodded: "Yes, remember this, don't forget to remind me when you go back... Order the ships to continue to fire, I'd like to see how many layers of vests the dog has!" Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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